Saturday, October 13, 2018

Baby Steps

We made it home safe and sound.  We had a fun day and it was fun to hang out.  We did find Luigi's mansion so things are good.  Robin, I will help you pack up this week.  We can help after dinner on Tuesday and Karen is coming down Thursday.  I thought we could leave work a little early that day and help you out if that works for you.  Karen, I am glad you pump is doing better.  It is suppose to get real cold tomorrow.  Everyone bundle up.  LOVE MOM


I had a quiet day. I do go to walmart and went grocery shopping. Robin just keep practicing the trivia and soon you will be a genius. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Baby step

Today was good. I've been "packing" which mostly consists of deep cleaning and reorganizing lol I was telling a girl at work that it's hard to get rid of my favorite shoes or items that are overly loved and no longer useful. And she said the best thing to do is thank them for their service and throw them away. so I thanked a garbage bag full of cloths and shoes. Ha ha ha I just couldn't have the talk with my bags. It's too hard and I could used them again...... :) any way Karen I played question of the day, true or false, and jeapory on my alexa's. I tried a music guessing game to boost my spirits but I only got 2 out of 5. Lol I need to study trivia more.

Friday, October 12, 2018

I made it

I made it to Friday.  It was a good week for me.  I got a lot done at work and that felt really nice.  I am ready to play at Logan tomorrow.  Oliver lost his lion from the planetarium so me and dad went and got him another one.  They didn't have the one he had but hopefully he can love this one also. Robin, I am glad you got your Alexa set up.  That will be nice to have while you are packing.  Karen I am glad your pump is doing well.  If you need anything just let us know.  Vudo isn't working very well for us.  Is anyone else having troubles?  Everyone have a nice weekend.  It is suppose to get really cold on Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Isaac had picture day today, he wore his nice church shirt with sweat pants.  His hair looked good this morning but was crazy when he got home so who knows how the pictures turned out.  I worked out this morning and I didn't have to leave early to take Oliver to school which was nice.  We met up with Casey for lunch which was fun.  Isaac has early out on Friday so we went to the library and got some new books.  We came home and played outside since it was so pretty.  We also made some sugar cookies.  Imogen came over to play.  I felt bad all day for getting mad at her but she didn't seem to upset so it is fine.  After dinner we drove up to Green Canyon, a friend told me that they had cut a lot of juniper trees down so we went to check it out.  It was almost dark so we just climbed to the cave and left.  It was nice to get out anyway.  Mom and Dad's present for Casey came today and he loved it.  The overalls fit so we are almost ready for Halloween.  The bath bombs were a big hit and they smelled really good.  They had a little toy inside which is fun, thank you.  Good luck packing this weekend Robin.  That sounds fun to play and get amazon prime.  I am glad that you pump is doing well Karen, good job.



Robin, I am glad that yoy got your alexa get up. What trivia game are you playing? My day was good. It was a quiet day so I got almost done on a project i needed to get moving on. My pump is doing good. I didn't have any lows so thtvwas good. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye

Big day

Today was good work was productive so that was nice. I wanted to pack in my craft room but I couldn't hear my sound bar very well. So I cracked open my alexa. I was going to wait to move so I didn't have to set it up again but why suffer if I don't have to....which lead to me signing up for Amazon prime. Then setting up movie streaming on my tv and no packing got done. So tomorrow I should be ready to rock and roll. I played a lot of games with alexa and I'm not smart so I might have to do more trivia over listening to music so i will be smart. Lol hope everyone had a good friday


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Nice day

Well it was a nice day.  Not much happened so that was nice.  I had a meeting with my boss but he was so busy he asked to reschedule so we are meeting next week.  I did have help finishing all my graphs today so now I need to start putting my presentation together.  I hope it looks good.  We did go to Winco after work and they had really nice artichokes so we had those for dinner.  They tasted good.  Karen, I am so glad you are doing good.  That makes me feel good.  Robin way to go on Fat Cats.  I like that place.  Rachel, I hope you had a nice day.  LOVE MOM


