Friday, September 21, 2018


Robin, all the bosses that I have loved were kind and generous and taught me so I could learn and grow.  They have it all wrong.  Robin was right last night it is a PMS week for sure.  Hayley lost it around noon time and was crying.  I thought she would stop and come for lunch but when I came back she was hysterical.  I took her in an office and let her cry it out and then her friend called and I said to tell her to come and get her and take her home.  My afternoon was a lot nicer after that.  Drama Drama.  I went grocery shopping as well and that was nice. I will see everyone around lunch.  Dad has to work in the morning but I will be around.  I am so glad that Casey is feeling better.  Everyone drive safe.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I am glad it is the weekend. Robin don't let them change into a miserable person. Just because you are nice doesn't mean that you can't be a good manager. After work i went grocery shopping and got gas in my car. It is nice having food in my house again. I will be down about lunch also. I am excited. Have a good one bye


I am sorry Robin.  They are not creating a good work environment and you can do better.  You are amazing.  Today I worked out, on Friday they do yoga and it is so hard.  I have no balance.  I took Leona grocery shopping.  It was good to see her, we haven't visited with Casey being sick.  We were just in time to have lunch with Isaac but Oliver didn't want to go so we went to the cheese factory and got some chocolate milk and he loved that.  We went to the library after we picked up Isaac.  I told them we lost the book and we can just pay for it but they wanted a check or cash so I am going to do it another day.  We just stayed home and relaxed this evening.  Casey is feeling better so that is good, he slept better last night.  We will be down tomorrow by lunch time.  I am excited for the comedian also, it will be fun.


Isaac did magic today and might bring it with us tomorrow.


I'm so glad friday is over. I was in a bad mood today. My bosses pulled me in and we had a pow wow. I guess they are lighting the lily leaving fire again. In 2-3 years I might get promoted. I'm not sure if it was my mood but it kinda got under my skin. I feel like their promotion is entry level at another business. And they keep telling me I'm too nice and helpful and I need to change my mind set or people won't take me serious. I just don't want to be trained to be a miserable person so I can stay at a dead end job forever. Any ways they did most the talking and told think about it. So I'm going to cool my jets and think about it. Maybe I'll get over it. I'm excited to see Ryan Hamilton tomorrow. Should be a lot of fun :)

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Today was good. I went out for dinner with mom and the crew. Mom got me some really cute bathroom things. So I think I'm all set. Not much else on my end have a good friday see you all on Saturday.



It was a good day at work busy but not stressful.  I walked a ton and was tired by the end of the day.  I took trax to Valley Fair Mall (dad came home early) and met up with Kay and Jeff and Robin.  Julie was sick and didn't make it.  We went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and got Robin some new stuff for her new bathroom.  It was really pretty.  I came home and just vegged afterwards.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday.  I hope it is a quiet day.  I am excited to play this weekend.  I think I am going to make the Dorito taco salad for dinner and then go out for lunch on Saturday.  Does that sound OK?  LOVE MOM


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. Work is still moving along. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I got an email today saying they are sending me 4 Josh Groban CD's since we bought 4 concert tickets.  So nobody buy his new cd because we have them coming which is exciting.  Casey didn't sleep last night so he went in late for work.  Thursdays are nice because we can go slower not working out.  Oliver had school and he had a fun time.  We went on a walk while he was gone.  This afternoon we played playdough and the kids love that.  Imogen came over and played until dinner time.  We just had a quiet night at home.  The boys played flight simulator and Ruthie watched a show.  I have been working on my sampler quilt and I have 6 blocks done.  I love it so much and have had fun working on it.  Love you guys.


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Quiet Day

It was a lot quieter day and that was nice.  Dad had to stay a little late at work so I worked on my class.  That felt nice.  We stopped and got drugs after work and then went to firehouse subs for dinner.  I just vegged the rest of the night.  I am excited to play this weekend.  We can go somewhere fun for lunch.  The detector is working again so they are taking it to Las Vegas this weekend to test it.  Not dad but some other people.  Have a wonderful Thursday.  I hope Casey gets feeling better.  LOVE MOM


That will be fun to meet up Saturday for lunch.  We will leave Saturday morning be down and we will have a fun time.  Today was a nice day.  I worked out this morning and it felt better, my legs have been so sore.  Oliver had school and he is loving it.  I picked him up and then went to a lady down the streets house.  She cooked lunch for a couple of lady's in the neighborhood.  It was really nice and fun to talk to everyone.   It was a nice afternoon.  Casey came home early because he wasn't feeling well still and took a nap.  We just had a relaxing evening and went slow.  Isaac read his book a lot which is good.  Casey was stung of the foot by a wasp so he spent the rest of the night killing all the wasps he could find.  I was in my sewing room and I feel like I can't see anything.  So I noticed that two light bulbs were burned out so Casey went and got some new ones and it is so nice in their now.  I can see so much better.



