Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Lost Symbol

I had a Good day. Me and Mom meet for lunch and I gave my double wedding ring quilt to the Red Rooster to be quilted. We are going to take Mom's quilt in Friday and I have a a tree skirt that I want to have done. I sewed the back together tonight. Dan Brown released a new book today, "The Lost Symbol". I had it delivered to my Kindle today. It was pretty fun. My phone wouldn't hold a charge and it was getting frustrating. So I went in to buy a new battery but since I was still in the manufacturing warranty it was free. It works a lot better now. I went over after work to help Helen with her corn. She cut the corn off the cob and then we put them in bags to freeze. She gave me 6 bags, I have a lot of corn. I had it for dinner and it was good. I am going visiting teaching tomorrow and then Thursday me and Mom are going to sew, then Friday is LAGOON DAY, I am excited. It will be fun. It will be a good week.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...