Saturday, June 4, 2022


 I just wanted to say thanks again everyone for all the help today. Couldn't have done it without you. 

Friday, June 3, 2022


 Every one made it safe and sound to kamas. We came up and cleaned out the pond and Got rid of some weeds. Robin Luna is a doll. Drive safe tomorrow. Hopefully the mower has been doing good. Love mom


Today was good. I'm glad it was Friday. Nothing to wild we went out for dinner and then just watched frozen to keep Luna from going to bed too early.


Thursday, June 2, 2022


 I worked a little late tonight and then we had a check for an overpayment on medical for 50 dollars so we went and cashed that. We decided to watch fantastic beasts and watch the series and see if Dumbledore will make more sense. I am so glad your mower works. That is amazing what technology will do. Rachel I can't believe they are out of school and Ruth will go full time. There are tears in my eyes. Drive safe tomorrow. Karen good luck with your eyes tomorrow. I think I am going to drive home and pick dad up and then we will come to kamas. Might not make dinner but will for sure make it for.milkshakes. love mom


 Today was the last day of school.  They had fun and have mixed emotions about school ending.  Ruth wanted to go to the dollar store for our last morning together.  We did that and it was fun.  She was so cute.  We walked to pick up Oliver and she talked and talk.  Then she said I just love talking.  It was funny.  Oliver wasn't happy we walked but it was such a pretty day.  Isaac has been playing the violin and I have been playing the piano so Ruth wanted to learn how to play.  So we started lessons today.  She did really well.  Isaac had a birthday party and walked to it with his friends.  He had a fun time.  We got the water slide and pool out.  Isaac was underwhelmed with it but they played with it for a while.  We have been trying not to eat meat.  I have been making tofu alot and tonight I used it for taco meat.  Isaac was so upset about it tonight for some reason.  He felt I was forcing him to be vegan.  I had a primary meeting tonight about the summer party.  We got it all laid out and it is a lot like last year.  It was so fun last year we decided to stick with what works.  We are headed to Kamas tomorrow but it will be late.  Thanks for having us.

Love Rachel


 I got up and did my allergy shot this morning. My arm is sore now. Work was good. I have just been reviewing bill of materials so nothing too exciting. I have tomorrow off for my eye doctor appointment. Robin I am glad your lawn mower is working. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


I keep forgetting. I am planning on doing Luna birthday June 25th at 12 and we are still debating on grilling burgers and hamburgers or smoking a pork shoulder. But there will be food :) other than that work went well. They had a swag sell and it took 2 hours to get through the line. It was wild. I got a mug and a backpack so that was fun. Then we got our robo mower working it's mowing the lawn now.its awesome. 


Wednesday, June 1, 2022


 Work was good. Just same old same old. I came home and just vegged. We did buy Dumbledore the movie. I thing we missed a movie somewhere because I was confused. Not much else going on with us. Robin try one of those pouch applesauces for Luna. She can suck on them in the car in the way to work. I hope she slept better. I should have gotten some of that cream of wheat. Karen I am glad they fixed your car. Rachel I am glad you got violin lessons for isaac. Love mom


 Robin, you should try using sippy cups.  It is a good way to transition away from a bottle.  I stopped bottles when they are a year old and she is almost there.  It is hard because she doesn't have any teeth yet.  I am glad you car is fixed Karen.  I woke up early and couldn't fall back to sleep.  I did walk this morning which was good.  I finished a book called Mythos and I loved it.  It was Greek mythology which I like.  Ruth's last day was today and they had all the kindergarten go in the morning and I helped her class all morning.  It was a disaster.  The substitute was not very organized.  Some of the kids had a hard time with it and we're crying and being crazy.  They had field day and we split up into groups.  But the kids were crying so she hurried us outside and it wasn't clear where the stations were.  Then they have all the kids get a creamy together and then split up again.  They also did it out where the older kids were having recess so it was so hard to keep track of everyone.  We eventually abandoned field day and just let the kids play on the playground.  The kids all got to meet their new teachers and I should be good.  Me and Ruth ran errands and school.  I had to get stuff for primary and it feels nice to have that done.  Cher next door gave Ruth some Barbies and horses that were her kids.  Ruth played with them all afternoon.  Oliver had a birthday party and he was so excited.  They hired a nerd gun company and played nerf games. Oliver had a fun time.  Isaac is super happy this week and hung up his clothes and helped me make dinner.  Tomorrow is the boys last day and it is a half a day.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


Today was good we did a tour of a boxing plant then they took us to capprottis it was good. Luna is wild she doesn't love her bottle anymore so this morning I was running late so she could eat a fruit bar. She has to feed herself so it takes forever. Then Jeramy worked late so we just had a slow night


 Things are going good here in Kamas. Work is still moving along. Just working on my to do list. Then I went to the store after work and got hamburger to make ramen casserole. It tasted good. Dad got my car fixed. My spark plugs needed to be replaced. Thanks again for taking it in mom and dad. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 It was good at work today.  I am getting caught back up and that feels nice.  I don't think I will every be totally caught up but I have some control.  I worked a little late and then made Ramon noodle casserole.  Karen said she was going to make some and it sounded so good.  Rachel, I love the picture of the kids in the truck that is cute  Your tree house looks amazing.  Way to go.  Robin, I am sorry that Luna didn't sleep well.  I hope she isn't getting sick.  Teeth are the worst. Let her chew on cold things.  I wonder if she would like otter pops.  Karen, I am glad you day went well.  I am excited to come up this weekend and take down your swing.  Isaac said it really need to come down.  Nothing else to report on my end.  Have a wonderful Wednesday.  I love short weeks.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was good.  This morning me and Ruth did her Lego she got from Teri.  Then we went grocery shopping.  Me and Casey met for lunch since it is the last time we could before summer break.  We had fun.  I had a dentist appointment to clean my teeth.  I was so stressed about going and emotional about it but it was fine.  My gums were even a bit better.  Oliver and Ruth had a playdate.  Me and Isaac made some brownie peanut butter bars.  He was really happy today.  Casey went to the dump this morning and when he came home he was driving around the backyard to get the rest of the sticks.  The kids were driving with him.  Then a huge thunderstorm came and it downpoured.  We even had hail.  Tomorrow is Ruth's last day.  I am helping in her class all day.  She is going in the morning and having a field day.  She is super excited.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


Luna had a rough night last night. She woke up at 2:30 and would wake up the second I put her down. I finally got her to sleep in a booby in our bed but she would wake up and make sure I was close. So I didn't sleep great. I don't think she's feeling great because of her teeth. Work went by and then we just took it easy at night. She just wanted me to hold her so not much got done


 My day was good. I was tired this morning but I made it through the morning and it was better in the afternoon. Work was just the usual. I had meetings most of the morning and then worked on my to do list the rest of the day.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, May 30, 2022

more pictures



 Here are some pictures that dad took.  


Jeramy had to work today so mom and dad came down and we took Luna swimming. She loves it. Then we went to lunch and mom and dad bought her a high chair. After they left Luna was tired but wouldn't sleep. So we drove around and got ice cream. It work and she fell asleep so we all got a 3 hour nap. It was awesome. 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...