Saturday, March 5, 2011


well today I woke up and felt lousy so I stayed home and slept through office re-runs. It was nice to rest but it was sucky to feel crappy. Tomorrow I have a photoshoot at 2 hopefully I will be home around 7ish maybe?? but anywho have a great one


Home again

We made it home safe and sound. It was nice in Logan. Not too much to report. We are having steaks and baked potoatos for dinner. If you decidenot to come I will bring some down to you. Robin is still bad. It is a bad cold going around. I am glad that Casey's dad came down. Isaac has been changing so much lately. Have a good day


Well i had a good Saturday. I haven't done too much, but it has been really nice to have a Saturday without a lot of stuff to do. It was really pretty here today. It did get a little cloudy in the afternoon though. I am glad that you are feeling better Robin. i am feeling much better so there is an end in sight. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

Nothing much going on

We had a good day. Casey's bike class was cancled so we didn't go to Logan. Casey's dad came down and visited us. It was fun to see him and Collin. I think that Isaac has a little bit of a cold, he is kind of stuffy. Mom we are planning to come over for dinner tomorrow so we will see you tomorrow night, thanks.

Friday, March 4, 2011

back from the dead

Sorry I haven't blogged in a bit. the cold kinda kicked my butt. But I am feeling better that is for sure I just sound like death. My job is going well. Its nothing to crazy but it will be a good paycheck. Everyone there is really nice and welcoming. Today was nice because it was friday so everyone was excited to have a weekend. I went on a date tonight, we were going to go to a play but we ended up going to dinner instead. It was nice. I had a movie shoot tomorrow but it got canceled like everyone elses plans. so I am going to sleep in a chillax. I have a photoshoot on sunday but it won't be to strenuous.well have a fantastic saturday


Safe and sound in Logan

It turned out to be a strange night but we made it safe and sound to Logan. James was ill so we didn't have dinner with them and then dad worked late so we didn't leave until 8:30 but we are now in Logan and ready for Saturday. Karen I am glad you had a good pizza. I just love their pizza they have one of those pizza factories in SLC and we ate there the other night. It is good. I am not sure if Rachel is coming to Logan or not. The bike class got canceled. Grandma is having a hard time with everything not working out but we bought her a rootbeer float on the way up to Logan so that made her happy. LOVE MOM


Well I made it to the weekend. Works was good. I decided that I didn't want to cook so I ordered pizza for dinner. It tasted really good. I love not cooking. Robin, I hope that you are feeling better. How are you liking your new job? Or should I wait until you get your first paycheck to ask? I hope that mom and Rachel have a good day tomorrow in Logan. I also hope that it doesn't snow on your. Have a good one bye

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fun night

We had a fun night. Thanks Grandma and Mom for the fun time. I think this weekend we are going to Logan. We haven't really traveled much so I hope it goes well. I finished the binding on my quilt yesterday, I am going to work the sea urchin quilt again.


It was a fun night tonight. I took Rachel and Grandma to Sizzler and then we went to Fred Myers. It was nice. Isaac just loves looking around. He is just amazed at all the things around. He likes to sit up and just look around. No laying around for him. We are going to Logan tomorrow after we take James to dinner for his birthday. Casey has a bike class on Saturday so they are coming up and visiting us on Saturday. It should be fun. I am so glad it is friday tomorrow.



Well I broke down and bought cookies at Walmart tonight. The ones mom brought down with here were good so i have been craving them. Tonight I just couldn't ake it any more so i went and bought some. It is really windy here right now. i thought it was going to rain this morning but no luck. April 10th sounds good Rachel. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Yeah for the weekend. I hope that you all have a great weekend.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


We talked with the Bishop tonight and we are going to bless Isaac on April 10 at one in SLC. It will be good. I don't have much else going on. I am not sure about sewing. Do you think Robin is contagious? I will email Mom tomorrow and we can work it out.

So far so good

Well no one else has the cold so if you want to sew we can. It is up to you Rachel. Tonight was a good night. I did laundry and ironed and watched Mega Man and made spagetti for dinner. It felt nice just to get some stuff done. I really need to focus on taxes now. I have been slacking big time. I did buy a shredder so that was a good step to do taxes with. We are going to Logan this weekend. I am going regardless of dad's schedule because I have a ton of meds I need to pick up. Have a great night.