I hope that everything is going better Karen, I think that the pump is going to be great for you.  That sounds like a fun work party Robin.  Good job getting a lower bill, it is all a scam.  Today was good.  I don't work out on Thursday's so we can go slower.  Ruthie slept in so me and Oliver did puzzles and that was really nice.  When he was at school me and Ruthie went grocery shopping and then played.  We went to the cheese factory for lunch, Oliver has been wanting to go.  We made pumpkin pie, the kids lost interested but it was fun to make.  Casey got off early to take his grandma to the doctor, they are just getting a local doctor so she had to meet him.  The boys had swimming lessons and Isaac's class has been wild but it went better today.  Leona came over and had dinner and pie with us after her appointment which was fun.  When she went home we had time to burn stuff in the chiminea, it was fun.  Everyone have a good Friday, it is picture day tomorrow for Isaac.



My day was good. I didn't have any lows as that was good. Work was good. I got caught up on my emails that I missed yesterday. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Thanks everyone for checking on me this morning. I am doing good. Have a great Friday everyone. Bye

Fat cats

Today was good. I'm glad tomorrow is friday : ) we had a work party tonight but I had some time to spare in the middle. So I went up to century link and had a little talk. The girl was really nice and lowered my bill by 10 dollars. So that is awesome. It will be moved over on the 22nd so I should be ready to rock and roll. Then I went to my work party at fat cats we did bowling so that was fun. My wrist hurt by the end. I want terrible but I wasn't the best. Hope everyone had a good day.


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Hump day

I talked with Karen and she had a bad low so she adjusted her pump.  The doctor is going to call her tomorrow to see how she is doing so hopefully they can help with that.  Work was good.  I was tired today and it seemed long.  I am getting caught back up and that feels so nice. I have a one on one with my boss tomorrow and I am hoping we can talk about where I am going to end up.  I think the time is coming where they need to put me somewhere or I need to look to be put somewhere.  Dad is drying some peaches and that is fun.  I think it is too early for you to get snow Karen.  I think it will all melt.  Everyone have a great day.  LOVE MOM


Congratulations on your pump Karen, that is exciting.  Today was busy but good.  I worked out this morning and I am getting better which is fun.  Oliver had school and someone knock his blocks over and that made him sad.  I had quilt group this afternoon, they moved it because Wednesday's worked better for some people. It is always fun to talk with everyone.  We played playdough when we got home and I even made some because Oliver wanted a certain color, it was fun to make. I drove Isaac to school since it is so cold and rainy.  Imogen came over and played for a while but she said some potty words and I got mad and sent her home.  That sets me off for some reason, I don't want her to talk like that around my kids.  I cooled down and we read books and it was a nice time.  Casey had scouts so he came home later.  It dark so early we aren't outside as much.  Love you guys and hope that you have a good day tomorrow.



Well there is snow here in Kamas. There wasn't enough to shovel so that was nice. The pump appointment was long but I made it thru. So far so good. It is a bit strange being hooked to something all the time but I am sure I will get used to it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I hope your pump is awesome Karen. I'm excited. There was a lot of snow in the mountains. It's going to be a snowy year. Work went well I'm glad its Wednesday already. Sorry I didn't blog last night I fell asleep and totally spaced it. I hope everyone is staying warm have a good night


Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Good luck tomorrow Karen, I am excited for you.  I hope that everything goes smoothly.  Ruthie didn't sleep last night so we were tired today.  I woke her up this morning and it took forever, she wouldn't get up but she was really sweet all day and did really well.  Oliver had school and he had a fun time.  I took Ruthie to story time and that was good.  I have been meaning to do that since school started, hopefully we will be better at going.  I asked if she had fun going with me and she said "I didn't sit with the boys, I didn't have my people."  She missed the boys, it was cute.  It was really cold today but Isaac rode his bike so I drove to pick him up but he wanted to ride home.  The kids had swimming lessons and they did good.  Casey visited his Grandma after work and we got home about the same time.  Good luck again Karen.  Love you guys.  I didn't take any pictures today.


