Saturday, July 31, 2010
well Today was a lot different that I thought it would go, but it was a good thing. I woke up uber early to go to the film but it turns out they didn't need me so I came home and slept. Then I picked up my lights for the photo shoot tomorrow. Me and rachel went to the gateway and shopped we had a good time. we picked up some beads for a half mask I am going to use tomorrow. I glued it all together at work, I liked the way it turned out I posted a picture. Then I work went well, it was rainy so there were alot of people to watch the show. Tomorrow is my cirque shoot. I hope it goes well, It will be nice to have over. its been alot of work. Well have a great night
Nice day
We slept in and the doorbell rang and it was Jared to help us in the yard so we got up and went and cleaned the front of the house and paint the closet doors for the hallway. Then we took Grandma out to lunch and drove to bear lake. I think she was a little disappointed but I enjoyed the ride and we had a raspberry float. We got back and I took a nap then went to the store and then dad took me to Eclipse. They really changed a lot of what happened in the book but it was good. I thought that was nice of dad to take me. The neighbors are borrowing chickens to eat the grasshoppers (which are everywhere) and they kept getting lose all morning. So we also chased chickens this morning also. I am so glad that everyone had a good day. Karen you would really look good with your hair that way. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
A good day
I had a good day, I wasn't expecting to do much but it turned out good. Me and Casey slept in. He needed some new pants so we went to Kohl's to get him some. Boys shop different than girls and he was quick. Then we went out to lunch, it was fun. I dropped him off and at work, then Robin called me and we went to the Gateway. It was fun. Karen, I think that is good to still give Dad what you got him. We were being impulsive. I am excited for his present and think that he will really like it. Thank you everyone. I got a Carmel apple at the gateway and it tasted really good. Robin had to go to work after that. I fell asleep on the couch after that and that was good. Then I got up and brought Casey some dinner. I think that I am going to sew now. I haven't done anything lately and I would like to get the Sea Urchin quilt finished and make some baby blankets. Thanks for everything.
Well I am still thinking about the hair. I have trouble making major decisions sometimes. I made a pull apart cinnamon cake this afternoon. It sounded good. I also bought a watermelon and it was really good. There is nothing better than chilled watermelon on a hot day. I hope that you had a good time in Bear Lake, mom. Did Grandma had a good time also? How is dad feeling. Well since we are getting dad a gift together I am just going to keep the dvd I bought. I like that show also so it works for me. Well I hop that everyone had a great day and I will see you next weekend.
Friday, July 30, 2010
wha ho
I like the hair karen you should go for it. Are you going to put highlights in as well? Well today I worked at lagoon and I had a photoshoot I helped out on. Tomorrow I am shooting for a movie and then working at lagoon at night. I have a photoshoot on sunday the 8 at 1:30 and will go for about 2-3 hours but I could probably makeup it up to logan by dinner if that sounds ok? I work saturday night.
Golf Tournament
The golf Tournament went really well. I am glad it is over but it was a good one. A lot of people came. I am going to work on the house this weekend and get it ready for the open house on Wednesday. I am tired tonight. I had to be at work at 7:00 this morning. I got some round up on the weeds and that feels nice. They are taking over. I really like that hair style Karen. Go for it. I really liked Rachel's hair and it is about that length. I was wondering if we should have dad's party either Saturday night or Sunday afternoon. Are we having it in SLC or here in Logan. Not much else to report. I think we are going to take Grandma to Bear Lake for dinner tomorrow. She has been wanted to go up there and check it out and tomorrow seems like the perfect day. I will let you know if that happens.
I like it
Karen, I like that hair style. I think that would be pretty on you. If you don't straighten it, it would still look nice and curly. I forgot to mention on the blog that I cut my hair last weekend and I have really like it. It is alot cooler. I got a raise at work today and that was fun. It is the end of the month and that is a busy time so it has been a good week. We don't have alot of plans for the weekend. Casey is working and I am going to hang out. Well have a good night.
