Saturday, December 19, 2015

Shop until I drop

We had a good day.  We went and got Karen's Christmas present this morning and man it was heavy.  We didn't want to carry it up and down so we took it to Karen's house.  She will put it under her Christmas tree.  We then went to Home Depot and the Cactus store and got dad some more venus fly traps.  I hope they grow this time.  We never have had much success but he wanted to try again.  We went home and I wrapped presents.  It was fun to do that.  Then we went looking for a curtain and rug for Ruth's room.  No such luck but it was fun to walk around.  Tomorrow we are taking Margaret out for lunch.  It is suppose to be stormy but it doesn't look that bad.  Congratulations Rachel.  You have done an excellent job of being pregnant.  She is going to make it to the new year.  Robin, I hope you survived working.  You and Karen are working a ton.  Everyone have a great Sunday.  I can't believe next week at this time we will be laying on the floor in a heap of Christmas paper sound asleep.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was nice but busy. This morning me, mom, and dad went to breakfast and then Costco. Mom got me a shelf for my garage for Christmas. Then they come up to Kamas to drop it off. Then I went into work for a few hours to help get stuff ready to ship this week. Just five more day til Christmas. Bye


Robin, don't stress about the quilts for Christmas.  You can give them to them whenever, no stress.  Isaac and Casey set up the tent downstairs last night and slept so I wasn't able to blog.  They had a good time and slept well.  Casey got up with Oliver this morning.  He keeps waking up at 5 and wont go back to sleep.  This morning I took Oliver and Casey took Isaac and we had them get presents for each other.  It will be good to start having them give things.  When we put Oliver down for a nap Isaac and Casey went to Idaho to drop off Calleen's computer.  They had a good time and I was able to sew a little bit.   It was nice to have some down time with Oliver also, we read and played trains.  Well Ruth has made it to full term, no preemie baby this time.  That is exciting.  Everyone have a good Sunday and I hope it is relaxing.


Friday, December 18, 2015

Nice time

Me and Karen went to the forgotten carols. I really enjoyed it. Karen is spending the night and we are going Christmas shopping for her gift in the morning and then I will be done. Robin save the quilts for Oliver's birthday. That would be fun. Enjoy the weather tomorrow it is suppose to snow on Sunday. Love mom


Today was good. I am working on a defective project and it's slow moving project. It just has alot of steps. I am so glad that today is friday. I am working scheels tonight and tomorrow but I have sunday off. So that will be nice. I can't believe christmas is next week. I'm not going to finish the train quilts on they will have to be a mother goose new years present. Sorry....  Christmas comes so fast. Hope everyone Is doing well. It's suppose to snow on sunday so be safe :)


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Snow Boots

We didn't get any snow either, that is weird that you got so much Karen.  Today was pretty good.  Isaac had school and I sent treats for his birthday.  They sang to him and I think he had fun.  They had Santa come to his school and they did a bunch of fun things.  We played in the snow for a while after he got home and I decided I need boots.  I get all wet and the boys are fine so Casey ordered me some this evening.  I am excited to have them.  I think we will be in the snow a lot this winter.  Oliver napped this afternoon and we just played.  After dinner Casey wanted to drive the boys up to Clifton to drop off Calleen's computer and get the boys out of the house.  I didn't have the hard drive charged enough and we were having movie problems.  Their were tears so they just stayed home and we watched the show on the TV.  It was relaxing anyway.  One more week until Christmas, that is crazy.



after work we stopped by kohls and dress barn. I got me a new pair of pants to wear with the boots I hope I get for Christmas.  I was way excited. We got free pizza for lunch today we won the be nice to people contest. We didn't get much snow. Karen I am sorry you got it. I am excited tomorrow to go see the forgotten carols with Karen. Robin I am sorry you are surrounded with sickness. Air borne.  Everyone have a great Friday. One more week until Christmas.


