Saturday, September 19, 2009

The weekend

Robin, I really like your zombie, I think that your looks better than the other one. I really am impressed, good job. That is really neat. That is really cool that you get to do things like that. That really fun. Well Lagoon was fun. We had a good time. Casey won that huge frog and that was neat. I have never won anything that big. I am getting old and I can't handle the roller coasters as well as I used to. So we rode the sky thing a bunch in between rides. I am scarred to go on the rocket since someone legs got cut off, and we didn't go on the mouse because Casey cousin lost a kidney on that ride. Their were hardly any people their so we didn't have to wait in any lines. It was really nice, we had a good time. Today we mowed the lawn and cleaned the house. Then we went to Logan to see the Informant and go grocery shopping. I like the Informant. It is based off of a true story, it was pretty good. We have had a nice weekend. I like your Zombie, that is awesome. I am impressed.


Well today was pretty chill which was nice. I did laundry then the girls from my class got together. They were going to go clubbing so they meet at a place for pre drinks then left. I went to the house but they didn't leave till 11 so I left and didn't go to the club. I have early church and didn't want to stay out to late. I had fun though it was nice to just talk, especially after such a dramatic week. well thats all for me. love ya


Friday, September 18, 2009

zombie part l

So me and another girl did a practice run on applying a foam face it was fun. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Some of my edges you could see up close but most of that comes with practice and it was my first time. I posted pictures so you could see. One was a scary photo but the flash took out most of the detail. The greyish one is me , its the one that the other girl did. Once you use the appliance once its no good so I have 3 masks made. One to practice, one for the photo shoot, and one for the music video. The one for my photo shoot I made lighter so it will match with the skin better. Tuesday and thursday are my photo shoots and friday is the last day of prosthetics. Well I hope rachel has fun at lagoon. and everyone has a great weekend. I'm going to institute tonight and relaxing. :) love ya

Thursday, September 17, 2009

sewing night

I got my back done for my quilt I made awhile back so I am going to take it in and get in quilted. I also worked on my bag. We watched the Changling with Angelina Jolie and I got hooked on that so sewing went a little slow. It was a better show than I thought it would be. Drama can drain you Robin. Vicki's at work's husband is dying of cancer and it really is hard to watch. It can be draining and hard to focus on the right things. Can you use the same Zombie for two things or do you have to make another one? Drive Careful Karen. I'll see you tomorrow. LOVE MOM

Almost Friday

Well I went to an enrichment activity and got all but 7 of my blood pressures done. It was on the color person thing so I already knew most of the stuff. Work was pretty good. I am going in early tomorrow so i can leave early. I still have to pack so I am going to have to go keep this short. I hope that you have a good time at Lagoon Rachel! Ride the colossus an extra time for me. Well I better go Love ya guys


So it was ok at school today. everyone in my class just keeps talking about the same thing over and over and over. Its starting to get old. but there was a girl at school that is doing a music video and they want zombies so I told her I would do it with her. So my zombie will be in a music video also. I've been trying to practice applying gelatin molds for my cuts and stuff so I can get better at it. the hardest part is hiding the edge so it becomes part of the skin. I brought my stuff home so I can make some here. all you need is a microwave to heat up the gelatin. I'm pretty beat though i'll see how far I get. :) well thats all with me. I'm tired i think i'm going to take a nap and relax. Its amazing how drama can drain you. 12 more weeks.
love robin

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

lazy night

I was tired tonight so I just rested all night. I know what a lazy lump but it felt nice. I am sorry about your class. That is just over reacting to a mom. They have to keep parents happy because they pay the bill. I am going to SLC on Friday to hang with Karen. That will be fun. It is so pretty outside. I love fall time. LOVE MOM

Count down to Lagoon

The most exciting thing happening in my life right now is Lagoon, I am excited to go. I know that is sad. I went visiting teaching tonight and it was fun. It always good to talk with people, I have a fun time. Helen gave me some more corn tonight for Mom, so I will bring it down tomorrow. Domino's Pizza you can order things online, I ordered a pizza last week like that and today I got a email about their sandwiches and they looked really good. So today I ordered one online and it was ready for me to pick up on my lunch. It was really good and fun to order online. That was the highlight of my day.

