Monday, June 29, 2015


I am glad that you had fun golfing Robin, that sounds fun except for the heat.  I am sorry Walter got sick.  Today was pretty good.  Casey's Dad needed some help with the sprinkler system at Kimi's house so he spent most of the day up their and they got it working.  He took Isaac for a bit and then Isaac came back since it was so hot.  We went grocery shopping this morning and Isaac got a transformer with all the money everyone gave him.  He really likes it.  He has been into making pictures for his room so we did today.  We went to the hobby lobby and got some Alphabet  stickers that will be fun.  I couldn't find Oliver's shoe this morning so I got him a new pair and found the old ones when I was cleaning the kitchen.  I tried some of his sneakers on and none of them fit.  He has been growing.  Karen at dinner Isaac and Oliver were doing that thing you taught them where they go ohh and shake their head, I attached pictures.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...