Wow karen that is alot of snow! Good luck on the cookies. Sorry I didn't blog last night I feel into a deep sleep on the couch. That white couch is so comfy. Things are good. Walter has a head cold and my boss went home early with the flu. So take lots of vitamins :). I worked scheels tonight so nothing exciting. Have a good one. Be safe



I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am excited to play after work tomorrow. I will meet you at your apartment after work tomorrow mom. My day was good. I won a prize in the cookie contest. They had about 6 categories and i won one of them. I don't know which one, but i did win one. I won a reindeer and a bag of m&m's. I did have to shovel this morning. We got about 5 inches of snow. It was a lot but i was tough and shoveled it all. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Well my day was good. It did snow a bit here, but nothing really stuck. I am still working on cables but i have passed the halfway mark. We are having a cookie contest tomorrow. So i was goid and made peppermint meltaways. They aren't as cute as the pucture, but i think they turned out good. Sorry i didn't attach a picture i will try to remeber to take one tomorrow.  Have a great Thursday everyone.


I told Robin is was going to snow tonight and let's reschedule for another night to go to Charming Charlies.  At 3:00 it was snowing and by the time Gary picked me up the roads were horrible.  I felt like I had made the right decision and then we drove home and at the house there was not one drop of snow.  I guess it just depends on where you are.  Sorry Robin, we can go next week for sure.  Not much else going on with me.  I am so glad next week I only have to work 3 days and then I get 4 off.  I am really ready for that.  I guess I better start wrapping presents.  I am glad Rachel that you had a good day.  I am sorry that Oliver isn't sleeping well.  That can get old really fast.  I hope that Isaac has fun at school with his birthday treats.  Karen, I hope you don't have to work to much more over time.  I hope fiber optics are just about done.  Everyone have a good Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Poor Oliver is still having a hard time sleeping in his bed.  I hope that he will start sleeping better soon.  We had a good day.  Isaac had school and had a good time.  Oliver wouldn't take a nap today so we played trains and lego's.  Casey took the boys to the store when he got home and I had some time to cut fabric.  I started the red quilt I got at the quilt fair last may, I am excited to work on it.  We had a couple people drop off Christmas gifts and it was nice to have the jelly to give back.  CAsey made bread also so the house smelled really nice.  I hope that you guys are surviving the snow, you have a ton more than us.


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Today was good. I forgot we were doing inventory. They bought us lunch from pot bellys. It was tastey. Tomorrow we are doing our secret santa. I had to work at scheels tonight. I was kinda busy. The new girl doesn't have any of the templates for some things so I have been setting them up. It keeps me busy. I don't work tomorrow so of you want to go to charming charlies mom we can. Walter has the cold so he's feeling kinda cruddy. Have a good night


Record Time

Oliver fell asleep in record time tonight which is awesome.  Today was good.  We took it slow this morning and it was so pretty outside we played in the snow for a while.  Oliver didn't want to wear his boots but I knew he would like them once we got in the snow and he did.  He even wanted to wear them later in the afternoon.  It was really nice to be outside and play.  I miss being able to do that.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and it is crazy not having Casey to watch the boys.  I did get a receiving blanket made for Ruth and it is super cute.  I am making a tee shirt quilt for a girl I used to work with so she dropped that off when Jenn was leaving.  It doesn't have to be done until May so I have some time.  Casey didn't feel good today so he canceled scouts and stayed home, it was nice.  I stayed up late and finished my last bowl, I guess I still have to unpick the grey one but I will do that later.  It is nice to have that done.  Well enjoy your Wednesday tomorrow, this week is flying by.



