Friday, November 6, 2015


I hope that it went well today and you got a lot done.  We will be down tomorrow as soon as we can.  We had a good day today and got a lot done.  We went to Pepridge farm and got the stuff for bingo.  Then we went to Sams for diaper and had lunch.  Then Isaac has been waiting all week for his allowance so he could buy an lego so we went got that on our last stop.  We put it together and played legos in the afternoon.  When Oliver got up we walked around the block, it was really sunny so Isaac thought it was warm but it was pretty cold.  We got Inside out at Sams so when it got dark we watched that and Isaac and Oliver watched the whole thing, I think they liked it.  I finished the baby quilt last night and I love it, it looks better in person.  I also made some Indian Rice pudding and it tasted really good, I posted a picture.


Thursday, November 5, 2015


Thank you all again for your help :) I was thinking about picking my keys up today to measure for the washer and dryer. But they were busy. So I just got the measurements from the office staff. Home depot was having a black friday deal 40% off so I got me the cheapest set they had. They will deliver them on saturday the 14th. The I did laundry at my place. 4 loads. Yeesh... I'm excited to have a washer in my own place. I packed a a few more things. I now am boxed out of areas. So once I get a path way I will pack the rest. Tomorrow they said I can pick up the keys at 9:30 so hopefully by 10 it will be all done. Everyone get some rest and travel safe. Thank you again


Ready for movin

I am so excited for Robin's new place.  I watched home improvement shows tonight so I could get all ready.  Karen we have the jeep already for you to pick up and the keys are by the TV.  We left the dollies in the living room also.  We will leave work at around noon.  Rachel those pictures are so dang cute.  I was looking at pictures from last year and I can't believe how much they have grown.  I am glad you had a good day.  Not much else to report  Everyone drive safe.  LOVE MOM


Today went well, it seems like we are getting back in the routine with the new time and the days aren't as long.  Isaac had school and he had the sharing bag.  The letter was "I" so we had him be the sharing bag.  I put a picture of him in the bag and wrote clues about Isaac.  After we picked him up we had some errands to run so we did that and then ate lunch at panda, the boys love it their.  We painted and did legos while Oliver was asleep.  When he got up Casey and the boys rakes leafs again, they had fun.  Well good luck tomorrow.  We will be down Saturday so don't move the big stuff until Casey gets their.



Rachel those are cute pictures of the kids. I agree that sucks about Walters car. Some times you just can't catch a break. Things are going good here in Kamas. It was a quiet day so i was helping make leak detect cables. Then 30 minutes before it was time to go it seemed like everyone needed something. So i stayed a little bit late and got it all taken care of. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


I am sorry about Walter's car, that is so ridiculous.  He should report them to better business.  Mom, I am so glad that you don't need surgery, that is so nice to know about your sinuses, I am glad that you went in.  Karen enjoy your last day of work, that is nice it is your Friday.  Today was pretty normal.  Isaac had school and me and Oliver went grocery shopping while he was gone and then just played.  After lunch Oliver wanted to go outside so we raked leafs for a while, it was nice to be outside even if it was cold.  I also made some pumpkin pie and it was good and cheaper than buying premade ones. Well everyone have a good night and stay warm.



That makes me so mad about Walter's car.  That is so not right.  What type of car did he end up with?  I am glad it got straightened out.  It was a busy day.  I had a 4 hour meeting from noon to 4:00.  It was a long afternoon.  AT least there was a free lunch.  It just makes me get behind.  Oh well.  I am excited for this weekend and to get Robin in her new apartment.  That will be fun.  Dad stayed home today and rested.  He feels better.  The doctor called and said my sinus are good and I don't need surgery.  He wants me to go to the allergist and see if I am allergic to something.  It will probably be M & M and coke.  My luck. :)  Every one have a great day.  I will see you soon.  LOVE MOM

One more time

Today was good nothing to crazy. The car dealership never paid off Walters  truck on the trade in. Today they figured it all out. I guess for the car he had they wanted an additional 1000.00 so I guess he went with a diffrent car. He not that excited about the whole ordeal but for the mess it was at least he has a car. I had to work at scheels tonight. Home depot is having 40%off their washers and dryers, so I might go get some tomorrow. Have a good night.



Well the weatherman lied and there was no snow here. I am glad. My day was good. Work is moving along. I am glad that I have Friday off. That means I only have to work one more day this week. I am still planning on being down to help you on Friday Robin around 10. I can help pack, move, or what ever else you need. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Cowboy grub

Today was Walters sister's birthday. Soooooo we went to cowboy grub for dinner. It was good. I didn't know it was her birthday so I just got her a gift card. But she liked it. I packed a bit but didn't get much done. I don't work Thursday night so it will be crunch time. Lol it will be good. Walters sister and brother in law will be around Saturday at 10 as well. Thank you again for all your help. Have a good night



Isaac made a new CD and I put Sugar, Sugar and California Dreaming on it.  It was fun to listen to those today.  Robin we have decided that we are just going to come down on Saturday but we will be their by 10 for sure.  Today we found a site that gives you all the information for the awarded contracts.  I sent the link to Dad and I thought we could look at it on Saturday with him also if we had a little extra time.  Today was good but cold and rainy.  I was out of vitamins so I took the boys to the store to get them and then we walked around Al's and hobby lobby just to get out of the house a bit.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and I am almost done with the second baby quilt.  It is pretty cute.  It was Terry's birthday today.  Casey had scouts so I took the boys up their and then we went to dinner at cafe sabor, it tasted so good, I haven't been in a long time.  They boys were so good all night and were so happy.  It was fun.  Well I hear it is supposed to snow tomorrow, everyone stay warm.