That sucks

Robin, that sucks about your class. It sounds like they are trying to create bad feelings in your class. My day has been good. We got out of class early and i am excited because I am tried today. Work was good I was pretty busy all day so that was nice. I got my test done yesterday and my computer reported that I got an 86 on the test. Tonight at class she said that she had an answer marked wrong so I actually got an 88. Yeah! Well the week of half over so that is good. I am going up north to take a CPR class on Saturday so it is going to be another busy weekend. Well I have a good one.


So today when school started the head of the school came in to have a "talk". I guess our class hates each other and there is a negative dynamic. It was interesting to hear since we all get along. Everyone in our class is now super mad because she basically tried to turn all of us against each other. There is a girl that hasn't been coming to class and has failed prosthetics and I guess her mother called in to say she felt left out and had no friends. so now its our fault she is failing and going to the bars every night to get hammered. Then she pulled one girl to the side and said she was talented but a bad apple and was causing everyone to be negative in class and that she had a bad working ethic. So needless to say the girl was worked up and in tears most of the day. So its been a interesting day to say the least. I bought tim bits for everyone to have some positive but it will be an interesting few days to come. So that is the drama in our class. I brought my head piece i made for maleficent and everyone loved it. The girl loves the choker mom bought. I think she is going to have me wear it to in her photo shoot. well have a great night.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Lost Symbol

I had a Good day. Me and Mom meet for lunch and I gave my double wedding ring quilt to the Red Rooster to be quilted. We are going to take Mom's quilt in Friday and I have a a tree skirt that I want to have done. I sewed the back together tonight. Dan Brown released a new book today, "The Lost Symbol". I had it delivered to my Kindle today. It was pretty fun. My phone wouldn't hold a charge and it was getting frustrating. So I went in to buy a new battery but since I was still in the manufacturing warranty it was free. It works a lot better now. I went over after work to help Helen with her corn. She cut the corn off the cob and then we put them in bags to freeze. She gave me 6 bags, I have a lot of corn. I had it for dinner and it was good. I am going visiting teaching tomorrow and then Thursday me and Mom are going to sew, then Friday is LAGOON DAY, I am excited. It will be fun. It will be a good week.


I went Visiting Teaching tonight and then went and voted and then went to Sam's Club with Linda Allred. I didn't get home until 8:00 tonight. It was fun but now I have a lot to do. I think I have a urinary track infection. Sure I was suppose to go for a checkup today and I canceled it and then I start feeling sick. I guess that serves me right. I got cranberry juice that is suppose to help so hopefully I will feel better in the morning or I'll go to the doctor and get an antibotic. Dad made it safe and sound in SLC and I went to lunch with Rachel and she turned her quilt in to get quilted. It will be beautiful. I think it will be a fair quilt. Well I am glad Karen got her test done and passed and good luck Robin with your Zombie. I am so excited to see it. It will be way cool. I was going to say way cute but I don't think that will be the case. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Mom I am jealous of your nap. i need one of those. Well It was really nice down here today. It was nice and cool all day. I think that there should be a rule against working and pretty days like these. It is just wrong to be stuck in side. I hope that you get all your stuff done Robin. Work was pretty good today. I hope that tomorrow picks up a little though. At least it is Wednesday tomorrow so the week is half over. Well I better go. Have a great night


well today was long. We learned how to apply the foam latex to our faces. It was an all day thing, it wouldn't have been to bad if some people in my class didn't complain about every little thing. I got frustrated so I just listened to my music for the rest of the day. I think I need a pepsi. other then that life is good. I started to paint my zombie face so that is fun. We have two faces to paint so I practiced on one. I didn't get a chance to make more gelatin scars but hopefully this week I will be able to. I hope your tests go well karen. I'm glad everyone is doing good. I love your quilt block rachel. and I'm glad your couches are comfy i'm excited to come home and take a nap on them .... mmmmm sleep. :)

love robin

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday, Monday

Today went pretty good for me. Work was good I got a lot done and then we just had a quiet night tonight. I did get all the tomatoes in a pot and am cooking them for stewed tomatoes. That is a good canning night. I didn't get all the laundry done so I am going to have to finish up tomorrow night. I fell asleep watching a movie. The new couches sure are comfy and no neck pain. YEAH. Love the quilt Rachel. LOVE MOM


