Saturday, September 7, 2024


 We had a nice day. Karen wanted to get some more rockets to launch so we went to the hobby lobby. I got some coin books so we can go through ruths coins and pick out old ones. I got one for each of the kids. Karen took us to el.matador for lunch. We came home and had a nap. Dad and Casey went to work and Karen took me to see the new Beetlejuice. I liked it. Sorry I didn't send home treats for the kids. Casey left before we got back from the movies. Robin Lunas head looks sore. I am glad you have the wood all cut out. That has to feel really good. Love mom


Luna woke up at 7 today so we had an early morning. We started to make pizza dough since it takes a few hours to rise and finish. Then we went to the park. After the park kohls is having a Kohl's cash coupon hand out today and tomorrow. So we went and grabbed a Kohl's cash. We won 5 Dollars. I bought Luna a new hoodie. I will probably go back tomorrow too to get something winter wear for Luna. Then Luna went down for a nap me and Jeramy worked on the shed. We have all the boards cut out we just need to nail in the final pieces. So we are getting the first step close to being completed. I also picked tomatoes and made a deep dish pizza. It's been a day


Friday, September 6, 2024


 My day was good. It was quiet at work so I got caught up on some stuff. After work we just hung out and played some games. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


 I worked out in the yard this morning. I did some edging. The gopher is so fast at digging holes. It got hot and I got a blister on my hand so I called it a day. Dad went to work and I took a nap. Tomorrow is the neighborhood party and the guy came over to pick up 3d stuff for the games. Before he came I put gum in the gopher hole and covered it up. When he left the gopher had dug back the hole and threw out the gum. The guy had gopher poison he got at ifa. He put some in the hole. I may not longer have a gopher.  I did spray my wolf pee also this morning. Rachel I am glad you had a good day. Robin I hope Lunas head is doing ok. Have a really nice weekend. Love mom


 Today was good.  We rode bikes and I love it.  My classes went better today and it was a pretty good day.  We had a fire drill in the morning and that breaks things up.  Olivers friends came over and played after school.  Isaac had dungeon and dragons at the library this evening and he had a really fun time.  We dropped him off and got some books and ran errands.  Casey worked on the Subaru tonight to get the steering aligned. 

Love Rachel 

Thursday, September 5, 2024


 I started my day off at the dentist. My mouth has been aching. He took an xray and didn't see any infection so that was nice. He said it was probably just something that got stuck by my gum and injured it. So keep an eye on it and if it didn't get better come back in. Then me and mom hung out until I had to go to work. Work was busy catching up on what I missed in the morning. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


 Today was busy.  Work was fine.  1st grade come right before their lunch and they are so hungry they can't concentrate.  The Janitor's author came to the school for an assembly.  Ruth loved it so much.  He was having a book signing at the logan library tonight and she wanted to go and get poster.  First we went and got Oliver signed up for the cello.  A big group was waiting at the wrong door but Isaac figured out where to go, bless him.  We rented a cello and Oliver ris excited.  Then we went to the library and their were a million people.  We bought a book and he signed it.  Ruth and Oliver got a poster.   Ruth won a free book that hasn't been released yet and she thought it was amazing.  Casey made us dinner which was really nice.  I went to exercise class and Casey went running.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel 


 Karen had a dentist appt this morning and when she was done we went to hobby lobby and walked around. It will be a good place to take Luna shopping. They don't do Halloween just fall. We had Cafe Rio for lunch. Karen went to work and I mowed the lawn. I tried to edge the lawn and the first thing I did was break a sprinkler. We went to lowes to get one. We will fix it in the morning. I also took another row off the fireplace and shoveled some rocks. Robin I am sorry Luna hurt her head. Maybe that will make her slow down a little bit. I am sorry your class didn't work out. Gives you a.couple.of get organized. Have a nice Friday. Love mom


My class didn't happen today they pushed it two weeks because they are disorganized. So it was nice to have the night off but it still stressed out because change last minute makes everything wild. I mowed the lawn with Luna and Jeramy worked on the shed. At school Luna fell and hit her head. She had a small goose bump when we were getting ready for bed she jumped from her bed to her chair and rammed her head right into the dresser. She had a big cut and it's going to bruise. I put a unicorn bandaid on and it helped her feel better. Hopefully she doesn't have brain damage 


Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 I had today off.  I rode bikes with the kids to school and than ran errands.  I sewed these little zipper pouches that were fun.  I had a plc meeting at school and it is always good to talk with the other specialist.  Oliver friend Allen and his sister came over and played after school.  His sister gets along with Ruth and they had a fun time.  Isaac went fishing for young men's.  He didn't catch anything but had a fun time.  I had book group.  We meet at the creepery and that tasted good.  We read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.  I really liked the book and their was a lot to talk about.

