Thursday, November 29, 2012


well things are going well. I am tired. I like your christmas lights mom. I am jealous I haven't had the time to decorate and I forgot all my christmas stuff in logan anyway. guess next year. I can't believe it december already. this week has flown by so fast. well not to much else with me just work work work. have a great friday robin

Nice Day

Thanks for the picture Mom, I like the lights.  Good job Karen and being so organized.  I have muost everything wrapped.  I ran out of birthday wrapping paper and I might wrap one of Isaac's Birthday present in Christmas paper.  He may grow up scarred.  We had a good day.  I bought Isaac a size bigger diapers and they fit him a lot better.  He is getting so big.  We went to the park this afternoon and it was so fun.  Isaac is getting a lot better at playing.  We had a fun time.  We had spaghetti for dinner and it tasted really good.  Here are a couple pictures of today.


One more try

I am going to try one more time to post my Christmas lights. Way to go Karen you are so organized.  I met with my VT at the Left Fork Grill.  It is right down the street from me and it was really good.  We will have to try that one time.  I had a busy day and I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday also.  Dad made it safe and sound and is in the Hotel in Dammam.  He emailed me.  He said he was really tired.  Pray for him that all goes well.  Well have a great Friday, it is suppose to rain tomorrow. My first day with bad weather for the trax.  I love you guys.  MOM

Almost there

Well my day has been good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am all packed and ready to go. I got all my Christmas presents wrapped. I even remembered to pack the down eastern bag. Yeah for me. It is getting dark so early. Oh well only one more month and the days will get longer. That wrapping paper I got from Kohl's was nice. It was big enough to wrap Isaac's basketball hoop and trampoline. I was way impressed. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday, payday, and last day of the month. BYE

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

So far so good

Well dad called me from Atlanta and is on is way to Saudi Arabia.  He was sounding very tired but holding up good.  I put up some Christmas lights tonight and even took a picture.  I thought it might get us in the Christmas spirit.  I just laid around most of the night and slept.  I was so tired.  I hope dad sleeps on the plane.  Not much else to report.  I am glad that the packages came.  The one I sent here hasn't shown up yet.  It is suppose to be here on Friday.  Well have a great Thursday.  Robin I am glad your play is going good.  LOVE MOM Well I can't find the picture I will have to post it tomorrow night. 


Today was good.  Mom ordered presents over Thanksgiving and they have started arriving and it has been fun to get packages.  I finished my granny square quilt and I like it.  It turned out really good.  I still need to put a border on but I don't have one so I will have to look around for one.  I worked on Karen's quilt and will get it done soon.  Today me and Isaac did the rest of the animal pills that were in the bathroom.  We had a really fun time doing them, thank you whoever got them for him.  After we did it I put them on the couch and went to make lunch.  When I came down he was tearing them apart.  I took a picture it was cute.  I guess they got there use out of them.  Well everyone have a good night and a good day tomorrow.  I hope that Dad travels safe.


Halfway there

Well the week is half over. Yeah. Things are going good here. This morning was busy at work which was nice. It went by pretty quick. After work I went and got my oil changed. They were really quick. Well that about sums up my day. Have a great one. BYE

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


hi, sorry blogs are slow on my side its a crazy busy week. christmas carol is going well my girls are sweet. Not getting a lot of sleep but that is ok. you only live once i guess. well I am going to head for bed have agreat one robin

Busy Day

Today we were busy all day which was nice.  We had story time in the morning and then we came home and cleaned the house which felt really nice.  Jenn came over to sew today.  Isaac wanted to go to sleep really early so I got a hour of sewing in before she came.  I was able to get all but one row done.  I am going to finish that up tomorrow and then quilt Karens quilt.  Casey wanted to go and get lottery tickets so left work on time and we went up there and got some.  Then we headed up to Clifton and had dinner with Calleen, Allen and his Grandma.  It was a fun evening.  They were so surprised how well Isaac was talking and how grow up he is getting.  He can say kitty now and kept saying it while he was looking for them.  Casey's Christmas present came today from you Mom.  He doesn't know what it is and is excited.  I wanted some solid colors to go with the fabric that you are getting me Mom so Casey is going to get me them for Christmas.  I order it today and I am really excited.  I am glad that everyone is doing good.  I hope that Dad has a good trip.  Wish him luck.


