Saturday, January 27, 2018


My day was good. I went grocery shopping and grabbed lunch while I was out. Then I did dishes. I am glad everyone had a great day. Bye

Quiet day

I slept in until 11 this morning and then we went to Dell Taco and walked around all a dollar.  I got some wack a valentines and that was fun.  We came home and I took a nap.  I know go figure that one out.  We just kind of chilled all day.  I did replace the light bulbs in my bathroom and one exploded so that took a while to get cleaned up.  It is like walking into heaven it is so bright in there now.  There was only one working light bulb and now there are four.  Rachel, I am so glad the kids got to go swimming.  They love that.  Robin, I am so glad you got to clean.  That really makes a difference.  Everyone enjoy your Sunday.  I think we are going to try and go see Grandma.  LOVE MOM


We had a fun day and the kids were really good.  Isaac and Ruth didn't sleep last night and Casey was up with them so Casey slept in and then we left. We ate a late lunch at a pizza place we like and then we went swimming.  The kids love to swim and we just let them swim as long as the wanted.  I think we swam about three hours.  We got a late dinner at a AW/taco time and then came home.  It was a fun day.  I hope everyone are feeling better and got some rest.



Today was good. I cleaned my place. It feels so nice. I did like 3 batches of laundry. It still could use another round of cleaning but it feels good to deep clean and tidy up. I ordered pizza because I didn't want to go out. I watched strictly ballroom tonight. It's a good show


Friday, January 26, 2018

New Phone

I am impressed you brought the eggs back Karen, you are going straight to heaven. I got a new phone this evening. It is a Samsung 8 and it is really really nice.  Casey is awesome.  Today was pretty good.  We walked around the hobby lobby and then went to story time.  It was fun to go and I got a book for book group, it is the first one in the series and they are reading the second one so I need to catch up.  Ruthie wouldn't take a nap today but I had her lay down for a while.  At the hobby lobby Oliver has been wanting these sticker dinosaurs so we bought them and worked on them all afternoon.  We got my phone after dinner and we bought a Mario odyssey also.  It has been a fun game and perfect for the kids so it is great.  We are going to Lava hot springs tomorrow to go swimming, it will be a fun day.  Love you guys.



Yeah it's Friday. Work went good.  Just the usual. After work i went to Food Town because scrambled eggs and sausage sounded good. So I went and got stuff to make that. Then when i got my bags home I noticed that I had extra eggs that i hadn't bought. So I had to go back to the store and return them. It was annoying but then I didn't feel guilty. Then I came home and cooked everything and toast. It tasted really good. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye

I made it

I made it to Friday.  That feels nice to have a weekend.  It has been a long week.  Rachel, I am so glad you got a new phone. That will be fun.  Have fun at Lava Hot Springs tomorrow.  I am hoping we all get feeling better here soon.  You do sound pretty bad.  Robin, I love your spider picture.  That made me laugh.  Have fun cleaning.  Not much else going on with us.  Dad did make it to work a little bit today so that is a good sign he is getting better.  LOVE MOM

Finally frjday

I'm glad today was Friday. Not much going on with me. I just worked today and came home and relaxed. I really want to clean my place tomorrow so I'm going to just focus and get it done. Have a good one


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Broken Phone

My phone broke this evening, I went to look at it and the display wont work.  I can hear noises but can't see anything.  Casey is working on it but who knows.  Oliver woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to cuddle with me.  He eventually fell asleep but was laying right on top of me so I went and laid on the couch.  I was going to go to a new playgroup this morning but the kids didn't want to go so we stayed.  It worked out because Randy came by and wanted to take the kids so they went up to his house for two hours which was fun for me.  I ran to the fabric store and got sandwiches for me and Casey for lunch.  Randy took Oliver to school and dropped Ruth off.  The little stinker wont take nap.  It started snowing after Isaac got home from school and we got a couple of inches.  Isaac wrote a recipe for sugar cookies and was so excited about it he talked about it all night.  He taught a class to Oliver on how to write your own recipes but Oliver didn't pay attention and Isaac wanted me to be his aid but it was bed time.  Casey and Isaac made corn bread muffins for a snack and they tasted good.  I hope that everyone has a good Friday, don't work too hard.