With Christmas a week away, I have pondering meals.  What do you guys think of these.  Christmas eve we make Karen's ham and stroke potatoes and then on Christmas lunch we make individual pizzas. That is always fun.  I thought we could do left over ham for Christmas night.  Do you think that would be fun?  Not much going on with us.  I drove trax to work and dad stayed home and played on his computer.  It is all up and running.  We did go get some shopping done for a little while and then came home and rested.  The roads are really good.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM

Monday, December 14, 2015


You guys had a lot of good news, yea.  Congratulations on your blood sugar Karen, that is amazing.  Robin, you treat was so pretty you really deserved to win.  I am glad that Dad got his computer and it is nice.  We didn't get as much snow as you guys did, a couple of inches.  It is so crazy you got that much.  Isaac had a dentist appointment this morning so I had to get the boys up early.  They were tired and I felt bad.  Isaac didn't like the dentist this time and wouldn't let them clean his teeth.  The doctor looked at his teeth and he said that they look good and to try again in 6 months.  Isaac had school and two kids were fighting who got to sit next to him.  I am glad that he gets along with them.  We spent the rest of the afternoon putting together the train, thomas take and play and the snow plow.  It was a lot of lego's but it was fun to do.  The train is really nice and smooth.  I attached a picture of Isaac being frustrated at Oliver who wants to play with what Isaac has.  I had a doctors appointment and when I was gone he had taken apart the train and wants to put the motor in a different car.  I was kind of frustrated but when I thought about it, it is good he is thinking about it and wants to build his own train so we will do that tomorrow.  Ruth is measuring good so no more ultrasounds which is good.  I am glad she is doing well and she should be here in 4 weeks which is exciting.  I have a video of Isaac opening the present but it is pretty big and I am not sure how to share it.  Let me know if you have any ideas.




The boysboth have a sleeping bag now which is good

what a day

Well I didn't have to shovel this morning so that was nice. They cables did come in today about one thirty, so I did that the rest of the day. I even stayed a little late so I could maybe get a little ahead. They said I could take all the overtime I wanted to get those done. Of course it did snow about two inches during the day. So I was all set to shovel when I got home. I was really surprised when I got home because some super nice person had shoveled my driveway for me. So it only took me a few minutes to get my walks done. That was so nice. Then tonight I got online to check the blood test I had done for Dr. Miner before Thanksgiving. My A1C was 6.4. This new insulin that I am on is awesome. Well that is all my news for today. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow.

Let if snow

Man did we get a lot of snow.  I figure we have 12 inches.  It snowed all day it was pretty to watch from my window at work.  I drove in trax and dad stayed home.  His computer came around 2:00 and he has been working on it since then.  He really likes it.  The roads weren't bad coming home so I stopped to get some gas and groceries.  I drove my car to trax this morning.  I think I am going to do it again tomorrow and have dad stay home.  Rachel, I am so glad that Ruth is doing good.  That is so wonderful.  Robin you would have won the cookie contest if there were 100 people participating.  They were really cute.  Not much else going on with us.  I just vegged this evening.  I always miss everyone on Monday.  It is really quiet at my house. Karen, I hope your cables come tomorrow. LOVE MOM

Winner winner chicken dinner

Today was good. We had our cookie contest today.. I won :) not alot of people participated so I have alot extra. Walter said he would help dispose of the remains lol. I won a cute hot chocolate cup and mix. But I forgot to take a picture of it. Then after work I mailed off my passport I was so nervous I did something wrong so I am crossing my fingers it is all ok. Then I came home and make bbq chicken. I was so tastey. I showed the girls at work the video of Isaac opening his train. They all thought he was adorable. Hope you all are safe in all this snow. It's so crazy


Sunday, December 13, 2015


Isaac was so dang cute.  When he opened that train.  That was just priceless.  He was so excited.  I am so glad he loved his birthday.  Everything was so nice.  Thanks for letting us come up and be part of the fun.  We made it home safe and sound.  I was so glad we made it before the storm came in.  Dad is staying home tomorrow to get his new computer.  I hope they bring it by really early for him so he can play with it.  Everyone have a safe Monday in the weather.  LOVE MOM

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

Thank you guys so much for driving all the way up here and giving Isaac a wonderful birthday party.  We are so spoiled, thank you.  I really appreciate all that you do.  We got the engine of the train put together and he could play with it.  We are building the rest tomorrow.  We had snow cones for a bed time snack and they were really good.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday, I think that this week will go really fast.  Here are some pictures from the weekend.  Thank you so much again.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...