Thursday, April 13, 2017


Today was good. I took a half day because I have tomorrow off. I went to waffle love for lunch and stopped by at gordmans. They are liquidating the sandy store so everything was 20 percent off. I bought alot of shirts. I also saw a cute outfit for ruthie so I picked it up. I will come up to kamas around 5ish. But I can come up earlier if needed. I don't have plans. I'm not working so I might sew or something fun. Well have a good one


We have power

Well the power came back on.  Dad had to work a little late so I took trax to Best Buy and then we went to Sam's to looks at TVs.  They had cute swim suits for the kids so we got them.  I kept the receipt just in case they don't like them or they don't fit.  We decided to go to Whole Food up by Pizza Studio because we have fallen in love with the cookies there.  I was glad we did because we didn't have any power.  Dad checked online and said it would be until 2 am but it came on really quick.  Everyone drive safe and I will see you soon.  LOVE MOM


It was so windy here today also, it just kept getting worse as the day went on.  The neighbors tree fell over but everything was ok.  Ruthie and Oliver didn't sleep well last night, mostly Ruthie.  They both were kind of grumpy and I was grumpy but I tried to be happy.  Isaac has been really kind and nice this week, he has gotten a lot better.  Some kids chase him and his friends at recess and his friends invented cat power speed and he has been a lot happier about that situation.  This morning the sand table was all clean and I thought I would clean up the water table and fill it up.  The kids loved it but Ruthie went through three outfits so I drained and wont be filling it again till it is summer and her clothes can dry outside.  I had quilt group this afternoon and I asked Randy to watch the kids and it was really nice to go by myself.  I think that they had a fun time also so it worked out.  Isaac had martial arts so we dropped him off and then went and got a engine stand for Casey and then picked Isaac up.  Oliver fell asleep in the car and has been out ever since.  Thanks for having us tomorrow, we are excited.  Isaac is especially excited about the Easter egg hunt because money is involved.



Well it is super windy here today. I hope it will calm down soon. Work was good. It went by pretty quick. I decided to work half day tomorrow. Just because it sounded like a good idea. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow and drive safe. Bye

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Egg hunt

I don't work Friday. The work girls wanted to so something but nothing stuck so I can come up to kamas on friday. But on work all day Saturday so I can't do to the Easter egg hunt. Tomorrow I am working a half day since they are giving us Friday off. I sewed the back of my quilt on today. I didn't have to work at scheels. We had an Easter egg hunt at work today. It was alright. I guess it beats working for a few minutes.


Hump day

I went with dad to the heart doctor this morning.  He had to have some blood drawn so we went early and got that done and then went to the doctor.  His heart is looking really good.  I worked through my lunch hour to make up hours and then we meet up with Karen.  We are set for Easter for sure.  Not much else to report from our end.  I love your pictures Rachel.  Robin do you work all weekend?  I know you have to work Friday and Saturday.  Enjoy this beautiful weather.  LOVE MOM


Today was a beautiful day outside, it was nice.  I went on a walk with Jenn this morning and that was fun and it was good to catch up.  Isaac's battle ship broke yesterday in battle so he designed a new one and we made it today, it is pretty awesome.  Oliver needed a new one so I made him one too.  Oliver and Ruthie took a nap which was nice.  I woke them up to take Isaac to martial arts and then we went to the cheese factory which they love.  Isaac threw two people today which was a first for him, he is starting to catch on.  When Casey got home we ran to Lowe's to get a new hoes and sand because a cat pooped in the sand table.  Then we went and picked up Isaac.  Randy came over and helped Casey on the engine for a bit, it was good to see him.  I made the bunny pouch last night.  In my mind I was going to make hundreds but after sewing it I am good with just making one.  Today they had all of Isaac's class wear Carter's shirt and they took a class picture, he has cancer and they were showing support.  I thought it was a good idea.