No ambulance

So I took half a day off and took dad to instacare.  I was pretty freaked out by going but it turned out good.  They put him on the same antibiotic as Karen.  I hope it helps him.  I brought him home and took a nap.  I was worn out.  Not much else going on with us.  I am so ready for a weekend.  LOVE MOM


Things are going good here in Kamas. Work went good. Nothing too exciting to report.  It started snowing here about 4. After work my visiting teacher stopped by for a bit. It was fun hanging out. I hope everyone is feeling better and that everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


That is crazy about your job mom. That is alot of people to lay off. Work was good today it was nice to not be slammed with work. I actually made some progress. It was a pretty chill night just same ole.



My day has been good. At work they are looking into updating solidworks, so today we had representatives from go engineer come and tell us all about the latest version and the different stuff you can add on. It was interesting.  Other than that it was just the usual. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Hump day

I made it through half of the week.  There was a big announcement that 2300 employees are being contracted out.  It was released to KSL before everyone at work got it.  I thought that was weird.  From what the release said everyone would do the same thing just for a different company, who had no 401k etc.  They do still have medical insurance.  It was a long day.  IT will be next that is about 1500 people.  Food and EVS services also are rumored to go contracting.  I guess that is one way to cut benefits.  I have never worked in a play where there are a punch of people that all work for different companies.  I guess I will soon find out that works.  Dad stayed home again today and said he is feeling better.  His cough is still bad.  I have been making him omelets for dinner and he likes those.  It is suppose to snow tomorrow.  Be careful out there.  LOVE MOM


Ruthie woke up early this morning which took me a while to get in a good mood.  It ended up being a good day.  We played legos this morning and then went and volunteered at Isaac's school.  The kids are reading so much better and it is fun to see.  We didn't eat lunch with Isaac because Oliver had a make up day at school.  Oliver had a fun time at school and Ruthie took a good nap which was nice.  Me and Oliver played the switch until it was time to pick up Isaac.  Casey had scouts after work so he came home a little later.  We made marshmallows from the candy science book.  They turned out good and reminded me of the marshmallows that Dad made.  I need to get some coconut to cover them in.  This week is going so fast, it is crazy.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018


My day was good. Nothing exciting to report. It was just the usual for a Tuesday. I am sorry that you and dad still aren't feeling well, mom. I would like to point out that going to the doctor helped me feel better. I hope everyone has a good Wednesday tomorrow. Bye


Dad stayed home and rested today and he said he was feeling better.  I called Dr. Strong to see if he could look at Gary and his next apt is Feb 7.  I guess we might need to find another alternative if he isn't feeling better soon.  If he could stay home the rest of the week, I think that would help him.  I guess there is some guy coming on Thursday so I don't think that will happen.  Yes that is all the information I was given.  My cough is the same and everyone at works keeps asking me to go to the doctor.  I think if it isn't better by Thursday, I will go after work.  I just hate spending all that money to tell me it is a virus.  Oh well at least I can tell everyone I went.  I might take dad with me.  I haven't rode in an ambulance for awhile.  I think I have a bad attitude.  Robin if you want to go to Vegas I am sure Kay would drive you down and you could stay for free with her.  Just and FYI.  Well everyone have a good hump day.  I can't believe how fast January has gone.  It has really flown by.  Does anyone have ideas for a good time this weekend or do we still want to recover. LOVE MOM


Today was good.  I babysat this morning and all the kids had fun.  It is always a rush to eat lunch and get Oliver to school in time.  Oliver went to school fine and had a good time, but his cough was bad when I picked him up.  I took Ruthie grocery shopping while he was at school because I was out of food and time, that is more important than sewing time I guess.  We went to cold stone after we picked up Oliver as a celebration for going to school and then went to Sam's.  I had young womens tonight and it was a stake activity, it was so long.  I don't think they need to make them two hours long.  My fabric for our sewing class came today and it made me excited.  Thanks for taking it, it will be so fun. Love you guys.