Well they have issued a sever storm warning and now there are issuing a flash flood warning. I guess it could be an interesting night. My day was good. It started out kind of slow but then it picked up. So that was nice, I was worried I would be bored all day. Well i am going to keep this short because my lights have flickered a couple of time. Have a great one. BYE
Thursday, July 29, 2010
july is past
Well today I worked at lagoon nothing to crazy.I am working there tomorrow morning as well and then at night I have a photoshoot. Oh mom I did a photoshoot the other day and they are going to mail a cd to your house. Just a heads up. anyway i'm glad everyone is doing well, I hope that friday is fabulous
Tomorrow is the golf tournament I have to be there at 7:00 so it is an early day for me. I might even get a little sun. I bought some closet doors for the hall way tonight. I am going to paint them the same color as the hall on saturday. I guess we are having another open house on Wednesday so I need to kick in gear and get the front cleaned up. Not much else going on with us. George of the Jungle is a cute movie. We watched that tonight.
Well I don't have much going on. My day was a lot like yesterday and that is good. Karen I am excited for you to come up next week, that will be fun. I wanted to add some music to my Ipod and I noticed that a lot of the music that I copied over the folders were empty so I am copying them over again. It is really werid. Well everyone have a good night and stay safe.
Robin, I already heard about that one but it was alot more than the one bought. Things are good here. It is still hot though. At the beginning of the week they promised a high of 99 today, but it was actually 103. I am still planning on coming up not this weekend but next (7th and 8th) if that is still okay with everyone. I figured I could wish dad a happy birthday then. I hope that he feels better soon. Well have a great Friday everyone.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
shot through the heart.
Well today we shot on the new feature that I'm working on. My schedule is starting to get inked in for august so I told them today that I can't work a lot on the movie. I think it will be for the best. but I am going to help out on saturday for a bit. Sorry I didn't get your text rachel we were in the woods and I didn't get reception. Tomorrow I am working at night, so I can't go out for dinner. sorry. well I don't want to ruin anyones day but I just found out that they are coming out with a brand new kindle with 3G internet on it........ I still think yours is still cool though :)..
Well I am glad you are enjoying your Kindles. That is nice not to have a 100 books laying around. I had a nice day. I am tired so I just rested and did another burp cloth for CJ. I was a pirate one. It turned out cute. I started a burp and receiving blanket combo tonight. I am doing the yarn in light green. I am enjoying it. It is cars with dots on the back. Dad came home tonight he thinks he is passing a kidney stone. Poor guy. Golf tournament is on Friday. That is going to be a long day. Have a great one
Karen, I am so glad that you love your kindle. I have really liked mine and I was worried you wouldn't find it so awesome. They are so fun. I finished a book last night about the HeLa cells, they were the first imortal line of cells, it was a interesting book. I had a good day. Work is going good. My dress was ready today so I went and picked it up. Casey is working tonight so I brough him some dinner. Everytime I go to Arbys and I order a sprite they mess it up. I was looking at baby stuff tonight and their is so much out there. It is overwhelming. The have a bab registry on so I started that but I only have two things in there. We will have to all think about it. Well thanks for everything and have a good night.
Visiting teaching
Well after work I went and got my visiting teaching done. Work is doing good. I have been not bored almost all week. I decided I am turning into Rachel. i have started taking my kindle every where and when I get bored I pull it out. It hasn't taken very long to get addicted. It is suppose to be under 100 here tomorrow. Yup we are suppose to be 99 tomorrow. But there is a chance of rain so the humidity will probably make up for it. I am glad that Grandma can hear. Well have a great rest of the week. BYE
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
oh boy
I'm glad that grandma can hear that will be nice to not yell all the time. Sorry I missed dinner. I started the day working on the student film then I went to the meeting for the feature that I just started. yikes. I guess we are filming tomorrow, we will see how that goes. Well Nothing else to exciting have a great one
Oh what a day
Well this has been an eventful day. We had someone come look at the house, grandma can hear and they gave her more meds so she should start springing back again. WOW. We went and spent some time with Julie and Kyle and I think they needed that one. Julie is worn out. I will keep you posted on the tomorrow events.
I had a good day. Work went good and has been fun. The girls went out for lunch and brought me back a salad and it was really good. I ate the whole thing. then after work Dad picked me up and we went out to Juiles. We went out to dinner at Marie Claires, it was realy good I got a pot pie. Grandma got a hearing aid and she can hear really well. It was neat. Mom and Grandma had a good day. It was fun to see everyone and talk. It was a nice evening. Thanks.