Well my day has been good. Work went by quick. The farmer set the field on fire next to my work building. So it smelled like campfire mist of the day. After work I met mom and dad in Park City. We had dinner and then went and got eggs at Walmart. I got them all boiled so we are set to dye eggs. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Electric Slide

Today was good, it was colder but we still played outside for most of the day.  This morning we made a fort downstairs which was fun.  I cut the boys hair this afternoon and Isaac wants a mow-hawk so I left it long on top, it looks really cute actually.  We went on a walk this afternoon and Ruthie was insistent on feeding the ants some grass, it was funny.  Isaac played battle for most of the day, he is funny.  He is the good guy and Oliver is the bad guy.  Casey had scouts and Calleen dropped by for a minute and it was good to visit.  I had young women's and we had the ladies from the villas come and teach us line dancing.  It was so much fun, I haven't done that forever.  I think all the kids had a good time.  Thanks for getting Easter eggs, that will be fun.



Today was good. We went to lunch with a.girl we use to work with. We got hot dog on a stick it was yummy. Then I had to work at scheels. I got my air purifier tonight. I'm excited to try it out. I also got a new pair of jeans from Amazon too. I like Ruth in pigtales she's cute. Have a good night


Going good

Things are going good with me.  We got the silhouette out at work this afternoon and played with it.  I really like it.  It is fun.  I worked a little late because dad has a check up in the morning and I wanted to go with him.  Just one of the many appointments I made the other day.  Robin I love the picture you posted last night.  It is so cute.  I love Ruthie's hair in pig tails.  She is so dang cute.  Karen and I are going to hook up tomorrow for Easter Eggs.  If you guys need anything just let me know.  LOVE MOM


Well things are going good here in Kamas. Today was meeting day at work, but I made it thru. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, April 10, 2017


Today was pretty chill. I just worked at maggie. It was nice to have the night off. I didn't do anything great but it was nice to take it easy. I did buy fabric for my back on Sunday. It was 25 percent off my entire purchase. I got it pinned to my top. I just need to sew the edges now. Have a good tuesday



I hope that you get your taxes soon also Mom, I am excited for your tv also.  Today was good.  I watched Henry's brother and sister this morning and it went really good, they are cute kids.  After lunch me and Isaac made a stick battle plane and then he was lost to imagination land playing with that all afternoon.  Isaac went to martial arts and I took the little kids to lees.  I picked up a bunch of stuff for Easter so with that and with what Mom got I think we are good for the Easter bunny to come.  I did Ruthie's hair in pigtails for a while.  She looked cute in them.


3 down 1 to go

Well the three of you have your taxes.  Just me left.  I hope they come soon.  I am excited to get my TV.  Not much going on with us.  I did go to work early so I left early.  It was nice to go to the pharmacy and run errands and be home by 5:00.  I am getting excited for Easter.  It seems to me that it is just all of the sudden here.  Time is going so fast for me.  I finished watching Frankie and Gracie on Netflixs.  I liked that show.  Have a nice Tuesday.  It is suppose to be 80 on Thursday.  Enjoy that moment.  LOVE MOM


Well my Monday has been good. Work went by fast. So that was nice. I got my federal tax return today so yeah I am rich. I hope everyone had a great Monday.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


I am glad that you went to the blessing Mom, that sounds like a nice time.  That is sad about the polar bear, Casey said that he was 19. :(  Today was good.  The kids were tired so I just went to church by myself for the last part and they stayed home.  I was supposed to have a meeting but the had canceled it so that was nice.  It was pretty cold today so we just took it easy inside.  Casey worked on the jeep and got the engine out, hooray.  We took a ride to Nibley to see where it was and then went out to dinner.  Then we played outside in the cold just to get out a bit.  Thanks for everything and have a great night.


My Mystery quilt

I tried Ruthie's hair different.  She wont sit still so it is hard.


We went to Matt's baby blessing and it was nice.  I was glad we went because just Dirk and Melody and us were there.  The baby was darling and so was her dress.  We went up to there house afterwards and had cheesecake.  We visited for a little while.  Lisa is pregnant.  I was so surprised by how much snow we got.  It was all melted by the time we got home.  We took a nap when we got home and then vegged.  I have to go to work early to set up a class.  Alarms are all set.  I am so not a morning person.  Everyone have a great week.  I can't believe that Easter is here already.  The polar bear died at the zoo.  I thought that was very sad.  He was so cute.  They are not sure they will be able to get another one.  They went 9 years without a polar bear last time.   LOVE MOM


Well my day was quiet. Nothing exciting to report here. I hope that everyone has a great week.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...