Saturday, July 13, 2024


 I got up early and went to exercise class.  I did some chores around the house too.  We went to Randy's and we played at the park.  It was hot and the kids played in the sprinklers which was fun.  Their is a scary movie called Long Legs and everyone went to Ogden to watch it.  I stayed home with Ruth and Oliver.  They didn't want to see the movie.  We went to Tandoori oven for dinner.  We picked raspberries and worked the the garden.  We went on a walk and the kids played on a dirt hill for a long time.  They had a fun time at the movie but it was awful.  It wasn't a good movie.  I hope Luna feels better soon.

Love Rachel 


 We got up early and went to Lehi. They rented a uhaul and got all the wood they needed.  Luna wasn't feeling great and didnt eat much. We went to olive garden and she eat anything. Robin took her to instacare and she has strep. Poor little.thing. we came home.and rested. It was too hot to.puy up the wood.  We edged the lawn and it looks so.much better. We were driving home and it even rained like 5 drops of rain. I hope we get more. Have a nice Sunday. Love mom


 We got up this morning and went to Robin's to help get supplies to fix the shed. We got everything they needed. Then Luna wasn't feeling well so Robin took her to instacare and we came home and took a nap. I bought an edger for the lawn because it was bugging mom. It was delivered today and we got the lawn edged after dinner. It looks nice. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye 

Friday, July 12, 2024


 We had a quiet day. It was nice. I felt congested I hope I am not getting a cold. I made tacos for dinner and then we went to see fly me to the moon at 930. It was a really cute show. We are going  to Lehi tomorrow to help get wood back on their shed. Rachel I am so glad you are having a good time. We did finish the dragon puzzle. Karen bought a new one we can work on. We have been enjoying those. Have a nice weekend. Love mom


 Today was good.  It is Mandi's birthday today.  They spent the night in Clifton last night.  They camped in the field and a ton a earwigs crawled all over them so they had to sleep in a different place.  We cleaned the house this morning and did some crafts.  Isaac went swimming with his friend and had a good time.  We went roller skating with everyone for Mandi's birthday.  I love roller skating and we had a fun time.  We went bowling and I almost won but Tiffany pulled ahead on the last frame.  I picked up Isaac and he roller skated with us for a little bit.  We went to the factory pizza for dinner.  Oliver's friend Allen was their and they were so excited to see each other.  The pizza tasted really good.  Then we went to Randy's and had cake and ice cream.  We played uno for a bit until the kids were too wild.  We ran to the park and had them run around for a bit.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel 

Thursday, July 11, 2024


 It was good to sleep in our own beds last night.  Ruth woke up early and didn't feel well so I laid on the couch with her.  We went and got a breakfast burrito also.  Oliver has been wanting to make raspberry jam so we picked this morning and then made jam.  He didn't want to make freezer jam so we canned it which is hot.  He had fun which is the most important.  We met everyone at the DI.  I bought like 5 yoga balls, the boys were so excited.  Tiffany found a cute dress for me.  We went up the Randy's and played uno.  It is 7-11 today so we went and got a free slushy.  It was fun and we didn't wait very long.  The girls are going up the Clifton and spending the night.  Isaac has been talking about sabores forever so we took.him there for dinner.  I made a cake for Mandi, her birthday is tomorrow.   Ruth has been wanting to make butter bear from Harry Potter so we made that also.  Love you guys, I hope Luna feels better.

Love Rachel 


 We had a good day. We went to target to get dad's meds. I found a new recipe I wanted to try. Lemon spaghetti (non creamy). It tasted so good. I was going to show the recipe to isaac. It was really easy to make. I cut out snitch doll dresses today. I am going to sew them tomorrow. I also started a new diamond art. They are fun to do. This one has round beads instead of square ones. I like the round ones better. I am sorry Luna is.sick. she looked good this evening when you called. I hope she doesn't get too sick. Rachel is was.101 in logan today. That is one hot day. Love you all mom


 My day was good. Work is moving along. It was hot today so I  didn't walk in the afternoon. We went to the gym and exercised. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Today was ok. Daycare called me and Luna had a fever. So I worked from home the rest of the day. I'm going to work from home tomorrow too since we have to wait 24 hours with no medicine before we can go back. Luckily it's Friday. I forgot to blog last night. I had my first blue berries so that was fun. It tasted good. Then we took the panels off the shed and it's leaning. We put a few stability pieces in to hold it till we get the new wood walls up this weekend 


