Saturday, May 18, 2019

Home again

We got the first layer of cement day last night and it took until 2 to dry today.  It was a nice day.  We played with the kids and went to Oliver's last soccer game and then they went home and worked on the shower and we went to the jump zone.  It was a good time.  We went to Lee's afterward to get distilled water for the betas that I accidently bought for the kids.  It was a zoo there it was food day or something and the lines were huge.  There were a ton of samples and the kids really loved that.  Rachel made kabobs on the barbeque with corn on the cob and it was really good.  I think I ate all the kids ones that they didn't eat.  We came home and just vegged a little bit.  Karen I am glad you got groceries.  That is on my list as well.  Robin, I hope all is going well with you.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I slept in and then went grocery shopping. It rained a bit here. I hope that the shower in Logan is going good. Have a good Sunday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Friday, May 17, 2019


Robin those flowers are beautiful. I love them. You are so gifted. We made it safe and sound to Logan and got the first layer of cement down in the shower. It looks nice. Made progress tonight. If you need help robin we aren’t far. Don’t get too stressed. I am glad I found your immunization records karen. Who thought you would need that. Have a nice weekend love mom


Robin I think those look really pretty. I am impressed. My day was good. It was a blizzard here most of the morning though. Still tired of snow, but at least it didn't stick. I got an email from the college today saying I needed to submit proof I have had my mmr shots. Which I thought was weird because I am doing an online degree. Oh well, mom was nice and sent me a copy to send in, so that is done. I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Bye


Today was good because it was friday. Jeramy and I went to the paint me mine and picked up the ceramics we painted. I forgot to get pictures I will have to take some tomorrow then we went to rumbi's. I was worried about the bouquets I'm making everyone. So I did a test one tonight and a boutiner. I posted pictures of that. It was a busy night. Hope everyone has a good Saturday

Thursday, May 16, 2019

meetings are over

So the big meetings are over for today and they went nice.  I even got a thank you note from the CEO.  She is a sweet lady.  I met the Gumm gang for dinner and it was nice.  I walked the mall a little bit before and it was nice.  I even got Jeramy a birthday present.  Robin was thinking of having a birthday party  for him over memorial day but I was wondering about the weekend of the shower.  Rachel will be down here and we could have a party.  Does that sound OK with you Robin,  I am afraid I might not feel great over memorial day because I am getting my teeth pulled on Friday.  We can discuss that over the blog.  Everyone is so excited for Robin's shower.  Angela has taken over and making it really cute.  I thought that was nice of her.  No gossip from the dinner.  I did find a skirt that might work for the wedding for me, I bought it but it might be too tight.  I didn't try it on yet.  Everyone be safe in the storms.  LOVE MOM


I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I feel stressed for some reason I think I'm just tired. I'm going to sleep all weekend. I worked on my jacket again. But I dont get very far because Jenkins is so needy. Stay safe in the rain



I kept thinking today should be Friday. But alas it was only Thursday. My day was good. It started raining here about 7. It is supposed to be stormy til Wednesday. So I don't have to water my lawn yet. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


On my walk this morning it was a pretty day and it was warm which was nice.  It was supposed to rain so I drove Isaac to school but it didn't rain until dinner time.  While Oliver was at school we went grocery shopping  which was good.  After lunch Ruthie has been wanting to ride her bike so the little kids rode their bikes around the block and they did really well.Ruthie is getting better.    We walked to get Isaac and the weather so so nice, just cloudy.  Tonight was Ruth's last soccer game and she got a medal and a pizza certificate.  Casey went with her and I went with Isaac to scouts.  They did arm wrestling and jousting.  The boys all had to tell a scripture story about Faith.  It was a fun night.  They are going to have a day scout camp in June and I filled out all the paper work tonight so he is ready to go.  Isaac also got his swimming certificate and he was happy about that.  I hope that everyone is doing well.  Love you guys.


Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Today was good.  I walked and worked out this morning.  It was weights today and it was hard but I feel like I am getting stronger.  It was watering day today so after Oliver was done with school they got in their swim suits and ran around in the sprinklers.  We rode bikes to pick up Isaac and Oliver crashed again and scrapped his leg.  He was brave and rode his bike back home.  We had snow cones again and the kids love them.  We had a soccer game tonight and it went well.  It was windy but the weather wasn't too bad.  We only have one more game on Saturday.  After dinner we rode our bikes to a pond by where Dad used to work.  Casey made bread last night and we were going to feed some to the duck.  Their was a sign that said to not feed the ducks so Isaac was nervous to hang around.  We played along the little stream and the kids had fun.  We were getting ready to go and Ruth grabbed a metal pole and it was broken and fell on to her.  She hurt her head but didn't get hurt too bad.  She is ok but was sad.  Love you guys and hope that you have a good night.


Another Big Busy Day

I went to work at 7 this morning and man it was a busy day but everything went smoothly so that was good.  Hopefully tomorrow will be the same way.  I don't have to be there until 7:30 so that is good.  Robin that is fine not going to dinner.  I am so glad that Jenkins does well in the dog park.  It lets him be free for awhile.  That has to feel nice.  I am really over my time so I get to leave early on Friday.  I may regret that on Monday morning with payroll but right now it is looking really nice.  Be careful tomorrow the weather is suppose to turn nasty in the afternoon.  It is suppose to get really cold again and rainy.  Maybe even snow.  Crazy weather.


