Thursday, May 8, 2014

nice wheels

That is going to be so nice of you to drive around in.  I think it will be good for you.  I was bummed about the concert also but then when Rachel said we get another fun weekend that made it OK.  One of the offices had a flood from the rain and the cleaned the carpets and it cleaner made me really sick.  I had a hard time breathing and got horse.  I don't think I am sick.  Are you OK Rachel to still come down.  I will keep you posted on how I am tomorrow.  I am so sensitive to that stuff.  We had a fun time tonight.  Me, Kay, Julie, Jen, Rylee and Robin all met for dinner and then went to the mall.  It was fun to visit.  Kay sure is getting good at taking pictures.  They were beautiful.  Jen passed out in January and broke her nose.  I was really worried bout that one.  Everyone drive safe and I will see you tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Well we have the van.  Calleen came and met up with me today and we traded cars.  I think it will be good for both of us.  This evening Casey cleaned up the van and it is looking really nice.  I think it will be fun to have.  Isaac has been wearing his braces really well and I think it is going to be good for him also.  We are excited for this weekend.  We will leave around lunch and should be down by the time you get off work Mom.  I am bummed about William Joesph but it will be fun when the weather is better.  Well everyone have a good night and we will see you tomorrow.



I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Today was good although it did snow here for a little while. At least it didn't stick. Work was good. Nothing too exciting to report. Tomorrow is our company luncheon. It is Mexican themed so I am making chili Verdi. I hope it turns out good. I have never made it before. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cars, Trucks and Automobiles

Good luck with the Van.  I hope you many fun travels in it.  I know we did in our van.  Robin I am glad you are resting.  I am sorry your shoulder hurts.  We met Karen at Park City tonight, we wanted to test drive the jeep and see if the oil gauge was doing better.  It still have a few problems but not as bad.  It sure rained here today.  Tomorrow night I am meeting Julie and Kay for dinner.  I know two nights in a row I don't have to cook.  YEAH.  Rachel I hope the braces help his toe walking.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM

Big daddy

Today was good I went to big daddy pizza today for lunch. It's like little Cesar's but it's a closer drive to my work. It's not to bad. Then I came home and relaxed, my shoulder kinda hurts so I just was lazy. Plus it was rainy. I was thinking that maybe Isaac tonsils are making him be Barfy. It was the problem with all of us. I have been watching a lot of house it's tonsils or he has a rare parisite. Just kidding. I'm glad you guys are getting a van that will be good for you guys. Sorry you have to get rid of the ford. I'm glad thing are going well Karen and mom, well have a good night



We went this morning and picked up Isaac's braces.  Sean had some shoes that he gave us which was really nice of him.  They fit him well and he does good wearing them.  The make him walk kind of funny but he will get the hang of it.  You can't tell that he is wearing them with long pants so that is nice.  I attached a picture.  Also tomorrow we are trading the red car and truck for Calleens van.  We are sad to see the truck and ford leave but a van will be nice.  It will be good for both of us.  That is the big news.  I am glad that you met Mom and Dad Karen.  That sounds like a nice evening.  Robin I hope that Walter has fun.  Everyone have a good night.



Well things are good here in Kamas. It is cold and rainy but so far no snow, so I am looking on the bright side. I met mom and dad in Park City tonight after work. We went to old navy and WalMart. It was fun hanging out. I forgot to wish you a happy anniversary Rachel so happy delayed anniversary. Well have a great one. Bye

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Rachel that is wonderful.  Congratulations.  I am glad you had a nice evening.  I sure hope Isaac gets feeling better, this sure has been going on for awhile.  Robin I am glad you are doing good.  If you want to invite Walter's mom to go to William Joseph I am good with that.  I hope it doesn't rain.  There is a 20 percent chance but it is suppose to be in the morning.  I don't have much going on either.  I did do laundry.  I know that sounds lame but it felt really nice.  I worked a normal shift today and I felt guilty leaving.  It was so nice.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM

