Saturday, April 28, 2012
Nice Gardens
Karen the garden looks really nice. You are going to love having herbs again and Rachel your peas look really nice also. Isaac will love them. I had a good day. Dad ended up working all day so I drove to Logan by myself. It was nice just to be able to visit and not have to rush. Thanks for letting me come up. Tomorrow night Niel's wife is singing in a concert and we are going to go see that. I think that will be fun. It was a good drive home. Not much traffic at all. I need to learn how to post pictures on the blog. I just love seeing them. LOVE MOM
For cute
Thanks for the picture Karen, I love the garden that is fun. I think that you will have more problems with frost than deer in Heber. Maybe if you know it is going to be cold at night cover the plants up. You can even cover them every night to protect them from the deer, I am a genius. Today was a nice day. Casey cleaned out the garage. It looks really nice, he did a good job. Mom came up this afternoon and Isaac had a fun day playing with Grandma. Thank you for driving up here Mom.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Love weekends
Karen came down tonight for dinner and we went to trolley square. They have a new store there that was really cute. I am planning on coming to Logan tomorrow but it will be later in the afternoon. I am not getting up early. I don't have any news just glad for a quiet weekend. LOVE MOM
Thursday, April 26, 2012
It is crazy weather
We had a good day here but it is pouring rain right now. I guess the hot weather is gone for a while. It was a good day today. Work was quiet and I got a lot done. Tomorrow I am suppose to go to Wasatch academy for a meeting. It is by where Robin use to work for Zions. I did laundry today and even ironed for awhile. That is weird that they have sold the house with out putting it up for sale. They must have sold it to someone they know. It is a nice house. Maybe it will be a young family with kids so Isaac can have someone to play with. I love the cedar chest you got. Well have a great Friday. The last one in April. That just seems weird to me. Time goes by so fast. LOVE MOM
Crazy Weather
The weather has been so weird today. It will be nice then the wind will pick up really hard and then it will rain. It just happened again. Today was good. We went on a walk this morning and that was nice. We just missed the bad weather. When Casey got home we rode our bikes down to a gun store that is closing but they didn't have any bullets for his gun. We ate dinner at Wingers and Isaac loved the popcorn and fries. He wouldn't eat anything else. There was a estate sale at Jay's and we stopped by. I got a cedar chest for $30. It is pretty. We ended up putting it on the fire place up stairs and I put a lot of Isaac's toys in it. It is so nice, it really helped declutter the living room. I love it. Casey got a couple tools and just went back over to see if there was anything else. There are a lot of people there. They said that they are in the process of closing on the house, so it is almost sold. Well not much else to report. I am still sewing the bow tire quilt together, I am about half way done. It is hard with the corduroy to line everything up, it is going to be a good tv quilt I think. Well everyone have a good night. This week is almost over.
Yeah for Almost Friday
I am glad that it is almost Friday. I was going to turn in my insurance papers today, but the HR lady was off today. So i am going to turn them in tomorrow. Work was good. I really don't have much report. I am glad that Isaac it giving up the bottle most kids have trouble with that, like someone we know (Rachel). Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Rachel All I can say is you have it easy with the bottle. That is so nice he just gave it up. He is such a good baby. He does like the hose. He is going to have a better summer because it will keep him cool. I had a nice day. I was tired all day. I even had a coke in the morning to get me going. I feel like I am coming down with something. I know that sounds strange because I am not sick just kind of achy. I paid my first utility and phone bill on line. High tech. I am moving into the 2005 era. Yeah for me. It is really nice to do it that way. Good luck Karen investing in your 401. It is hard to know what to do. Royce and VanGaard are good. Charlie came over for dinner tonight and that was nice. I made chili and sent it all home with him. He is studying for finals. Hopefully he will have a good snack tonight. Not too much else to report. I can't decide what to do this weekend. I was thinking of coming up on Saturday if dad is working and maybe we could go looking for decorations for the kitchen. It is hard to plan when I don't know what is going to go on. Well have a great thursday it is suppose to turn rainy. LOVE MOM
No bottle
I don't mind the new look too much. I think that I will get used to it, hopefully. Isaac hasn't been drinking his bottles at night so we decided to put him to bed without them. Tonight is night two and it has been going really well. I guess when they are ready they are ready. It is nice because I was having a hard time letting it go so it was nice he did it himself. Today was good. I rode my bike to khols. It took me a half an hour to get home but I made it. It made me feel like I accomplished something so it felt nice. Casey has ridden his bike to work for two days now, he is doing really good. I mowed the lawn during Isaac's nap and that went well. We just spend the afternoon playing in the backyard until Casey got home. Isaac helped me water my peas, it was fun. He loves holding the hose. Casey decided not to take the gun class this weekend. So I think that we are just staying up here. He may have to work in SLC but he doesn't know yet. If you want to come up here Mom that would be fun or you can just have a weekend off. This week is going so fast. I can't believe it is garbage day already.
