Friday, July 12, 2024


 Today was good.  It is Mandi's birthday today.  They spent the night in Clifton last night.  They camped in the field and a ton a earwigs crawled all over them so they had to sleep in a different place.  We cleaned the house this morning and did some crafts.  Isaac went swimming with his friend and had a good time.  We went roller skating with everyone for Mandi's birthday.  I love roller skating and we had a fun time.  We went bowling and I almost won but Tiffany pulled ahead on the last frame.  I picked up Isaac and he roller skated with us for a little bit.  We went to the factory pizza for dinner.  Oliver's friend Allen was their and they were so excited to see each other.  The pizza tasted really good.  Then we went to Randy's and had cake and ice cream.  We played uno for a bit until the kids were too wild.  We ran to the park and had them run around for a bit.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel 

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...