Saturday, November 9, 2019

Good day

Karen felt good today so we went to the post office and then park city. We got bath and body works lotion and went to Columbia house. I love that place. We even got 40 dollars to spend in December.  Fun times.  Karen got a new game and it is really fun. I think we wore her out. She might need to rest tomorrow. We are going home tomorrow. Love mom

Friday, November 8, 2019

Doing good

Karen’s tooth went well. I was mad they didn’t have a fake tooth for her. She called and they said they did. We will work on that. She is amazing. I wanted to buy her a
Milk shake and everything was boarded up. Weird. I slept a lot today. The world looks a
Lot better. I think I was tired. It did seem like Saturday today. Everyone have a nice weekend. Love ya mom


I'm sorry your work is stressful. Work is dumb. My job is going well. I like to have more quiet time lol. All the girls are freaking out. I think they dont change, or I'm just excited to have my own music. I ate an icecream today and Jenkins wanted some. He really hammed it up with the puppy eyes. He's a bit over dramatic. I hope your tooth heals up great Karen 



I am sorry about your work Mom, that makes me so mad.  It is such a negative work environment.  So crazy.  I am glad that it went ok today Karen and I hope that you are feeling ok.  Robin I hope that the move is going well and the drama will calm down.  I was thinking of throwing out a sewing day after Thanksgiving.  We did that one year and it was so fun.  I am not sure if we have time.  This morning I walked and then went to exercise class. I helped in Oliver's class and it was crazy.  I read with the kids and Oliver is doing good.  We had lunch with Isaac afterwards and that was good.  We were late so we didn't sit next to him but we were close.  We had to go grocery shopping and then we walked to pick them up.  We went to the library after school and it was so hot.  The boiler was on and they couldn't turn it off for some reason.  We just played and did crafts the rest of the afternoon.  Everyone have a good weekend and get some rest.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Safe and sound

We made it safe and sound to kamas. We took karen to red rock for dinner it was good. We are making chili for lunch. I will let you know how the tooth goes. Karen is hoping to get a stud at the same time. That would speed up getting a fake tooth. Work was hard today. All the changes really hit me today. I had to people say I need to justify my job. What is up with that. It made me so mad


Today was good.  Thursday are nice because they are slower.  I walked this morning and that was nice.  We went to the Hobby Lobby this morning and got some things to make wands with.  We have a bunch of sticks but got some toppers.  Then we did crafts all morning, it was really nice.  We met Casey for lunch and then the little kids had school.  I bought some new shoes, they look nice and I hope that they will be good on my foot.  Ruthie made a necklace at school.  It funny when the boys made necklaces they would only put one or two pastas on it.  Ruthie filled hers up and she loved it.  We walked to get the boys and I didn't even wear a coat, it was so pretty outside.  Oliver and Imogene kept hiding behind tumbleweeds.  I had book group tonight and that was fun.  We read a spy book that was true that happened during the cold war.  Good luck tomorrow Karen.  I hope it goes fast and they give you good drugs.



Today was good. Work is wild because everyone is moving. I got some Bluetooth headphones so I just tuned it all out. It was nice. Good luck with your tooth tomorrow Karen


Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Today work was good it's starting to come along. I moved out to the warehouse for a bit. They are building a wall in our office so when we flip sides of the building the sales team will have the offices they need. My desk is right where the wall is. So I had to move first. In a week or a bit I can move to my final location. Everyone was so upset I moved first they think the whole world is coming to a end, and work will never be the same.... but I'm secretly excited to have an office with just 1 other person other than 6. Then fye is closing so we went to check it out. Jeramy got 6 shirts and a deadpool character thing. It was fun. 

One more day

I went to work early today, Lehi design team is in town.  I am not sure I will doing that much longer.  So many changes.  It has been really stressful for me.  So two of my bosses got promoted to administrators of the hospital.  It will be interesting who is their admin.  For some reason it has been bothering me.  I can't figure out why.  At this point who cares.  I think I am tired.   I am excited tomorrow is my Friday.  I am going to Kamas and help Karen with her tooth.  Robin that is cool you got neat stuff at FYE.  That is sad they are going out of business.  Rachel congratulations on winning a yoga mat.  That is fun.  I am sure Ruth's stomach still hurts it can take a couple of days for that stomach junk to pass.  Everyone where I sits has a bad cough. Have a nice Thursday.  I love this weather.  If the inversion would go away it would be perfect.  LOVE MOM


I won a yoga mat at exercise class this morning which was pretty awesome.  They have a monthly drawing and I have never won but today was my lucky day.  It was fun and it will be nice to have.  Ruthie said that her stomach hurt this morning but she ate breakfast.  I brought her tablet to exercise class so she could just rest but she ran around and played with all the kids.  I needed to go to Sam's club so we met Casey there for lunch which was fun.  We volunteered at Oliver's class and the kids were wild today.  The kids are getting to know me and are cute.  They all wave and give me hugs.  Imogene came and over played for a bit.  Isaac had scouts tonight.  He gets his wolf in two weeks and then scouts it pretty much over.  Love you guys and have a good night.