Baby it is cold outside

It sure was cold coming home tonight.  Dad took off work early today and got my car inspected and registered.  I sure appreciate that one.  He went home afterwards and just rested.  He still is hurting.  This can go on for months.  I sure hope it doesn't.  Poor guy.  I worked a little late and then we went to Walmart and went shopping.  Way to go Karen on getting signed up.  I am going to do mine tomorrow.  It is open season.  Have a great hump day.  I am getting excited for the big move.  LOVE MOM


Well today we had our open enrollment meeting. It was as exciting as it sounds, but I am all enrolled for insurance for next year. Robin I will plan on coming down around 10 on Friday. Since I am taking Friday off my work week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Moving along

Robin, I will be done with work around 11:30 and then come straight to your house.  Karen isn't working that day so she can help a little bit earlier.  I am sorry, they were in a bind for Friday at work.  Karen I watched the videos and I agree with you Consumer is the best insurance.  Value is only 300 dollar a year cheaper and  you have a 3,000 dollar higher deductible.  I hope that helps.  Rachel, I am so glad that Ruth is doing good.  I have been worried that these dark nights will be hard on Oliver and Isaac.  They love to be outside.  We might have to buy one of those heat towers that you can light outside so they can play once in a while.  Not much going on with us.  Dad is still miserable.  WE did go to the pharmacy and get meds and then went to Sam and got meds.  We lead an exciting life.  I am excited for you to move Robin.  LOVE MOM

Plan of attack

Today Was good. We did the qtip archery game and raised 200 dollars from it. So that was fun. It was the game I came up with so I was excited. Then I worked at scheels. It was chill like normal. So for friday. I pick up my keys around 9:30 I'm assuming I will be done by 10-10:30. I think everyone is working a half day?? I was going to pick up some water and some finger foods. I will hopefully get my car loaded with my sewing machines and such by 12 and then by 1ish I think the whole crew will be ready. We can either eat lunch together or convene after. I'm good with whatever. Then just moving stuff. Walters brother in law said he could help saturday, so I was thinking of telling everyone 10 for Saturday and hopefully be done by 12 on saturday?? That's the loose plan. Thanks again for all the help. I appreciate it. :)


Today was another long day just with the extra hour and it is dark outside.  Other than that we had a good day.  I had a doctors appointment this morning so we dropped Isaac off at school and Casey and Oliver came with me.  Ruth is doing good, she measured 31-32 and she was 31 last time.  He said that he was happy with that.  He wants to do another ultrasound in two weeks just to keep on eye on her.  When we got home me and Oliver walked around the block, it was nice outside.  Me and Isaac built legos all afternoon which is pretty exciting.  Casey took the boys on a walk before dinner and then we just played downstairs in the evening.  I hope that everyone has a good night and thank for everything.



Well I made it thru Monday. It went pretty good for a Monday. I am excited to help you move Robin. Do you have a plan for Friday? I was just wondering when I should show up. It is suppose to snow tomorrow. I am hoping not a lot. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Thanks for helping pack mom and dad. We got alot done. Then we went over to enochs house for dinner. We had a good time. I feel so tired with it dark outside. I also have this stupid cough. Everyone I lay down I can't stop coughing. I don't have a cold so that is nice. Well have a good night



It gets dark so early, it is going to be long nights not going outside.  It seemed like it was a longer day with that extra hour.  We just had a day off and played and stayed home.  The boys had a hard time sharing but I think that we made some progress on how to handle the situations.  We did go to church.  They practiced the primary program so Isaac did that.  I taught my lesson it went pretty well and Oliver did well in nursery.  I had Isaac wear his new pants and they looked really nice, thanks Mom.  Thanks again for coming up, it was such a fun day.


Falling Back

It was nice to sleep in an hour.  I loved it.  We met Robin and Walter for lunch and then helped pack.  We made great progress.  There is still a little bit to do but next weekend we will get is all done and moved.  I am excited for Robin.  Karen you were on fire today.  You got a lot done.  I did get my sheets washed.  That was nice.  Everyone have a great week.  I can't believe it is November already.  Time just goes too fast.  LOVE MOM


I had a nice day. I enjoyed the extra hour of sleep from falling back an hour. I hope you got your car registered, mom. I got the scarfs made today. I also changed my flour, sugar, noodle containers switched around. I also got my laundry done. I hope packing went good today for you Robin. I am excited to help you move. Have a great week everyone.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...