We had a nice day. We took it slow. We did go to fashion place and walk around and then Went to h mart to get more supplies for Raman soup. Rachel that looks like fun. I am glad you had a good time. We are excited for you to come down. Robin that turkey looks good. Laundry never ends. I did make more broth this evening. I think we will have fun making Raman soup. I hope teri's car got fixed. Drive safe Rachel. Love mom
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Today was fun. I got up early and went to exercise class. It was high and a lot of fun. On the way home I got gas and snacks for fishing. We went with Randy to a reservoir near Mallad. We had a good time and the kids all caught a fish. Ruthie caught two of them. We stopped at Caspers for ice cream on the way home. Then we came home and good the fish and had hash browns. It was really good. We are headed down tomorrow after church. Thanks for having us
Love Rachel
My day was good. I slept in a bit and then read the book for the certified quality engineer. After that we went to fashion place to walk around. We had red rock for lunch. Then mom wanted to go to h mart to get more stuff to make ramen tomorrow. Then I took a nap. We just watched shows after dinner. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye
Friday, November 8, 2024
Me and dad had physicals today and we all checked out. We went to lunch and came home and just vegged. We met Karen for dinner at Cafe Rio and then watched castle. Robin I hope you got Terri's car started. Rachel that will be fun to have you visit on Sunday. Love mom
Today was pretty good. Work went well. The 5th grade had an veterans assembly and Oliver held up a letter and did a good job. Ruth's friend came over and played after school. It was warmer and they played outside and were really cute. Isaac had dungeon and dragons at the library and had fun. Oliver's cost ripped in half so we went and got him a new one. Ruth made a long bracelet and I attached a picture.
Love Rachel
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Today was pretty good. My classes did really well for the most part. The 1st graders are still a struggle. I meet with Olivers teacher for parent teacher conference today. She has so many kids she asked if some parents could meet early which worked for us. He is really smart and just having trouble paying attention and controlling his emotions. He is getting better though I think and we are working on it. I worked with Dad on programming and it clicked tonight which was fun. We did homework with the kids and then had dinner. I went to exercise class and it was high. My legs were sore from last night but it was still fun.
Love Rachel
I had a lazy day today. I should have been productive but I wasn't. I did make beef stew in the crock pot and that tasted really good. Have a wonderful Friday. Love mom
Things are going good here. My mouth is feeling better so that is nice. Work is still moving along. I was tired after work so I was just lazy. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
It was errand day for me as well. I got a lot accomplished. That felt good. I came home and put it all away. Sometimes that takes longer than buying it. I dried all the peppers for robin and they were done and I put them away. The kitchen looked like a hurricane came through. I cleaned that up this afternoon. It was worth it. I had a good time trying the Ramen noodle recipes. Cupcakes are fun to make. That is funny she won't eat them. Have a great Thursday. I am looking forward to the concerts. Love mom
Today ended up being busy which is good. Oliver forgot his backpack this morning so I went home and got it for him. I ran errands this morning and got a chai tea which was nice and warm. I sewed a bit and looked at programming. I had a meeting at school and then it was parents day at orchestra. It was fun to watch Oliver play. He is cute. I talked with Dad about programming. I really appreciate the help Dad, thank you. Oliver wanted boots so Casey took him and Ruth shopping and me and Isaac met up with them for dinner. Isaac had young men's. They were making robot's. I went to exercise class and it is the hard class but it feels good when you are done. Casey and Oliver were at the church helping with the robots so I picked Oliver up and put thr little kids to bed.
Love Rachel
Well I made it to work. It was meeting day so it seemed long. My jaw is still sore but I am doing good. Mom made fried eggs sandwiches for dinner and it tasted really good. Other than that we just had a quiet night. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
It was cold and snowy today. I just had a quiet day of prep at work which was nice. Isaac has violin lessons and Ruth had tumbling today. It was nice to talk to Dad, I need to call more. I went to exercise class and it was fun. It has taken me a while to catch on the step aerobics but it was fun tonight.
Love Rachel
Well the studs went pretty good this morning. The rest of the day i was just lazy. I am going to try work tomorrow so wish me luck. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye
I went with Karen to get her studs this morning and then brought her home. She is doing good really well. I made miso soup and pork belly meat. Both turned out well. I will make them again. Quite the gourmet cook. It did snow off and on all day. I am sorry you had drama today Robin. That is upsetting. Why did they fire her? Rachel dad loved talking with you today. Stay warm. Love mom
Monday, November 4, 2024
My day was good. Work is calming just a bit so that is nice. After work I had low tire pressure so me, mom, and dad went to the gas station and filled my tires up. Then we went and mailed dad ballet. I just my 2 studs tomorrow so I took the day off. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye
Today was good. Work was good and the classes all were pretty good. Oliver and Isaac had orchestra so it is a lot of driving. Isaac's friends have a group chat so I had Isaac give them my number and they added him yesterday so he was getting a ton texts and that was fun. Casey went caving up by Tony's grove and I went to exercise class. Love you guys.
Love Rachel
Me and dad went to go get labs this morning. They didn't have orders so we went to McDonald's and had breakfast and I made some calls. I did housework and got caught back up. Tomorrow I am going to take Karen to get studs. Good luck Karen. Robin Luna is so cute. Rachel I hope you are freezing. Man it got cold. Everyone have a great day tomorrow. Love mom
Sunday, November 3, 2024
We had a good day. Luna slept good and woke up at 630. Daylight savings is hard for little ones. We played and then Karen and grandpa woke up. We played and played. Robin and jeramy helped us take the freezer back. We bought the exact same one and it is working well. I haven't put anything in it yet. I will do that tomorrow. After Luna left Karen and dad fell sound asleep. I watched tremors. I made tater tot casserole for dinner it tasted good. Man Rachel you got a lot of snow. I hope you got ruths coat from Randy's. I love your quilt. Have a nice Monday. Love mom
The weekend
I am glad you guys had a good weekend. It was pretty cold. Yesterday I went to exercise class and stayed for two hours. They did a country music theme and it was a lot of fun. We worked in the yard but after lunch it started raining so we didn't get everything done. Ruth and Oliver went to Alan's birthday party and had a good time. It was raining and they had a huge bounce house but they still have fun in the rain. Casey and Isaac went hiking but it was snowing in the mountains so they didn't get very far. It snowed over night which was crazy. We went to church and that went well. Oliver made a snowman and he was cute. We made falafel and it wasn't working out well. Casey was trying to bake it and fell asleep so he made it all. We went to Randy's house and played card games. It is Teri's birthday today. I made a pillow gor Halloween and finished it last night.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...