Great 8

Happy anniversary Rachel and Casey. I can't believe it's been eight years. What a trip,  today was good nothing to crazy. I was going to work on some projects tonight but I didn't. This one photographer wants to do a creative shoot and trying to do a test shoot Sunday but I am having a really hard time getting into the groove, so instead I went to target and I got a fan it was only 25.00 so that was nice I got one. I also got some miracle grow for my plant. It's leaves are turning yellow in places. Not to much leas with me have a good night

Happy Anniversary

Today is Casey and mine 8th anniversary.  We went out to dinner to the rodizio grill like restaurant.  It was fun.  Then Isaac wanted to go to the zoo so we went there and ran around.  Isaac wasn't feeling good again today.  He threw up last night and this morning.  So we just laid low today.  I still sewed with Jenn and that was fun.  Well I am off to give everyone a bath.  Have a great night.



Well it is a little rainy here right now. It is suppose to get worse. My day has been good. Work went by pretty fast. I really don't have too much to report so I will sign off. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, May 5, 2014

I did it

I made it to work early today.  I had to put a parking pass in my car and forgot to get the keys to the door but someone was there and let me in.  I was living right.  I don't have to go in early the rest of the week.  Robin I am sorry that girl is back.  I hope she is better this year.  I thought for sure she would not come back.  I am so excited to go to the concert on Friday.  I hope the weather is good.  I am just going to bring an umbrella if it isn't.  Not much else going on with us.  We did go to the store and get coconut milk, dad was out.  I know we are exciting people.  Rachel, I love the pictures.  Thanks for posting them.  Karen I hope your allergies get better.  LOVE MOM

Never ending story

Today was good the girl that sewed with me last summer is back. Let just say it's going to be a long summer. I put in more resumes. Lol i think I will make it though :) I am burned from yesterday I am very red.  But it's nice to get some sun. I'm glad everyone is doing well. Happy cinco de mayo I made a burrito for dinner it was tasty. Oh I forgot Walter has an sca thing in California he is going to go he leaves on Thursday. So he's excited that's the only thing I had to report have a good one



Robin, I like your make up stuff.  You do a good job.  Today we had to go to the dentist.  I get stressed out about it but it isn't that bad.  Casey only worked half a day for that and it was nice to have him home.  Our teeth were pretty good.  My gums are still not great but they are getting better which is good.  After lunch we walked to the park and that was fun.  Casey and Isaac played soccer and had a fun time.  After dinner we just watched a show and Isaac fell asleep, he was worn out.  I hope that everyone has a nice evening and I enjoy the cooler weather.


Karen's cute outfit

Isaac was helping me quilt, he is cute.


Well my day was pretty good. I was kind of tired, but I made it thru. My allergies are bad today. It is windy here tonight. A storm is blowing in. Robin Isaac did like your tool kit. We hammered stuff into the wood for a while. He also didn't like it when I rolled the tape measure up. Well that is about all I have to report. Have a great one. Bye

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Today was good the shoot went well. It was nice to catch some sun. I posted a picture below with the makeup I did. The silver guy was from Thursday. I'm glad the blessing went well. The kids looked so cute. I am excited for this weekend. The week looks like bad weather but I think we will prevail. Anyway not to much else on my plate have a good one


Fun weekend

It was a nice weekend.  Julie and her kids came up and we played in the back yard.  It was such nice weather and it was nice to just relax.  Robin, I saw on face book the the movie went really well.  I am hoping you had a good time.  The jeep did have a few problems but hopefully with the new oil filter it will be better.  WE are going to meet Karen one night in Park City and see how it does then.  It is going to be a busy week for me but I think they are getting help in this week so it should start slowing down.  Have a great Monday.  Thanks for everything  LOVE MOM


Thank you for making Oliver's blessing so nice.  We really appreciate it.  I forgot to take pictures.  I took one of Oliver and Casey and that was it.  I had Isaac put his suite back on and took a picture of him in it since he looked so cute.  Thanks again and I hope everyone has a great week.  I am super excited for our fun weekend.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...