Nice day

I had a quiet day and got a lot of work done.  It felt so nice.  I am making some progress. We hooked up for dinner.  I am excited for Karen to get her pump tomorrow.  Hope all goes well.  Not much else going on with us.  I am ready for a weekend.  Tomorrow is hump day so that will help.  LOVE MOM


Work was busy today because i had meeting all day. I made it thru though. Then after work I came down and mwwt mom, dad, and robin for dinner. I am foing to spend the night because I get my pump tomorrow. It should be exciting. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Monday, October 8, 2018

Try it

I'm glad people like the decorations. :) hopefully they are holding up in the rain ok. Today was good. I told my bosses I didn't want the promotion and they kinda just shrugged it off and said it's still a ways a way and I can change my mind. Lol..then she brought up the other day and tried to play it off as nothing. It was weird. Anywho it's over and done. I was lazy tonight and didn't do much. So that was nice to be chill. Have a good one



Today was a busy day but good.  The kids all woke up early this morning were tired for some reason.  I worked out this morning and then Oliver had school.  We went grocery shopping while he was gone.  Someone left a thank you note about our Halloween decorations and how much they enjoyed them, it was sweet of them to do that.   Isaac had a flat tire this morning so I drove him.  So I walked and pushed Ruthie in a stroller and pushed Isaac's bike to school so he could ride home.  Oliver rode his bike and did awesome.  he kept up with Isaac and Imogen the whole time.  The girls came over and played until dinner.  After dinner we went to the fall festival.  I volunteered to help with the dinner concessions and Casey took the kids around to all the games.  Isaac kind of went off with his friend and had a fun time.  Volunteering was a lot of work and was hot but I am glad that I did it.  Love you guys and hope that you have a good day.


My Monday was good. It wasn't too crazy so that was nice. Tomorrow I am getting my flu shot so wish me luck there. Then after work I am driving down to mom and dad's so i can get my pump on Wednesday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Back to Monday

Work went well today and I got a lot done.  It felt so nice.  I am starting to like my new seat.  So that is good.  We went to Sam's after work and got drugs.  We got a chicken and had that for dinner.  It tasted really good.  Not much else to report from me.  On Saturday we are going to Logan to get the jeep door fixed. If anyone wants to drive up, let me know.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  I am loving this weather.  LOVE MOM  

Sunday, October 7, 2018


I had a nice weekend. Thanks mom and dad for coming up. The new seal around the door is nice. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Home again

We went to Heber with Karen this morning and walked around Walmart and had lunch.  We left and went to see Grandma.  She didn't look very well at all.  She didn't eat one thing and had a bad cough.  I guess her foot is really messed up.  Poor thing.  She was struggling.  We watched a movie and came home.  I got this package with little potatoes and seasoning and you microwave them for 5 minutes.  They were really good.  Karen is coming down Tuesday night so Wednesday she can get her pump,  Robin do you want to go to dinner?  Rachel I don't have any thing going on the rest of the month.  20th sounds fun to me.  Do you want us to come up next weekend or meet somewhere.  I need to get Lugi's mansion for the boys.  It will be nice to just have a normal week.  Last week and the week before were kind of crazy.  I will love not having to move everyone around.  Have a wonderful Monday.  There was snow in the mountain tops.  Robin good luck packing.  I can help you, just let me know when.  LOVE MOM


I was thinking of coming down on October 20th and going to Boo at the Zoo.  Would that work with everyone?  Next Saturday the boys are going to go canoeing in the morning.  General Conference is nice to just stay at home and take it slow.  Casey worked today but got to sleep in.  Imogen came over and played for a while.  Ivy's birthday is tomorrow so they had a party for her tonight.  We went over and Randy made hot dogs and hamburgers and it was a nice evening.  It was good to see everyone.  I hope that everyone has a good week.  Hopefully you get your pump Karen, that will be exciting.



My weekend was good. I've been really lazy I've only spent about 2 hours a day cleaning and packing. It's been nice. I should have "move" day more in my life and deep clean it feels nice. I've thrown out a lot of junk. Thanks for the Alexa mom that will be fun. I'm glad you got.casey a cool fire thing. That is awesome. I got him a 25 dollar Visa gift card because I couldn't come up with anything amazing. I will give it to him when i see you guys next :) I'm glad you got your doors fixed Karen. Hope everyone has a good Monday



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...