Friday, February 1, 2019

In kamas

Rachel you sound terrible. You never said you were sick. You poor thing. Robin your dog is strange. That is the funniest thing I have ever seen. I wish we could understand what he was thinking. I hope it doesn’t get too stormy. See you in Logan. Love ya


Today was so nice. It was beautiful weather and it was still a little light out around 6. So lovely. I am in limbo for my desk decorations so my desk looks bare. Everyone is worried I am quitting lol. So I need to work on some decorations this week. When I took Jenkins out to night he insisted to bring his bear. I was laughing the whole time. He carried it the whole time even on the stairs Robin

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Almost there

I was very productive today and that felt nice.  I even got a couple of things done that have been on my desk for a long while.  Rachel, Isaac has been really sick.  I haven't seen him sleep in so many pictures.  Poor kid.  I am glad they got to rest.  Maybe one more day home wouldn't hurt him.  I met the Gumm gang for dinner and it was nice.  Red Robin was even fast.  They are usually so slow.  Everyone left afterwards and me and dad walked the mall to stretch out legs.  We came home and just vegged.  Robin, I think that is funny that Jenkins loves blankets.  That would make you fall asleep.  So nice and warm.  We are going up to Karen's house after work to hang out.  I am a little over my time so we can leave a little early.  If the kids feels better and it isn't a blizzard we can meet in Ogden.  We can decide on Saturday.  Next weekend I thought we could go to the aquarium to make up for not going in the blizzard.  I am really good with anything. Have a nice First day of February.  LOVE MOM


Rachel, cool beans. I am good any day so what ever works for Casey is good for me. My day was good. I got stuck in a meeting at the end of the day so i didn't leave work until almost 5. Oh well. Other than that my day was good. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow .Bye


I'm so glad tomorrow is friday. I had a hard time waking up today. I was an hour late to work but I didn't really care lol. I ended up staying late and I was still 1 hour over in time. I came home took a nap and made brownies. It was nice to relax. Jenkins likes to bury himself in my blankets and lay next to me. It's really funny but hes warm so it makes me fall asleep lol



Karen, Casey is still interested and will be contacting you to work out what days are available.  Thanks, that will be fun.  Today was the same no one felt great and they stayed home from school.  I think that we are going to try school for Isaac tomorrow.  It is shorter on Friday so it might be easier going back.  I hope that you guys had fun with the Gumm's.  I hope that they want to keep doing it. 


Wednesday, January 30, 2019


I was glad it was hump day.  I was a little over my time so I came in a little late.  it was nice to sleep in even if it was a few minutes  Work was good.  I think it will start settling down.  They are doing interviews with some people for the OPE job so that will be good.  I can get rid of more stuff.  I think it will be so nice when I just am doing one job.  We came home and vegged.  I made sloppy joes for dinner.  They tasted really good.  Robin if you want to go out tomorrow night we are meeting at the Valley Fair mall around 5:45.  We are going to Red Robin.  Julie is acting weird so I am not sure it will be fun but we will see.  We are going to spend the weekend up in Kamas.  We are going to meet up with Rachel in Ogden on Saturday and go to lunch and play.  I am hoping the weather isn't horrible.  If the kids are feeling better.  The bead crafts came today so one day in the future we need to have a craft day and do diamond beads.  I thought that would be fun.  Everyone enjoy the last day of January.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Work went by fast so that was nice. I met up with a girl I use to work with at Texas road house. It was fun I was out late. Jenkins did good which is nice.



My day was good. I ended up having another 2 hour meeting today, but I made it thru. Then after work I went and got food to try and cook in my air fryer, i am going to try it out thus weekend. Rachel I printed the voucher for the axe throwing on it is only good monday thru thursday and they are opened from 1 to 10. I don't know if Casey wants to drive down and back for a 90 minute class. If he does just let me know what day is good, if he doesn't let me know and mom will go with me. I am good to go whenever. I hope everyone had a great day .Bye


Today was about the same Isaac and Oliver stayed home and we watched movies all day.  It was a good day to have a fun new tv.  We watched Momma Mua 2 and I love that show.  I cry every time that song comes on.  Ruthie has been pooping in her underwear and then the rest in the potty.  I was giving her a prize if she went in the potty afterwards but I stopped that yesterday.  I think it helped her have a break through because she did great today.  She did keep pooping a tiny bit and getting a prize and then going back so she got a ton of prizes.  I dont care, I just hate poop in underwear.   I love your quilt Robin.  You are amazing.


