Saturday, May 2, 2015


We went to park city and met up with Karen. We got new screen stuff to fix her screens the birds ate and got her some shoes. We went to see the avengers. I really liked it. I got a bad headache and we went back to Karen's and fixed her screens. We are spending the night. Have a nice Sunday. I hope Oliver sleeps. Love mom.


Oliver did not sleep well again last night.  I got a little frustrated but we made it through.  Other than that it was a good day.  I turned in my change for the quilt show and had 90 dollars, pretty fun.  I probably wont have that much change next year since Isaac is getting all my change now but that is alright.  We are going to start giving Isaac an allowance.  He is starting to understand dollars and we are going to try it.  This evening we went on a bike ride to the store and then walked around the block.  It was so pretty today, it was nice not to have it so hot.  I hope that everyone had a nice day off.


Friday, May 1, 2015

So glad it is Friday

My day was crazy busy today.  I ran all day long.  I am so glad it is the weekend.  We are going up to help Karen with her yard and house.  I can't believe that birds could eat the plastic out of window screens.  You have weird birds in Kamas.  Good luck with baptism tomorrow Robin.  I love the towel.  Rachel, I think that is cute that Isaac wanted to spend his money.  It is hard to wait when you are 4 years old.  I think if we get time we are going to go see the Avengers movie also tomorrow.  Have a great Saturday.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that today is Friday. Work was good. I got a bunch of R&D parts this afternoon that had to be deburred. So that made the afternoon go by fast. I am excited to meet up tomorrow mom. It will be fun to hang out. I did pull my screens that needed to be replaced. So hopefully Home Depot can replace them without too much trouble. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


Robin you should charge for your time and thread.  It is only right.  I think that an embroidery machine is awesome to have and you can do cool things with it.  Mom, I forgot to say that I did like the fish, it tasted really good.  Karen, I am excited to spend your tax refund next weekend, whoo yoo.  Today started off rough but turned out nice.  First off the kids didn't sleep great and then  I forgot that I was supposed to help at young women's on Wednesday tying quilts.  I remembered last night when I was going to bed so I called and apologized this morning.  While I was on the phone Isaac was screaming that his name was Thomas.  We calmed down and then went to the park in Smithfield and it was fun and a pretty day.  We got breadsticks for lunch which was fun.  We played outside after Oliver's nap and they both had to have new outfits afterwards.  Isaac had some money left over that was burning a hole in his pocket, he is not a saver.  So Casey mowed the lawn and I took him and Oliver to the store so he could get a new train.  I got him some new sandals also.  Well everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.




Today went fast which was super nice. I'm so glad its.friday. I worked scheels tonight. Word got around that I have an embroidery machine. So I was given a blank shirt today and they want to see if it will work for embroidering names on shirts. I hope I don't mess it up. So we will see how that goes. have a good friday and weekend


Thursday, April 30, 2015

No dollars

The kids are cute. I'm glad they got some grandma dollars. They are the best :) I haven't gotten my federal yet but it's all good. I went to Joanns today and got some fat quarters I am making a makeup bag for a girl at work. Then I went to shopko. I bought a towel for Walters nephew. He is getting baptized on saturday so I stole Julie's idea and make him a baptism towel. I am soooooo glad tomorrow is friday. Next week and we are a go for the quilt show. Have a good friday



Thanks Mom again for sending dollars for Isaac and Oliver.  They thought that was great.  Oliver got a wagon and Isaac got some cars for his master tracks.  Oliver didn't sleep great again but he slept in until 11 and then took a 3 hour nap.  He was in a much better mood today.  While he was sleeping this morning Isaac was playing so I finished two quilt binding.  They were mostly done I just finished them up.  They both turned out really good.  Not much else going on, it was really hot again today.  It is going to be a hot summer.


I made it

I made it to the end of April.  I can't believe that tomorrow is the first of May.  I forgot to ask Rachel if the fish was any good.  I hope you neck is feeling better Robin.  Karen you are so lucky.  I am glad you got your money.  Not much going on with us.  I got my first massage today and it hurt.  I didn't like it at all.  I think al lot depends on who does it.  Have a great Friday.  I am ready for the weekend.  LOVE MOM

got it

Well I got my state taxes back today. Yea I am all refunded. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It has been so pretty outside that it is hard to stay inside and go to work. I washed the windows of my car after work. The sun has been hitting it just right in the mornings so I am hoping that it will be less glaring in the morning. Well I hope everyone had a great Thursday. Bye

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

8 Days

Karen it is less than two weeks, 8 days.  I have failed at countdowns this year but I am super excited to go.  It will be fun.  Robin, I relate with that cat joke also, that is funny.  Thanks for calling tonight Mom, it was good to talk with you.  Oliver didn't sleep well last night so I was tired today.  Casey was tired so he didn't go in today, it was really nice to have him home.  He is working again tomorrow.  We finished the lava rocks this morning and it looks really good.  I sprayed the weeds when Isaac was at school so things are starting to come together.  We were out of flavored milk so we went to gosners after school to get some.  Casey got a lot done on his engine and it is going good.  It will be nice to have a "new" car for him.  I am excited for next week, Pocatello and quilt show. :)


We had Isaac's fish for dinner

Lava rocks

My new flowers

I agree

I love the cat Robin I agree with him.  I am sorry your neck is hurting.  I am worried about that.  What can I do to help?  I didn't get my federal or my state.  You guys are both ahead of me.  Not much going on with me.  We had scouts tonight.  It went good.  I was really hot when we got done.  I am glad tomorrow is Thursday.  Not much else new with me.  LOVE MOM


Robin I just the opposite of you. I have got my federal but not my state yet. My day has been good. Work is going good. I keep forgetting that the quilt show is in two weeks. Last year there was a count down on the blog last year. I was surprised that there wasn't one this year. Well I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye


The kids are so cute Rachel. Isaac is quite the fisher. Today was good I got my utah tax return so that was nice I'm still waiting on federal. I also got my car inspected. I have one more day till it was to late so I figured I should just do it. My neck is still messed up and I was tired so I figured I would veg the rest of the night. I started watching planet earth on netflix. I really like it. Well not much else have a good night


Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Today turned out to be a really busy day.  We went the store this morning so Casey could get stuff to make bread.  When we got home we worked on the front yard digging dirt until lunch time.  It was really hot today.  Casey made bread really quick and we cleaned the kitchen.  Then I sewed with Jenn and Casey and Isaac went fishing with Randy.  Oliver took a nap.  They caught two fish and had a fun time.  Casey took some pictures that I attached.  After Jenn left I took a walk around the block with Oliver.  We got back about the same time as Casey.  His motor came and he needed to unload it with a fork lift.  So we drove down their and picked it up.  Then we came home and had dinner and Casey was off to scouts.  We walked down and meet him when it was done.  We had talked of ice cream after fishing but never made it and he really wanted to go so we went and got ice cream.  I am glad that everyone is doing good and I hope that you have a good day tomorrow.


cool beans

I am glad you got your tax return Karen.  That will mean Robin's and mine are not far away.  That is fun.  Rachel, I hope that Casey's engine came today.  I am glad that Isaac got to go fishing again.  Robin, I am sorry your neck hurts.  That can be so painful.  I hope it gets better soon.  Not much going on with us.  We just had a quiet night.  I have been working on a project at work and I am going to finish it in the morning.  That will be nice.  They are giving away 15 minute massages for employee appreciation day.  I am having mine on Thursday.  I have never had a massage.  This is going to be chair massage.  I am thinking it will be a lot like the ones at the mall.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM

Tax Return

Well I got my federal tax return today. Yea. Other than that it has been a quiet day. I am liking the warm weather. It just sucks that I have to work thru the nice days. Work is going good. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Mini visit

Today went by fast. I had a one on one with my boss. It went well. It's nice to work with good bosses. Then I had to work at scheels. It's a long night only because at 6 i got really hungry. I ate some chips but it wasn't feeling. I'm excited to go out and get some food tonight. Other then that and a creek on my neck my struggles are not to bad. Well hope everyone has a good wednesday


Monday, April 27, 2015

Lovin it

I am loving this time of year.  I love that it is staying light a lot longer.  That is so funny the kids are going through clothes.  You are just going to have to put them in bathing suits and hose them off once in a while.  Little boys do like the mud don't they.  Thanks for the pictures.  I love the burp clothes Robin.  So cute.  I am excited for the quilt show to see what type of thread they will have.  Karen I am with you, Monday was a long day.  It was payroll so that always means Friday is Payday  YEAH.  It is a three paycheck month.  Those are always nice.  We did got to all a dollar and get some stuff for boy scouts.  I am all ready to go.  Have a great Tuesday.  I am hoping that Casey gets a day off.  LOVE MOM


Well  things are going good here in Kamas. It did seem like a long day today, but I made it thru. Work is still moving right along. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye


Robin, those are cute burp clothes.  You have a nice machine, good job.  I finished a mini quilt today, I just need to put on the binding.  I attached a picture.  Today was good.  The weather was so nice so we spent most of the day outside.  Isaac had school and I got to sew. When Casey got home we went to Lowes and bought more rocks for the side.  We worked on digging the plants out for a while.  We will finish it tomorrow.  The boys got really messy today and they go though clothes fast.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.


Isaac likes Chives

 He laid out the water pipes

So tired

Today was good but I was tired. I came home and sewed some more burp cloths. The grandma one the letters went weird but I just finished it because I was lazy and didn't want to redo it. Tomorrow I work at scheels so nothing to exciting. Hope you have a good night


Sunday, April 26, 2015


Today was good we met up with Walters parents for brunch at left fork. Then I took a nap. Scheels had a manditory meeting about empowering women. It was long. The finally have a name for the little baby.


I also put a picture of her little girl holding the baby I thought it was a cute picture. Have a good week.


Quiet day

We had a quiet day.  I slept in and then we went to Sam's club to get some medicines.  Dad froze off my wart on my arm.  It has a huge black area now.  It might be a long healing process.  Not much else going on.  I called Melody to see if Lisa had her baby.  She had him this evening.  She didn't have any details.  The baby had the cord wrapped around it's neck but everything went well.  Have a great week.  I can't believe it is the end of April.  I sure have loved the rain.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. I really didn't accomplish much. I did get a nap. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Does the baby have a name?  I am glad that they are doing well and that she is a cute baby.  We had a fun time yesterday with Mom and Dad.  I attached a picture of the buffalo and a stuffed animal pig that Oliver loves.  Today was good.  The boys didn't sleep good again so I think we were all tired.  Oliver would not take a nap early so we went to sacrament meeting.  We spent half of it out in the hall.  Then Oliver was upset during Sunday school so I left and sat in the hall again.  He fell asleep so I skipped relief society, I didn't want to move him and wake him up.  So I didn't get much out of church but it is alright.  Isaac had fun at his class.  Casey signed up for more overtime this week, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.   His motor is coming on Tuesday and he is excited for that to come.  Next week we are going on vacation to Pocatello for our anniversary.  It should be fun, Casey made the hotel reservations tonight so we are ready to go.  Mom, I hemmed Isaac's church pants and the worked really well.  He likes the feel of them.  I went through the 18 months clothes and Oliver has a couple of polo's in their but no shorts.  Well everyone have a good Monday and don't work too hard.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...