Well it is hot here again today. It is starting monsoon season here. It gets cloudy and stromy here at night here. Only get about 4 drops of rain. Just enough to miss up your windshield. I hope that everything went well with grandma's doctor's appointment. Work was good today. I even stayed busy most of the day. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Monday, July 26, 2010
Well I guess I have a meeting tomorrow I forgot about, so I won't be able to make it to dinner. Sorry, I thought I had the night off. well today I worked at lagoon and then I had the night free. I just watched t.v and slept. It was nice I was beat. well have a great day tomorrow.
Karen, I have added a cruise counter for you also. If I have the countdown wrong just let me know. It is a little big but most of it is showing. I had a good day. Work was good. Casey didn't have to work late so he came home and we had nachos and then we went grocery shopping. I ate a whole box of chicken and a biscuits yesterday so we got some more and we got some snacks. Mom, I will just go home after work and you can call me when you guys are ready and we can work out a plan. I am excited, it will be fun. I have a lot of girls things too, thanks for getting more boys things.
Well work was quiet today. BreeAnn got sick around 9:00 and she has kidney stones. Poor thing. They are keeping her overnight in the hospital just to make sure everything is OK with the babies. It kind of scared me. I love your count down Rachel. I am so excited. That is neat. I went VT tonight and have to go again at 8:00 so in between we hit Village Inn for dinner. I washed the sheets before I left work this morning so they are drying so hopefully I will make the bed before I get in it. I am in SLC tomorrow. RAchel grandma's appt isn't until 4:30 in Bountiful. Do you want to go home and we will pick you up or do you want to meet at Julies. I am going to stop by the crochet store and find some receiving blankets I can crochet. All I have a girl ones. I need to get more boy stuff. WEll have a great tuesday.
Who stoled the cookies from the cookie jar
Well the cookies were a hit. One of the planners was having a bad day and said that they only good news he had today was that I made cookies. Well I am planning on coming up the 7th and 8th of August for dad's birthday day. Work was good today. It is hot though. I am a little tired because the people above me started playing music early this morning. Oh well. I will sleep tonight. I hope that everything goes well for you tomorrow mom. I will miss emailing you at work. Robin the hair looks good. Rachel like the count down. My count down for my trip is 26 days and counting. Have a great on day.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Well dad left tonight to go to SLC. He wanted to be around to get everything going in the morning. He was excited. Robin love the hair style it looks very old fashion with the ringlets. It is very nice. Karen boy you were on a roll tonight. I just had warm ups. They did taste good however. Rachel you are doing really good. I love your company. I had a good day on Saturday. We need to do that more often. Well not much else to report. We just vegged today and watched movies. WE did go on a little ride up Green Canyon just to get out of the house. Grandma loves sunday drives. WEll I'll be in town on Tuesday. Tomorrow is payroll. THat is always a busier day for me.
work'n 9-5 (psych)
Well today wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I woke up at 3:30 it was a bit ruff to get started. But once I got to lagoon and filled up my mug with coke my world was a lot better. :) then I went to the photo shoot. It was with one of my friends so it was fun. I'm going to do anther photo shoot on the 30th with him. I don't think we are shooting on tuesday night so I can go out for dinner. I am shooting till 4 on the student film though so I might miss lunch. well I also worked on my wig for my photoshoot for cirque. I posted a picture I was excited. I think it will be fun with everything.
Well I felt like baking so I am making cookies. I also make beef stew today. Wow I know I am a cooker. I am glad that you all had a good time on Saturday. I hope that Robin is not too tired today. 3 am is just too early. Church was good. Well I don't have too much to report so I am going to sign off. Have a good one.
Thank you for the fun day yesterday. We had a really good time. It was fun just to spend the day together. We will have to plan another sewing Saturday, that will be fun. I didn't even think that nothing would be open because of the holiday, it is weird. I haven't done much today. I have slept most of the day and that has been nice. We had the barbecue sandwiches for lunch and it was really good, thank you. I have the best family and I really appricate everything. Thanks for putting up with me.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...