Tuesday, January 29, 2019


I am posting online because the app on my phone won't let me post photos. Work went well. The new girl is catching on so she is starting to take work off of me. It's been nice. I finished my quilt tonight it was fun. It took me forever. I need to wash it to make the flowers look cool but it was late so I will do it tomorrow. Robin

Love it

Wow Rachel that is one big TV.  I love it.  You are going to really love that.  I hope you got it to stand.  How is potty training going?  You haven't said much so I was hoping it was going well.  I am sorry you had to have a sick day.  Poor guys.  That would be fun for Casey to go throw axes.  I can be a back up person.  Robin I am hooking up with the Gumm gang on Thursday to eat at Red Robin if you want to join us.  I think we will meet around 6 but I haven't got a firm time yet.  Work was good.  Nothing amazing but I made it through.  I will be glad when I know what I am doing.  It is hard to figure things out all the time.  We did get Pizza Hut for dinner and it tasted so good.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM

A New TV

Karen, Casey said he will take the ax class with you if you want.  That would be fun.  The boys were sick today so we had a sick day.  I am trying not to stress and it was a good day.  We did something random and bought a fancy new tv tonight with the rest of our 401 k.  It was fun and it has taken all night to install since it won't fit on the stand.  We got a sound bar also which will be fun.  Love you guys and thanks for everything.



It was meeting day at work today. I spent half my time in meetings. Other than that it was a good day. I got my air fryer in the mail today. I hope it is cool as i think it is. I saw an axe throwing groupon, it is for 2 people, does anyone want to do it with me. It looked fun. I hope everyone had a great day .Bye

Monday, January 28, 2019


I am sorry Robin, you have the worst luck with boys.  You are amazing.  I worked out this morning and that went good.  Oliver had school and was super star and he was happy about that.  We played outside for while which was nice.  Casey had a dentist appointment and came home early.  The kids didn't want to walk with me to pick up Isaac so they stayed with Casey.  Isaac still has a cough but was feeling better and went to school today.  Love you guys and I think that you are all amazing.



Today was ok. It definitely was a Monday. Luckily work went by fast. I was going to sew tonight but I just couldn't get it together so I just relaxed all night. It was nice.


Made it.

I made it through payroll Monday.  I went in early so I left a little bit early.  I still have a 1/2 hour so I can leave or come late one day.  I took a picture of my beads.  I thought I needed to put in pictures more.  I just love all the things you guys post.  I need to practice a lot on taking pictures but it was nice I remembered how to add them.  Have a nice Tuesday.  I talked with everyone about Lava Hot Springs so we just need to pick a time to go.  I also ordered some beads for us to do a craft night one time.  No rush just something I thought would be fun to do.  We can go to Karen's because she has a huge table and Jenkins likes it up there.  I hope the kids are doing better.  LOVE MOM


Monday started too early just like usual this morning . My day was good though. Work is moving along . Then after work I did laundry. I have clean socks again. Yeah. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, January 27, 2019


So we got up and went to church.  I love the 2 hour church.  We came home and just rested.  Dad's stomach was sick all day.  the artichokes were good.  We had them for dinner as well.  Rachel, I am glad that Isaac is feeling better.  I was worried about him.  Robin I am sorry the guy didn't turn out.  I am sorry Jenkins got sick on his walk.  He is a cute dog.  Not much else going on with us.  I am going to work early tomorrow to work on payroll.  I hope it goes better than last time.  I am so glad that it is the last week in January.  The days will start getting longer now.  I like that.  I did finish my bead picture tonight.  Two down two more to go.  Have a nice week.  LOVE YA MOM


My date on Saturday was good. I dont think he was feeling it though he hasn't texted me since lol. Oh well I'm not everyone's cup of tea I guess. I slept in today because I could. I took Jenkins to sugar house. He didn't make it the whole.way. he was throwing up so I took the shortcut back. The snow was deep so I carried him most of the way. So we both took a nap after lol. I was on the last can of dog food so I went grocery shopping then I sewed the rest of the day. I'm almost done with my quilt. Thanks for making me the quilt rachel in love it. You did a good job :)


Ruthie didn't sleep last night and Isaac was still not 100% so we called in sick to church and just had a day off.  Casey didn't go to work either and it was nice to just have day home.  Isaac feeling better and is going to try to go to school tomorrow.  It will be nice to get back to normal.  I finished the quilt I made for Robin.  I quilted it with swirls and hooks.  I like it but it isn't perfect, it was fun to do anyway.  Not much else going on.  Have a good Monday.



Things are good here in Kamas. I am glad you hd fun at your party mom. I just had a lazy day today. It was nice. I did make the artichoke you got me mom. It tasted good. Thanks. I hope everyone has a great week.Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...