I am moving right along also

Dad came and got me after work and we turned the keys into Foothill apartments.  That felt really nice.  Dad took me out to dinner to celebrate and he said that Chinese Gourmet on 4500 and state had Mongolian barbeque and low and behold they did.  It was quite nice and very reasonably priced.  We will all have to go there sometime.  That was my big story of the day.  Dad is leaving tomorrow and working late.  A usual trip for him.  I bet he works most of the night.  Poor guy.  He is so tired. I just hope this trips goes really well.  I got home and got in my PJ's and have been vegging every since.  Very nice.  I do have a stack of papers also at my house.  I thought I would turn on a movie and go through them.  It has been awhile since I did that.  Well have a great Wednesday.  Robin I hope Christmas Carol is coming along.  I bet you are working too long of hours also.  If you need me to do anything just let me know.


Moving Right Along

Well the week is moving right along. Things are going good here in Heber. I am ready for a long weekend again. I hope that dad has a good trip when he finally goes. I am going to try and get organized soon. It is just so easy to have piles of paper everywhere. The home is still trucking along. I will let you know when things get finalized. Well have a great one bye

Monday, November 26, 2012

It's postponed

Well they postponed Saudi for one day.  Dad is leaving on Wednesday now.  We went to Walmart to buy some Christmas lights for our porch and we found a suitcase for dad to take.  I think it will be nice for him.  It does have more room.  That was nice.  He is all packed up.  We went and got his hair cut and treats.  I just got an extra day.  I am glad that Casey got a new pair of pants.  I love Kohl's cash.  I did take a picture of my wall that I put the decals on.  I am not sure I did a great job but it is growing on me.  I need to hang the rest of my pictures.  I am still figuring out where to put them.  Well have a great Tuesday.  Karen you are going to be in your house before you know it.  LOVE MOM

New Pants

I swear I blogged but it wasn't there when I checked back.  We had a good day.  We walked to lees to get some tape and wrapped up all the presents.  It feels nice to have that done and out of my sewing room.  With my room feeling better I did get some sewing done and that felt nice.  We went and got Casey some pants at Khols tonight with the Kohls cash.  Thank you.  I am reading a good book called These Are My Words.  I am liking it so far.  Well everyone have a good night and try to stay warm.



Sorry I didn't blog last night. I spaced it. Rachel I do have the Down East bag. I will bring to mom's place on Saturday for you. My day has been good. Work is moving right along. I had a fun Thanksgiving thanks everyone for the nice time. I can't believe that November is almost over. Right now I am suppose to close on my house three weeks from today. Exciting I know. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Getting things done

I did get the apartment all cleaned today and it looked OK.  I am not going to do anything else.  They can just charge me.  It felt nice to get that done.  Dad worked while I cleaned the apartment and then we were going to go see Grandma Bodily but she didn't want us to come over so we went home and had naps.  It was so nice.  I hung up my stickers I got at Hobby Lobby. I forgot to take a picture.  I will do that tomorrow night.  I have to get dad already to go tomorrow.  I think a lot of ironing is in my future.  I think that is so funny Robin.  It  made me laugh.  I am glad that Pioneer went well and that your movie went well also.  I am not looking forward to getting back to a normal weekend also.  Not too much longer and then I get a Christmas break.  I can do it.  Thanks again for the fun weekend.  LOVE MOM  (PS  Karen has your shirts)


I am glad that you got your old apartment all cleaned Mom that will be nice.  Robin I am glad that you had a good time at pioneer.  I love the picture of you and Isaac sleeping it is so cute.  Karen I hope that you had a good day.  Ours was good and relaxed.  It was raining up here so we couldn't go on a walk so we decided to make the rice krispy trains and that was fun.  Isaac loved that they were trains.  Even after they were done he played with them as if they were real trains.  We went to nursery today and that went well.  We had left overs for dinner and they tasted really good.  Then we went and visited Casey's Dad.  They went to Idaho for Thanksgiving.  I am not looking forward to going back to normal this week.  I guess I have a lot of fun fabric to look forward to, that will keep me going.  Thanks everyone for the best Thanksgiving ever.


PS Someone ended up with my Downeast shirt.  If anyone sees them hold on to them for me until this weekend.  Thanks. :)

a car

thanks for the fun week I had a good time ;) well things are good with me pioneer was fun and then I helped on a movie today. Tomorrow I start work again :( and then I have pioneer to. those pictures were cute. The one of me sleeping isn't so cute. but isaac saves the day ;) anyway have a great night also i saw this funny photo and thought I would share TTYL


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...