So the earings are not crazy they just are normal small gauges. It's just not something I'm use to. So we will see. We meet online and we just meet up at starbucks. So it was good. We haven't planned anything additional. Work was busy and it wasn't too bad till later in the day. I just was tired and was tired of working. I might take a couple of days off in February just for a break. I hope everyone is feeling better.


Monday, January 22, 2018


I was wondering about the ear rings also?  How did you meet him?  What did you do?  We are all about the same sickness I think.  Everyone slept last night though which is huge.  I babysat this morning and that went well.  I took Oliver to school but he didn't want to stay so I took him visiting teaching with me.  I think it was just because he didn't feel well, he said he will go tomorrow.  Isaac had a field trip to hardware ranch to see the elk.  I asked him what he learned about the elk and he said nothing, that they just saw a bunch of them.  A girl in their class gave them doughnuts when they were leaving so he had a good day.  We picked up El Sol for dinner because we were feeling lazy.  I hope that everyone has a good Tuesday.


I did it

I made it through a whole day of work.  Dad didn't but I did.  I actually did pretty good.  I still have a nasty cough but I didn't seem to have to cough as much today.  Work was slow.  I am losing my caring and that is a sad thing.  Robin, I have been so curious about the earrings. Are the normal ones or those big ones like from Africa.  I just wondered because you said the earrings really threw you and I didn't think much would throw you.  Rachel, I hope you got some rest and that Oliver is feeling a little better.  Not much else going on with me either.  Karen it is suppose to warm up tomorrow and the next day.  LOVE MOM

Le sigh

I didn't want to work today but I made it. I stayed late to get caught up but i keep getting more behind. I came home and did a batch of laundry but that filled up my whole night lol life is exciting on a Monday. Lol have a good one



My day was good. It was super cold here. It was zero outside when I left for work. I really don't have anything exciting to report. It was just the usual for a Monday. I hope everyone is feeling better and that everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, January 21, 2018


I'm sorry everyone is sick. It's a tough cold and lasts forever. My day was good i slept in and relaxed. I did meet up with a guy Erick. He was really nice. He's has earings which threw me off a bit, but I figured why not try it out. It was fun, we might do something again. We will see how it goes. I went grocery shopping when I was munchie so I have alot of snack foods now. hope everyone has a good week.



My day was good. I had to shovel about an inch of snow off my walks this morning. I also made tortilla soup. It tasted good. I also got my laundry done. I had a lot of laundry to do. I hope everyone recovers from the flu soon. I still have a bit of a cough but I feel pretty good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Virus alive and well at our place

The virus is alive and well at our place also.  We are just not snapping out of it that is for sure.  Nights are the worse which is classic virus.  We did manage to go to Walmart and get gas in the jeep.  I now have cough medicine which is nice.  I hope that Oliver gets feeling better.  I worry about him.  I think that someone told Isaac that in his primary class that he needs to listen now he is going to be baptized.  Could he quit growing up so fast.  Not much else to report from our end.  I even bought some garlic pills to see if they would help.  They are a natural antibiotic.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy as most Sundays are which is good.  I had a planning meeting this morning, they served crepes which were good.  I had to leave at 11:30 because Casey was going to take Oliver to instacare.  He just has a virus and they didn't give him anything.  I took Ruth and Isaac to church and Oliver and Casey stayed home to rest.  Church went well.  Isaac said he was too old to color or do anything but listen at church which was funny to me.  He did just sit the whole time.  Ruth still hate nursery so she ended up coming to my class.  I had a big coughing fit and had to leave for a bit but came back.  It was Kimi's birthday on Friday and they were having cake and ice cream today so I took Ruth and Isaac and went up.  It was fun to talk with everyone.  Collin has a girlfriend and she was really sweet to talk with Isaac, he was super chatty.  I hope that everyone had a relaxing day and are feeling better.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...