My day was good. It was super quiet in my office today. Everyone was out of the office in other parts of the building but me. So it was really quite. It was nice though I made progress on a tedious task that I was assigned. Then after work I had homework. It was programing so I  called dad to get some help. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


That is a busy day Mom.  I got 13,000 steps also so we are the same.  I walked this morning and it is nice with the thermals and it is lighter.  We met up with Kathy and we went through the primary closet and saw what was there.  It took longer than I thought so we missed story time but we went to the library and got some new books.  I found some cute ones for Oliver where I read a bit and then he reads some.  He did really good reading them.  Oliver and Ruth had school and I helped in Isaac's class.  Someone in the class stole the teachers phone yesterday.  She had a tracker and was able to find who had it pretty quick.  It is so scary.  Ruthie looked sad after school and said her stomach hurt.  So we sat and read books.  She got up and threw up all over the floor poor thing.  I layed her down with a bowl and she watched movies the rest of the day.  I drove to pick up the boys and came home fast.  Isaac had 1950's day today and he looked so cute dressed up.  He was so excited to go to school.  We took it easy the rest of the night.  Ruthie rested and seemed to be better.  She ate some popcorn and hard boiled eggs.  Love you guys and hang in there.  You guys are all so busy.



Today was good. Work is going smooth we are in the midst of office moving and everything is everywhere. We just relaxed tonight. We started watching masked singer. It's fun a famous person wears a costume and you have to figure out who it is by how they sing 


Big busy day

Today was a busy day.  There was an interview for a new doctor and I picked up and dropped off all day.  I had 13,000 steps.  I know I am not close to Rachel but it was still a lot of steps for me.  Lehi architects are in town the next two days so I will get a lot of steps as well.  Robin, I am so sorry for Jeramy losing his friend.  If you guys need anything just let us know.  It is so pretty outside.  The inversion is bad but the sunshine feels so nice.  We are going to Kamas Thursday night to help Karen with her dentist appointment on Friday.  It was nice to know that today was my hump day.  LOVE MOM


It was meeting day at work today so that took up all morning. The rest of the day went pretty quick so that was nice. After work I made bbq pulled pork. It tasted good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, November 4, 2019


Work went well for me. I actually got off on time which was nice. We are moving offices so I had to pack my boxes. They are building a wall right were my desk is. So I have to move to a temporary location until things get set up. It will be a crazy couple weeks that is for sure. Jeramy hadanew system at work that I guess took forever. He didn't get home till 8:30 tonight. He also told me his friend up at the hospital passed away today. His ankles got really swollen so the had to do surgery to relieve the swelling I guess his feet were infected and he couldn't fight the infection. I'm not sure if they are going to have a funeral or not so I thought I would just see what each day holds. :) Love you guys. Thanks again for coming down. For Jenkins birthday. It was fun!



I agree it feels like midnight.  It is so hard not to go to bed early.  We had a good day.  I walked this morning and it is lighter outside.  Mom got me some thermal underwear and that really helps.  We went the exercise class.  Casey wasn't feeling good at work, he thought he might throw up so he came home early.  He rested all afternoon and is feeling better.  Ruth and Oliver had school and I sewed while they were gone.  It was a beautiful day outside and we walked the boys home from school.  Tomorrow is the 50th day of school and Isaac's class is having a 50s party.  So we had to go and get a white shirt and a black jacket.  He is super excited about it.  It is so dark now after dinner we are stuck inside.  Crazy times.  You have a busy weekend Mom, good luck with everything.  Good luck with your paper Karen.


Made it

I went to work early and I got everything done I needed to.  It was nice.  I have to go to work early the next 3 days but only a little bit so it won't be so bad.  Tomorrow it is to take around a doctor for interviews and then the Lehi crew is coming Wednesday and Thursday.  Any new hires won't have a pension plan any more.  I am surprised they kept it this long. It won't affect me so that is good.  Our president of Intermountain has blood cancer and is have a bone marrow transplant.  I felt really bad for him.  I guess I missed a lot at work.  It was so nice to have a couple of days off.  I sure had a fun holiday.  We did go to Walmart after work and got step ladders so dad could do his exercises  I am going to do them with him.  I think it will be good for me as well.  It feels like midnight right now.  Falling back is hard.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. Work was a little quiet today, but I made it thru. Then  I ran to Smith's after work because I was out of fruit. Then I came home and worked on my final paper. It is due the 27th so I figured I should get going on it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, November 3, 2019


I had fun yesterday as well. I even remembered to fall back this morning. I slept most of today as well. It was nice. Then I cooked teriyaki chicken and rice for dinner. Then I got my dishes done. So I was a little productive. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


The time change is going to be tough.  I have to go to work early tomorrow.  Payroll Monday.  I slept most of the day. It felt nice.  I was really lazy. Not much else to report.  I sure had a nice time yesterday.  I hope Jenkins enjoyed his birthday walk.  I sure did.  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


It was good to see everyone yesterday.  You guys are awesome.  Today was busy with the new calling.  Trying to work everything out.  Ruthie keeps having meltdowns before church.  She wont wear her shoes or coat.  I lost Ruth and Oliver after church.  I stopped to talk to someone and they went outside and were playing in the leafs.  It took a minute to find them.  We had a presidency meeting and that was nice.  I like everyone and they were all nice to help with things.  It is Terri's birthday so we met up with them for dinner and then went and had cake and ice cream.  It was a good evening.  This time change is hard and the kids were tired when we got home.  Good luck with work tomorrow.  Monday's are hard.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...