Wednesday, July 10, 2024


 We have Ruth a nightquil last night and she slept all night.  It was really nice.  She seems to be okay today.  We packed up and cleaned today.  I had bad anxiety this morning which is stupid.  Me and Casey went on a walk and that helped.  Me and Casey took all the kids to a museum but it was closed.  We went to a springs.  The water is carbonated and you can drink it.  It is why the town is called soda spring, I didn't know that.  The kids liked playing in the water.  We went back to the geyser and we noticed all these pipes going to it.  It is a fake geyser and I just figured it out.  We googled it and it is the only fake geyser in the world.  We had a late lunch and then left.  We found a thrift store on the way home and Mandi got a cowboy hat.  They have been finding these cool Stetson hats and now the aunts all have one.  Oliver wanted a souvenir so we went to a store next door.  They had a museum upstairs so we looked at that and got a souvenir.  We stopped for pizza in Preston and it was good.  The Aunts went to Clifton to visit Calleen.  I went to exercise class this evening and it felt really good to go. It will be nice to sleep in our beds again.

Love Rachel 


 We had a quiet day. We did go to the mall to walk. We met Karen for lunch. We went to smiths to get grapes and they didn't have any grapes. I thought was weird. It was a scorcher today. Robin I hope your shed is ok. I was worried it fell over. Rachel I hope Ruth is better. Fevers are never fun on vacation. Dad got his project done for robins wood. It is cool to watch it twirl around. Stay cool in the heat. Love mom

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 Ruth woke up at 3 and had a fever.  She threw up at 5 and then was able to sleep after that.  She threw up again after breakfast.  Max got her some nausea medicine and she took and bath.  She laid down for a bit and then felt fine the rest of the day.  Everyone went to the cave again and I felt bad leaving Ruth so I stayed home also.  They saw a spring and the geyser also.  For lunch we had the summer Halloween party.  Mandy did a amazing job with all the treats and decorations.  It was a lot of fun.  We went to the gun range.  Ruth wouldn't shoot but everyone did really well.  Oliver really liked shooting Dads rifle.  We stopped and saw the geyser because it was shooting off.  It was neat to see.   I have a ton of pictures and they aren't on order because they are from different people.

Love Rachel 


 I got up a little early and mowed the lawn. It looks so much better. I went grocery shopping. That felt good. I finished the diamond art. It is really pretty. I thought it would take me longer. I am going to sew.doll clothes next. Robin be careful in the heat. Do you have to take.the top floor off also? We.can help. Rachel I hope you are having a good time. Love mom


Today was good I was a bit caught up on work so that was nice. After work we took down some more panels. Luna did a lot better today and helped a bit. We had 3 green peppers that were not getting any bigger so we picked them and had chicken. Fajitas. 



 Things are going good here. Work was busy today so it went by fast. It was hot. Unfortunately it is supposed to get hotter from here on the end of the week. After work we just had a quiet night and worked on the puzzle. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, July 8, 2024


We made it to the cabin.  The kids were good to get up early for them this morning.  We had all the food at our house so everyone came over to pack up.  We couldn't fit everything so we had to wait for Colin to come and put some stuff in his car.  We stopped in Preston to look at the DI but they didn't have anything good.  We were going to eat lunch in Grace but we had the dogs and it was really busy so we went to the cabin.  Then got lunch in Soda Springs.  Mandy wants to have a Halloween party so we helped her prep all the treats for that.  The little kids went swimming in a pool that is next door.  Their is a cave close so Me, Casey, Isaac and Randy went to it.  The trail was flooded and we had the hardest time finding it.  It was a .2 mile hike but we hiked around for two hours looking for it.  Casey found it and it was really neat. It was pretty big and we explored it for a while.  Mandy gave us all temporary tattoos.  The kids loved it.  We had a spaghetti bar for dinner and it was really good.  It turned out really nice.  It turns out bear lake is to far from the cabin so we might go on our way home or next weekend.  

Love Rachel 


 I walked to reams today and got some noodles. It was a nice walk. I dried some more apples and then made lasagna for dinner tomorrow. We me...