Today was good. I got alot done at work so that was good. Me and jeramy went to the dog park again today. It was really fun we went in the unleash area. Jenkins is really good with the other dogs off leash shocking . I don't think we will make it to dinner tomorrow mom if that is ok. Hope everyone has a good day



Yeah the week is half over. Work was good. It has calmed down so it is nice not being crazy busy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Long day

Today was a long day. I was tired and I couldn't snap out of it. Our work bought us red noses for child poverty day. I guess the money to buy the noses goes to help kids in need. Then I cam home and worked on my jacket. Jenkins has to go out every 10 minutes or he just barks at me the whole time. So it's going really slow. I have a shoulder done lol. I will.see if jeramy wants to go to dinner. I'm not sure what plans are going on. Love you


Big busy day

I drove to work today because I needed to set up a meeting late this afternoon.  I ended up working until 6 and I have to go into work at 7.  It is a big meeting for the new Lehi Hospital.  My boss wants to be the CEO of it but he is really young and I am not sure he will get it but it is fun to help him along.  Not much else going on with me.  I am over my hours now so that is nice.  It was kind of stormy here this afternoon.  I guess it is suppose to get cold and rainy again the rest of the week and into the weekend.  I am going to dinner with the Gumm Gang on Thursday.  Robin if you and Jeramy want to meet up. We are going to the Olive Garden at the Valley Fair mall.  Julie is going to take me to the distribution center so I can buy me some more garments.  Love you guys  MOM


Everyone but Ruthie woke up early this morning so we were tired.  I went on a walk and that was nice.  I took Ruth to story time while Oliver was at school and she was dancing really cute.  We rode bikes to pick up Isaac and Oliver rode his bike again after the big crash yesterday.  He did really well and had no problems.  Mom sent some snow cone supplies and the kids loved it.  We made snow cones when Isaac got home and they were in heaven.  I had soccer practice tonight and that went well.  The kids seemed to have fun.  Oliver had a meltdown the last 10 minutes of the game.  The kids were running a lot and I think it made him tired.  He was upset the rest of the night.  When he was taking a bath the water hurt his knee, the scrap from the bike accident yesterday.  He was screaming that he needed us to take him to a doctor to fix his knee.  He fell asleep in three minutes and I hope he sleeps well tonight.  Love you guys and I hope that you are doing well.



Well it was just a usual Tuesday here. I don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sound asleep

I was tired also. I feel asleep on my chair and never woke up again.  I slept all night.  I am working late tonight to help set up a meeting.  Tomorrow is going to be crazy because I have a lot of huge meetings going on.  I love your invitations.  They are perfect.  LOVE MOM

Monday, May 13, 2019


I like your invitations Robin, good job.  I was tired today.  I went walking this morning and then worked out.  The kids friends weren't their and they were bored.  Isaac rode his bike to school this morning and we rode bikes to pick him up.  Oliver started on his bike but fell and scrapped his knee.  So I dropped his bike off and he rode in the trailer.  We just played outside the rest of the day.  We were going to go canoeing but it was really windy so we just stayed home.  Love you guys. 



Today was good. It was so warm. It was nice. I got my invitations today so that was exciting. I didn't do much tonight I was lazy. Hope everyone had a good day.


My day was good. Work wasn't as crazy today so it was a nice break. After work I mowed my lawn because it was getting long. I scared the birds out of the nest when I pulled my hose out to water. They are baby robins. Now I am getting laundry done.  I feel very tonight. My watch counted my steps while pushing my mower so I don't know why yours doesn't count when you push a stroller Rachel. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

Thanks for coming up yesterday, we had a really nice day.  Today was good.  We went to church and Casey went to work.  The kids played in the pool all afternoon which was fun.  We took the leftover hamburgers and hot dogs and went to Clifton.  It was fun and the kids had  a good time running around.  They built a beautiful deck, it is gorgeous.  They have done a lot of work up there.  I hope that everyone had a good day, love you guys.




Happy mothers day mom.. jeramy's mom loved her quilt and we had a good time at Denny's. We took Jenkins on a walk today. There were not alot of dogs at the dog park. Jeramy was with me so we thought we would try the off the leash section. It went really well. Jenkins didn't bark at one dog. And played with a couple of them. It was really nice. We just found a shady spot and watched him run for like 30 min. I finished jeramy's quilt. I just have to wash it now. Hope everyone has a good week. Robin

Mother's day

It was a nice day.  Karen took us out the Crab shack for lunch and then we went and watched the Avengers movie.  It was a good movie and we sat in recliners and it was so nice.  We just came home after that and vegged.  I sure had a nice weekend.  Thanks so much.  I love you all so much. I am one lucky mom for sure.  Have a wonderful week.  It should be a quiet one for me.  There are two big meetings this week for the new Lehi Hospital.  That should keep be a little busy.  LOVE YA MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...