Friday, January 26, 2018

New Phone

I am impressed you brought the eggs back Karen, you are going straight to heaven. I got a new phone this evening. It is a Samsung 8 and it is really really nice.  Casey is awesome.  Today was pretty good.  We walked around the hobby lobby and then went to story time.  It was fun to go and I got a book for book group, it is the first one in the series and they are reading the second one so I need to catch up.  Ruthie wouldn't take a nap today but I had her lay down for a while.  At the hobby lobby Oliver has been wanting these sticker dinosaurs so we bought them and worked on them all afternoon.  We got my phone after dinner and we bought a Mario odyssey also.  It has been a fun game and perfect for the kids so it is great.  We are going to Lava hot springs tomorrow to go swimming, it will be a fun day.  Love you guys.


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