I found a button that let me change the interface back to the old blog style. I do like the old style better than the new one they had. Today was good. It looked like it might rain today but it never did. Work is moving right along. I was tired today though. I could have used a nap. Oh well that will teach me to go to bed on time. I am working on getting my insurance papers all filled out so I can turn them in tomorrow. I hate filling out paper work. Oh well it will be over soon. Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Do we need a new blog?
Does this mean out blog is out of circulation and need to make a new one or they just have a new format. WEird. I love the pictures Rachel. I can't believe the water didn't frighten him. His is so cute. I had a good day. I am tired also. I don't have a lot going on. Dad worked until 8 tonight. We are getting back to normal. I am glad tomorrow is Wednesay. We made it half way. LOVE MOM
this new web design is weirdo. I don't think I like it. but anyway life is good sorry I didn't blog I was so tired I just feel asleep. I am still tired today but I just worked 8 hours so that was nice. I took off my manicure last night it took forever but now I have normal fingers.
I am glad that Isaac likes his pool hes so cute. well not to much else going on . I have a great night
It was nice here today. I like it when it is nice outside. Work went along just fine today. Except for allergies it was a good day. I also got my dishes done so yeah that was nice. Rachel that picture of Isaac and the pool was cute. Well I hope that everyone has a great day. BYE
Today was good. We went on a walk this morning just so it is cooler and it went well. We spent a lot of time downstairs because it was cooler today. I meet with Jenn and sewed with her during Isaac's nap. I have finished most of the trucks. It a fun time. After his nap we went to Fred Smiths and I got Isaac a top for the wedding. It is a button down shirts that is brown and orange strips. I think that it will work well. I set up Isaac's pool this afternoon and it was a lot of fun. He enjoyed playing in the water. Thank you Robin. Well everyone have a good night and stay safe.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Heat Wave
Today was good but hot. I rode my bike to the store this morning before it got too hot and that was fun. Isaac took a really good nap today. Calleen and Allen came and visited us tonight and it was really nice to talk to them for a while. I gave them the blue and white quilt that I had just finished. I am glad that everyone had a good night. Cafe Rio sounds really good. I may have to go there one night for dinner also. :)
Nice Day
I had a good Monday, work was busy but not crazy so the time went fast. I came home and me and Robin went to Cafe Rio. I really like that place and dad doesn't so he worked late and we went there. I cleaned the bathtub and am washing sheets. I am going. I am sure I will be tired. That is good I will sleep good tonight in clean sheets. WEll have a great Tuesday. It is suppose to be another really warm one tomorrow. I love this time of year. LOVE MOM
Sunday, April 22, 2012
fun weekend
I had such a nice weekend also. I hate to go back to the real world. I took Friday off so it is going to be really hard to get back into work all week. We didn't do much after you left. We both did get naps. It was so quiet after everyone left. I love the noise and the action. I am always up for another weekend. Well have a good week. LOVE MOM
Thank you for the nice weekend. I feel like I had a vacation, thank you. I feel like I can tackle another week. Isaac slept the whole way home which was nice. I even fell asleep for a while. Casey's dad call us when we got home so we went over there so dinner. It was fun. One of Terry's friends quilts so we went over to her house to look at a quilt. She was a scream. She older and she is has a ton of fabric and project. She was a talker. It was fun. She gave us a copy of pattern of the quilt she was working on. Well I hope that everyone has a good night and a good Monday.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...