Saturday, February 26, 2011


I am glad that you had a good time. I am glad Karen had an impulsive buy, that is fun. I need help on farmville so it will be good to have you back playing. I had a good day, Isaac was fussy and had diareha. Casey and Dad worked today so they meet me for luch at the OG. It was really good. I went back to work with them and hung out for a while. Travel safetly tomorrow, I hope the weather is good for you guys.

Trying Karen's new Computer

I am trying out Karen's new computer WOW it is nice. The parade of home was really nice. There were a couple of homes I really liked. We are going to dinner and then a movie tonight. Not much else to report. We are coming home after lunch tomorrow. I am going to go to church with Karen. That will be nice to go see Casey's grandma. I bet she would love that. Isaac is so cute. It has been raining all day. Kay and Paul made it home safe and soun

New Computer

Well this is my first blog from my new laptop. It is nice I am liking it so far. It is fast. We just got done with the parade of homes. It was fun to do. We are going to take grandma out to dinner soon. She was tired so did go to the parade of homes with us. It has rained all day here. i bet you got a ton of snow in Logan. Have a great one. BYE

Dang It

I am sorry that you guys didn't win. I was hoping that you would come back with a lot of winnings. Isaac is doing really well. The area on his legs were he got the shots looks great, no redness or swelling. He seemed more whinny but he feel asleep really well and took really good naps. He was happy in the evening. He did great. Casey is working on Saturday and I think that we are going to see his Grandma Sunday. She hasn't seen the baby since he was born. Have fun at the parade of homes.

Friday, February 25, 2011

No mega bucks

Well we went to Mesquite and lets just say we aren't big winners. It was fun though and grandma had a good time. The weather has been doing better than I thought it would. No rain or snow. Tomorrow we are going to the parade of homes. I think it will be fun. I even got a nap today. That felt nice. I hope Isaac is holding up OK with his shots. He is so cute. Have a great weekend.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

On my way

Well tomorrow at this time I will almost be at St. George. Rachel and Isaac came over and played tonight. It was a lot of fun. He even smiled at me. He loves grandpa holding him. I don't think dad is going to St. George but Ihaven't told grandma yet. I just don't want to deal with changes. You never know he still might come. I hope you get feeling better Karen. I don't have too much else to report.


radio from hell

Well today was my radio from hell film festival. It was fun, our short didn't win anything but It was fun to see all the work that is being done. Earlier in the day I had a photoshoot it was pretty easy nothing to crazy, a guy wanted head shots so basically I fixed his hair and powdered his nose. So challenging :) well tomorrow I am going to meet rachel for lunch and then head to :) yeah for vacations :) well have a great night


Red Nose

Well my nose has a leak in it. So I have been using a lot of tissues today. I hate runny noses. I am excited to see mom, Robin, Grandma, and maybe dad tomorrow. I am feeling a little better then yesterday. So hopefully it is just allergies. Work was good today. I stayed busy all day which is nice cause it makes time go bye so much faster. Well I hope that everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. BYE

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Almost the weekend.

Rachel we would love for you to come and stay with us tomorrow evening. I was making taco's. That will be fun. We really aren't doing anything to great. Just giving Grandma a bath. I had a good day also. I am sorry you have a cold Karen. I hope you don't get too sick. I will come and take good care of you. Not too much else going on with us. We bought a shredder for my papers with our free Best Buy points. It was fun. I also got a memory stick. Well have a great day.


snap it

Today was pretty chill, I bought some snaps for my coat. I thought it would be better then buttons. :) then we went out for dinner and went to best buy and then the grocery store. Tomorrow I have my film festival and a photo shoot in the morning. I'm sorry your sick karen hopefully you feel better by the weekend.



Mom, tomorrow I know that you have to get ready to go, but Casey is going skiing with his friend and I was wondering if I could come over and hang out for the evening. If it is too much it isn't a big deal. I had a good day, Isaac was kind of fussy but not too bad. I got a lot of laundry done. Not to exciting. I hope that you get feeling better Karen, I hate being sick.

No key

Well I had a sore throat when I got up this morning so after work I went to Walmart to get some cough drops. Since I was there I thought I would try to get a key made for when you guys come down here on Thursday since the other one didn't work. So I got one made brought back here and it didn't work either. So far I am zero for two on keys working. It was pretty here today. The sun was shining and it was almost warm. It looks like rain for when you guys come down though. But the good news is, is that is it suppose to be above 50 at least. Work was good. I am glad that tomorrow mark the half way mark through the week though. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Monday, February 21, 2011

last day

Well today was my last day at x-pose.... hopefully ;) I decided to quit since I am going to start a new job and don't need to work there for the money, so I'm excited to be moving on. Tomorrow I might have a photo shoot if the photographer can find a model. I bought some shoes today to go with the dress. I hope it looks nice and I don't kill my self :) well have a great one



Well I am jealous that mom got the whole day off. I had to work all day. It was a pretty good day though. I kept busy so time went by quick, which is always a nice thing. I am glad that both Rachel and Mom got their closets cleaned out. I still need to work on mine a but. I did get rid of some cloths the other day, but I need to clear out some more. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE

Fun day

I had a really fun day, it was fun to get out and play with Mom and Grandma. Lunch with Vickie was good and she seems to be doing well. They are hoping to move to Logan. Babies r us was fun, thanks Mom for the nice day. I also cleaned out my closest so we went to the DI to drop off the stuff I didn't want.

Love Holiday

It was nice to have a day off. I got the closet all organized this morning and then met Rachel and Vickie for lunch and then me and Grandma and Rachel and Isaac went to baby or us. It was fun. We bought a mirror so you can see them if you rear view mirror and make sure they are OK. I am excited to only work 3 days this week. It will be fun to play in St. George.


Sunday, February 20, 2011


Well it rained here until about 2. Then the clouds cleared and the sun started shining. I think it is strange how it can go from pouring rain to no clouds and sun all in one day. My day was good. I was lazy pretty much all day. I like lazy days. I hope that everyone has a great President's day tomorrow. I wish I got it off like mom. I am excited to have you all come down.

sink or swim

Well today it was really snowy, but rachel braved the storm and came over. It was fun to play with isaac. then we just had a relaxing night. we watched star wars. its kinda a game now with grandma she asks 20 million questions and my game is to see how random they will be. I think if I liked padame 's eyebrows would be the winner of the game :) well not to much else going on grandma is excited to go to mesquite. I hope it doesn't rain to bad :)



We made is safe and sound from Logan. It was a wild night. Phone calls from China all night. I had a nice sunday. It was quiet. Snowy. I made lasgana and it tasted really good. I would love to go to the DI tomorrow. I will get some ready to go also. I will ask Robin if she has anything. Well have a great week. It feels nice not tohave to work tomorrow. I am excited for St. George won't be too many more days


Mom, I was thinking that after we have lunch with Vickie we could go to the DI. I have a little bit more to go through in my closest and then I think that I will have three bags to take. We can think about it though and see how the day goes. I had a nice Sunday, it was fun to just relax. Thanks for having me over.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...