Today was good. We had an activity at work and watched maleficent. It was ok not my favorite movie. But it was better than working. I can meet up tomorrow and Saturday morning mom. I worked on the bags for the girl at work. I have one done and 2 more to go. Have a good one



Thungs are good here. It was smoky this afternoon.  I miss non smoky air. Work was busy so I stayed a little late to get caught up a bit. I am good to meet for lunch on Saturday, mom. That will be fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Crazy day

The day started out so well and then by noon I was stressed.  It just gets crazy sometimes but I got it all straightened out.  I came home and we ordered pizza for dinner.  It sounded better than it tasted.  Go figure.  I did work on my project a little bit and that felt better.  I will be glad when that class is done.  It has been stressful.  Rachel, I am excited for you to have the house.  Robin we are meeting the Gumm gang at Red Robin at Valley Fair Mall on Thursday night.  If you want to come we could shop afterwards.  Everyone have a great Wednesday.  So should we meet for lunch on Saturday?  That would be fun and we could goof around.  Let me know if that works.  Love you all MOM

Mouse in the house

Congrats on the house rachel. To celebrate I'll come up next week and haunt your house. Lol who would of thought  you bought a house that's  really boo's mansion. Today was good. I was not focused at all. I had a hard time working. But I made it out alive and took a nap to celebrate. Have a good night



Congrats on the house closing that is exciting. My day was good. It is getting smoky here again. I miss clear air. Oh well the fires will go out eventually. Work is going good. I had meetings all morning but it wasn't as crazy today so that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


The bank emailed today and we are going to close on the house next Tuesday so that will be exciting.  Mom I was thinking after I talked with you and I think that we will come down Saturday morning instead of Friday and still spend Saturday night.  Thanks for having us, this will be fun.  Today was good.  Their isn't a work out today so it was nice to go slower this morning.  Oliver had school and me and Ruthie went on a walk while he was gone which was nice.  Imogen came over after school and played until dinner.  I cleaned while they were playing and that was nice to get done.  We had more flat tires so we fixed that after dinner.  I hope that everyone is doing well, love you guys.



Monday, September 17, 2018


I love your bag Robin, you are very talented.  Casey wasn't feeling well today so he stayed home and he slept most of the day which is really good.  I worked out this morning and then Oliver had school.  Casey set up the flight simulator and everyone had fun flying that.  This evening Casey and Isaac made some bread sticks.  The appraisal came back and I think that everything looks good so that is exciting.  Love you guys.



Robin, I am jealous that you took the day off.  That sounds nice.  I love the bags you made.  They are darling.  Karen I am sorry you had a busy day.  I had one of those also.  The days sure go by fast.  Rachel, I hope that Casey is feeling better.  This smoke is so bad.  Not much going on with us.  I can't believe how fast September is going.  LOVE MOM


Well I am jealous that you had a day off. My day was good. I am hoping it will calm down a bit. I walked to work this morning.  It was a pretty day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Day off

Today was nice I took the day off because I had to burn time. I just slept in and took it easy. I called the girl about the bulldog and she told me everything I already knew. So I filled out an application for the adoption place and we will see what happens from there. I also finished finished the bags for bosses day. Hope everyone had a good Monday


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Fun weekend

I sure had a nice weekend.  Thanks Karen for letting us come up for your birthday.  We did drive down to see grandma.  We were going to out but she got dizzy and we decided to stay and watch a movie.  I went and grabbed some food.  Not much else going on after that.  We just vegged.  That is neat their were rings in the bombs.  I didn't read about that.  I am glad they turned out. Everyone have a nice Monday.  I was interested Robin if you won any of the picture contests.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that you had a fun birthday weekend Karen, we love you.  We went to church this morning.  Ruthie was still asleep so Casey just stayed home with her.  Church went well and the kids were good.  After lunch Casey went to work until dinner time.  We just played at home.  The kids just wanted to play in the backyard and it was fun.  Thanks again for the fun weekend.  The kids loved the Halloween decorations and are really excited to decorate the house.  Their were rings in the emoji bath bombs and the kids loved that.  Love you guys and have a good day tomorrow.



Thanks everyone for the fun weekend. Today I was just lazy. Mom and dad left around noon and then I took a nap. After dinner i got my laundry done so that was productive at least. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...