Love Rachel 


 I ran errands this morning and went grocery shopping. We had lunch and dad went to work and I cleaned up his 3d robots he made. They were all stringy. Karen took me to Walmart this evening. It is fun to walk around and look at stuff. Robin please call me if you need us. Good luck with your class. I hope it is fun. It was so smoky today. Rachel I hope you had a nice day off. I am going to do yard work tomorrow and spray that gopher. He is making a mess. Love you all mom


Today was busy. We have our convention in two weeks so everyone is finding last minute things to worry about. Tomorrow I start my apics certification class. It runs till December, so hopefully it's not too painful. The timing should work out though that I can drop off Luna to Jeramy and make it to my course on time. It was perfect weather tonight it was a bit cooler but it getting darker sooner. 


Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 It felt so much like Monday. I did laundry and housework today. Dad worked all day. It was a quiet day. Tomorrow is already hump day. Love mom


 It definitely felt like a Monday today. Work was good. I feel like I am making some progress at least. Traffic was horrible on the way home but I made it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 Thanks sounds fun to decorate for Halloween during the cheese festival. Oliver wants something scary and Ruth wants the floating Harry Potter candles that we talked about last year.  I had some time after Isaac left for school and finished quilting the second lattice quilt.  I love it.  We rode bikes to school and that are closing 600 E so cars can't go down so it is safer for kids to walk to school.  A police officer gave us a sticker.  I got everything finally set up at work and that was nice.  After school they are starting a chess club at the library.  Isaac didn't have violin lessons so him and Oliver went.  They had a fun time.  Oliver might go again next week.  Ruth had tumbling in the new spot and she liked it.  It is in a big warehouse now.  Casey picked her up and I went to exercise class.  It was steo aerobics and it went better than last week.  Casey cut his hair and went on a run.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 


I was so tired today. Luna woke up twice. I put a stronger night light in her room. Hopefully that helps. Work was busy. After work we worked on our shed a bit. 


Monday, September 2, 2024


 I.forgot to blog that Robin thought we should decorate Halloween when we come up for.the cheese fair. Ask the kids if they want a theme


 I slept in and then Karen said she needed to go for a walk. I want to get dad a gaming chair for work. Neil said that would be good for dad. But make sure he sits in one. So we met Robin and Luna at ikea. They didn't have any thing great and I thought  they were pricey. We went to rc willeys and found one but it was pricey. I have been looking on line and no chair is as much as ikea or rc Willey was. Rachel I am glad that certificate worked out. Denver will be fun. I really like Lunas hair. It will be tough to get back in the real world. I have had such a fun long weekend. Love mom


 I like Luna's hair, it is cute.  I wanted to use the gift card Mom won for Delta.  Casey had some sky miles also so while we had a minute I thought we could firm things up.  It took forever to figure everything out and we couldn't use the sky miles.  But we are heading to Denver for Casey's birthday.  It is our fall break also.  I am excited to go on a plane and I think we will have a fun time.  They have trains and buses to get around on.  Randy called and needed help installing a water heater so Casey went and helped him.  I took the kids hiking and we had a fun time.  We went up to the temple for sawmill.  It is only ruins now but they used to cut wood for the temple.  We were by a river the whole way and that really helped Tony not get to hot.  Their were a lot of beaver dams but Casey said they are blowing them up so the beavers will move away.  When we got back they were done with the water heater so we meet then at Tandoori oven for dinner.  The kids love it there.  Good luck going back to work tomorrow.  We need more time off 

Love Rachel 


I took Luna in to get her hair cut. She did great and hopefully it takes care of the small mullet look we has sometimes. It's short but it's cute on her. Then we met up with the gang and looked for chairs. After we drove home and Luna stayed awake. So we made muffins and put together her new step stool. She never took a nap so after dinner she was flying off the wall. She was all over the place.


Sunday, September 1, 2024


 Thanks for the fun weekend. I had such a good time. Wheeler farm today was perfect. It has been such good weather. Have a great Monday off. Love mom


 Thanks for the doTERRA stuff Robin, that was nice to you.  Thanks Mom, Dad and Karen for having us this weekend and for the fun time.  I went and played the piano at church this morning.  I went slow afterwards and then after lunch I went on a hike in Green canyon.  It is the Preston valley trail and we have tried it a few times with the kids but never made it to the ridge.  Me and Tony made it today and we had a good time.  It was really pretty.  Thanks again for the nice weekend.

Love Rachel 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...