My day was pretty good. We got out of class early so that was nice. I still need a nap. We learned how to do initial assessments in class. I have to go and take a test sometime this week. My first test I got and 86 on , so I hope I do as good or better on this one. Work was kind of slow so I hope that it picks up soon. I like your quilt Rachel it looks really pretty. Your quilts are always so cute. Well Robin I hope your stuff works good tomorrow. Some days things just work better than others. Well have a good one.

Poor Taylor

I am with Robin, it was a big entertainment day. I felt so bad for Taylor Swift. She looked like she was going to cry, stupid Kayne West. I almost cried when Beyonce invited her back up to finish her speech. I had a really busy day. Their must of been something in the air. Casey got to go to Skull Valley today and I was jealous. He didn't see Dugway but he was close. I spent some time with the goats when I got home and then I have been sewing. I got some blocks done. Here is a picture of four of my blocks. I think that it is turning out good and is fun to do.

Yesterday we pulled up the bean plants because they were done, we feed them to the goats and they loved them. Here is a picture of them

Well everyone have a good night. Love Ya

what a day for entertainment

Well did you hear that Patrick swayze died. and that Kayne west made a fool of himself at the VMA's during taylor swifts award talk. Its crazy but its good entertainment for me. Well today at school was hectic. I was making gelatin to cast more scars and noses and none of my batches were working. So I have a whole container of bad stuff. Luckly by the end of the day I got my act in gear and made a couple good batches. So hopefully tomorrow I can practice applying them so it looks seamless. I'm also going to practice painting my zombie. I hope it turns out. We have an extra face to practice on so that is nice. well I guess I better run. have a great one.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nice Day

Casey and Rachel helped us pick the backyard WOW. I did 3 batches of blackberry jam and two batches of peach jam and drying peaches. They were a little to old to can. Next tree I'll keep better track of them. It was a nice day. Seemed like a normal day and that was nice. Robin I think you know what direction you want even before you went up there. I think you are on the right track but it is nice to experience everything. It will help no matter which direction you go. Way to go Karen on the ironing. I bet you looked beautiful. Did everyone love the new hair? Well have a grat week. LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. Church was good. It is rather hot today though and it looks like it might rain so it is humid. I think that I need another weekend this one was too busy. I did use my new iron to iron my skirt before church. Wow I know! Well I hope that everyone has a great week.


I'm sorry to hear grandpa isn't doing well. I'm glad that everyone else is doing well. I wish I could go to lagoon day . Have a good time anyway. Well today was the last day of the show. I'm glad thats over. I have found my new pet peeve. stage mothers. There was a little flower girl and the mother was hard to work with. I think I will do fashion things for experience but its not my niche at all. I'm like getting my hands dirty in plaster and clay. well thats about it for me. I'm ready for a long nap and then maybe wake up for a bit to get ready for bed. :) jk. Well have a great sunday



Sorry I forgot to blog yesterday. We had a good day. I am glad that Karen had a good birthday. I thought of you all day. I am glad that Dad likes the couches. I really liked them. I am excited that they came. I am excited to see them in your house. That sounds like a busy weekend Robin and fun. That is exciting that you get to do those things. Yesterday we went to Preston for lunch and we saw Casey's aunts and Grandma Anderson. They like Big J's in Preston so they go and have lunch. It was good to see them. We did yard work yesterday. Casey fixed a lot of things around the house that needed to be fixed. The weekends go too fast. I am glad that everyone is doing good. Next Friday is Lagoon Day!!


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...