Friday, July 3, 2015


Today was good I didn't have to work at maggie today so I sewed all morning. I had to work at scheels tonight though. Well I will see everyone tomorrow.


Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bag lady

Today was good. Everyone loved their bags. I made them with magnets which turned out. Everyone put them on their filing cabinets it would be cute to put pencils in. My boss said she was going to put hers on her fridge. So many uses with the magnets I never thought of. I worked a 1/2 day today. I meet up with walter for lunch we went to the jasmine. I was craving a bento box. I came home and took a nap. I now am not tired so I am sewing. I am making adalaide  a pinafore dress for a present she is getting blessed on sunday. I put a picture of the fabric. And the pattern of what it will eventually look like. Have a good day tomorrow. I am down. For anything on saturday


Love it

I am so glad you got to go camping.  That is so much fun.  My day was good.  It was busier than I thought it would be.  I thought everyone would leave early for vacation but I made it through.  I actually got a lot done this week.  I am going to Kamas tomorrow to help Karen.  Rachel I talked with Robin and she said we can either come to Logan or meet in Ogden and go somewhere cool.  It is up to you guys.  I am tired, I am going to sleep in.  That sounds so nice.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Well my day wasn't as fun as Rachel's but it was too bad. Work went by pretty fast so that was nice. I am going to wake up early and mow my lawn. I figure that would be better than doing it in the heat. Well I hope everyone has a great long weekend. Bye


Isaac woke up yesterday and wanted to go camping so we were like let's go.  He had a pool party at his primary teachers house so we went to that and he had a really good time, he swam for three hours and their were a lot of kids.  Then we took off and went camping at the top of the mountain before it goes down to bear lake.  It was a lot of fun and really cool up their.  It was nice.  Isaac and Casey were wood buddies and got wood and make a fire.  Some people told us their had been a bear around so we were really careful with everything and didn't see it.  This morning we drove down to bear lake and spent the morning their.  We got their around 9 and left at 2.  It was really nice and cool and it didn't get crowded until the afternoon and it wasn't as bad as the time we all went.  It was a lot of fun.  We are all tired so I think that we will all sleep well tonight.  I love your bags Robin, I was going to ask how the magnetic closure went or did you use something else.  I think that is awesome you made a personalize one for everyone.   Everyone have a good day off tomorrow, I hope that everyone gets some rest.   Oh I didn't charge my phone before I left so I didn't get any pictures, failure.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Fun times

It sounds like you guys are having a great day.  Rain, sugar and camping.  I am glad you are doing good.  Robin I love your purses.  They are darling.  I did do laundry.  Does that count as exciting.  Not much else going on.  I am excited that tomorrow is our Friday.  That will be nice.  I am good with anything on Saturday.  Have a great last day of work for the week.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. We found out that a girl in our department is having a boy. She brought donuts. Then we.had a cake at work for July birthdays. Our boss had a meeting with ups and ups brought us cookies. It was quite the sugar day. I worked at scheels so nothing to exciting. Have a good one



It rained here last night at 1130. The thunder woke me up. It was nice to get some rain though. Work is going good. Nothing too wild and crazy going on. I am glad that tomorrow is the last day I have to work this week. Well I hope that everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sewing like mad

Today was so busy. But it was expected. So time flew by. We had a new girl start. She seems nice. I have been sewing like mad to finish those little bags for everyone at work. I am almost done. I hope to finish tomorrow and give it to them on thursday. I put pictures below. I also went to Joanns tonight. I wanted to make Walters niece a cute outfit. So I bought some material. I hope to get that done friday when I don't work. I am free saturday. The cruise in sounds fun. Well have a good night


It was a hot one today.  I weeded outside in the front this morning when it was cool.  Later we tried to do some more weeding in the garden but it was just too hot.  We spend most of the day in the basement.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that was fun, we haven't sewn in a while.  We went and got snowcones afterwards and walked the mall to get out.  It was Collins birthday today we went out to dinner.  We went to Calaways and they were so slow we left and went to firehouse pizza.  It tasted really good.  We didn't get home until late.  Isaac is going to swim at his primary teachers house tomorrow so that should be fun.  I am going to go and watch.  We are thinking about going to bear lake on Thursday just to get out of the house and do something cool.  I was thinking of going to go to Mirror lake for my birthday if that sounded fun to everyone, I think it will be cool up their.  Also Saturday is the cruise in if anyone wants to go.  The parade is in the evening.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow.


Sound asleep

I am sorry I didn't blog yesterday.  I feel sound asleep on the couch and never woke back up.  Sunday night I didn't sleep very well.  I think I had too many cokes on Sunday at Karen's place.  I do so love her ice there.  I am glad that your cooler is working good Karen.  I have been working a little late to save up my vacation.  I have plenty to keep me busy.  We did make it to Sam's tonight to get meds.  Everyone have a great Wednesday.  LOVE MOM


Rachel thanks for the pictures that made me laugh. My day has been good. It is still hot here. I am loving the cooler. Work is going good. I am glad that the work week is half over. I love short weeks. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, June 29, 2015


I am glad that you had fun golfing Robin, that sounds fun except for the heat.  I am sorry Walter got sick.  Today was pretty good.  Casey's Dad needed some help with the sprinkler system at Kimi's house so he spent most of the day up their and they got it working.  He took Isaac for a bit and then Isaac came back since it was so hot.  We went grocery shopping this morning and Isaac got a transformer with all the money everyone gave him.  He really likes it.  He has been into making pictures for his room so we did today.  We went to the hobby lobby and got some Alphabet  stickers that will be fun.  I couldn't find Oliver's shoe this morning so I got him a new pair and found the old ones when I was cleaning the kitchen.  I tried some of his sneakers on and none of them fit.  He has been growing.  Karen at dinner Isaac and Oliver were doing that thing you taught them where they go ohh and shake their head, I attached pictures.



Well my day has been good. It got up to 100 here today. I am glad that it is a short week. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy going on. I am jealous that you only had a half day Robin. I hope everyone had a great Monday


Thanks for the fun weekend. I put the pictures below. Today I only worked a half day and my work took us golfing. It was fun. Walter went with me he did a really good job. I was impressed. He got heat stroke at the end so he didn't go to the BBQ after. I felt bad. But I was surprised it wasn't me it was 102. So hot. I have so much work now. I had friday off and half day today. Tomorrow will be busy. Have a good night


Sunday, June 28, 2015

What a nice birthday

What a nice birthday I had.  Thank you all for such a fun time.  It will be hard to get back to the real world tomorrow.  I love the pictures Rachel.  Thanks for posting them.  We did get Karen's air conditioner working.  It felt really nice when we left.  I am so glad I only have to work 4 days this week.  That will be so nice.  Everyone have a great last week of June.  This weather is crazy.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that you got cool air Karen, it is a hot summer.  Thanks for the fun time again this weekend.  It was really nice to get together and snowbird was really fun.  Today went pretty good for us, we had church and I did hangman in my class and that went really well.  Isaac got a missionary tag and he wore it all day.  He got wet and we changed his shirt and he kept asking where his agent was and we finally figured out it was his missionary tag.  Here are some pictures from this weekend.  Everyone have a good week.



My cooler is now installed. Thanks mom and dad for your help. It took most all the day to get it all done, but it is nice to have. So that is pretty much all I did today. I had a fun weekend everyone. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...