Well today was good. I worked and then came home and rested. Hopefully I can kick the cold soon. Tomorrow I have a photoshoot afterwork so I am going to run run run. well nothing else to exciting have a great day

Keep it to yourself

Sorry Robin I tried not to share. It lasts for about a week, but cough medication helps a tons. I am glad that the week is half over. I still need to catch up on my sleep so i am ready for the weekend. It was cloudy here this morning, but by 3 it was sunny out. There is a chance of rain here tomorrow, but I am not expecting it. It is only a 20% chance so I figure I will be good. SO it will probably pour. Well have a great one. BYE

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Its nice outside

Casey worked really late last night, so he slept in this morning. So we were able to go to lunch together. We walked over to the waffle place. It was so nice outside, it was fun. Casey worked tonight also. I was able to get my binding on the quilt so now I just have to hand sew it. I am sorry you are sick Robin. I hate starting a new job sick.

sharing is caring

Ya I have karens cold. hopefully its a quick one. well today I worked and then went out to park city. It was a nice day. well going to keep this short I'm kinda sleepy. Hope everyone has a great wensday :)


Back to normal?

I made it back to work today. I was tired but it was nice to get back to work and a routine. I am going to sleep good today. I love the pictures Rachel. He is so cute. I took Grandma to the Walmart in Park City. I know I live on the wild side. It was fun to just do something different. Robin caught your cold Karen. I hope I am not next. Sewing night may have to be post poned. See if the cold spreads to other people. Have a great Wednesday LOVE MOM


Well things are going good here. I was tired today though. Work was good. I stayed busy all day which was nice because it made the time go by faster. I hope that things are going good for all you Salt Lake folks. Thanks for the link for that website Rachel it looks like it will be a nice one. Have a great week. BYE

Monday, February 28, 2011

manic monday

well today was crazy. I started me new job and then i drove to kaysville for a photoshoot. I think he might post the picts on facebook. I'm glad the aquarium was fun. I like your photos rachel I think they are fun. I'm sorry your still sick karen I hope you feel better soon. well I am going to head for bed I'm beat


I need photo classes

I hope that you get feeling better Karen, I hate being sick. It is alright to call in if you dont feel good also. Just take it easy. We had a really nice day. It fun was to spend it with Mom and Grandma. I took some pictures but they didn't turn out great but I am going to share them anyway.

Here is Mom with Isaac.

From Pictures

Here they are looking at the fish.
From Pictures

Here is a turtle.
From Pictures

Isaac was enthralled.
From Pictures

The other day Casey put on the Price is Right on his computer and Isaac watched the whole thing. It was really funny. Here is a picture.
From Pictures

Mom bought Isaac Elmo the other day and he loves it, here he is eating it.
From Pictures

and here they are together.
From Pictures

Oh what a night

I had a nice day off. The aquariam was good. Isaac stared at the fish. He seemed to be intriqued. We took Grandma to Chili's for lunch and then we came back home. I did some laundry and one of the washers got my coin stuck in it so I had to move it all to another washer. It was the busiest I have ever seen the washing machines. Monday is not a good laundry day. Dad called saying we needed to bring in some food so I went and got pizzas and we went over there for a while and then Rachel stayed and watched a movie with us. It was nice to have company. Don't stress about the taxes Karen. I haven't even started mine yet. It will be a while before they get done. Dad is still at work. The machine they were taking to New York blew up today. It had been wired wrong.



Well I forgot to give mom my taxes stuff. Opps! I will send it up to you. Sorry if this throws the taxes getting done schedule off. I was tired today. It was hard to make it thru the day, but I did it. I also made spaghetti for dinner. It turned out good. I hope that Robin had a good first day at work. I also hope that mom and Rachel had a good time at the aquarium. Have a great day everyone. BYE

Sunday, February 27, 2011

home again home again

We made it home safe and sound. Robin was amazing and drove the whole way home. It was nice just to watch the scenery go by. Thanks Robin and Karen for the fun weekend. I enjoyed my vacation. It was a lot of fun. We seemed just to fly by. We will have to do that again. I am not going to work tomorrow. Laundry and the aquarium is on the menu for me.



Thanks for coming down, mom and Robin. I had a really fun weekend. Today was good. thanks for going to church with me mom. It was nice having you there. After I took a nap and that was really nice also. I am glad that you all got back to SLC safely. Good luck with your new job tomorrow Robin. Have a great week everyone.

Blue line

I am glad that everyone made it home safe. We had a good day. I tried to go to church but no one was there, I either got the wrong time or they had stake conference. Casey only worked for a couple hours. I was nice to have a day home with him. I started to use the box of pampers diapers and they have the blue line that tells you when they are wet, it is so nice. I like it. That was the excitment of my day. I am excited for tomorrow it will be fun. Good luck at your job Robin.


we went to the og yesterday to :)it was tasty we made it home safe and sound nothing crazy. It was fun in we had a good time. I was nice to get out although it wasn't very warm. well tomorrow I start my new job. hopefully it turns out to be good. Then at night I have a photoshoot so tomorrow will be busy. well Have a great week



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...