Saturday, May 19, 2012
run around sueq
today was good and productive. I washed my car and went shopping got some shirts and bracelets. I also went to the gym and then I started cutting out karens birthday quilt. I'm glad that everyone had a good saturday hope that everyone has a relaxing sunday. I have a photoshoot and a lagoon work party maybe if I finish the shoot in time. crazy but fun
RAchel and Casey thanks for letting us come up. WE had a really good time. I am a little sore also but it was so nice to be outside. Isaac is so cute. He is knowing his way around the yard for sure. I am glad you found Vodka Karen I am excited to make taffy with your oils. Well not much else to report. We had a nice day. LOVE MOM
Worn Out
Karen, I was not expecting to hear you bought vodka. Good for you. I am excited to see your spearmint oil, that is awesome. We had a really nice day. Thank you Mom and Dad for all your help. It was so fun to work in the garden. I feel worn out now though. I am excited for the garden. We are going to have a ton of potatoes so no one will have to buy any for a year. :)
Spearmint Experiment
Well my day has been good. I went and got my hair trimmed. Then i got my car washed. After lunch I went and found the church building that the website says I should go to. On my way there i found the liquor store in Heber. So I went and got some vodka. So now when my glass bottles show up I can try and make spearmint oil. Wish me luck. Well I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. BYE
Friday, May 18, 2012
The rain put a damper on our day. It is nice for the yard though, I liked it for that reason. We went to the hobby lobby this morning just to get out of the house. I got Isaac some car and dinosaur stickers. He played with them for a while so I think it was worth it. The weather was better this afternoon so we walked to the library. I haven't been there in a long time. I am going to start going more and taking Isaac to reading time. Robin I hope that your hole summer isn't this busy, that would suck. I love free tee shirts also Karen, that is awesome.
What a day
Robin, just here about your schedule is making me tired. It rained here for a while this afternoon. Loooking at the radar though I think you got more rain in SLC. I got a free White Knight t-shirt today. It is a blue shirt. I like free shirts. I am glad that tomorrow is Saturday I am looking forward to sleeping in. Well have a great weekend everyone
Thursday, May 17, 2012
well today was my stress day. i had to leave work at 2:30 to be at a meeting at lagoon by 3. I have been pissed about it all week I think. Now that its over I am not so testy. AND I don't have to go into lagoon tomorrow so that will be super duper nice. I will love just working 8 hours. so nice. well not to much else happening in my world. I do have memorial weekend off but not sure about memorial day @ lagoon yet??? but the weekend for sure. maybe swimming that was fun with isaac. or seven peaks if its warm? well have a good friday
Dad went to the stomach doctor today and he thinks it is acid that is causing the spasms and thinks he should switch to prolisec. So we are going to try that. He said there isn't much he can do. I think we might need a second opinion but I am willing to try the easy solutions first. I had a nice day also. I worked until 5 and then dad came and got me and we went to Heber for Dinner and Walmart. It was nice to visit with Karen. Do we want to do something fun for memorial weekend? Any suggestions? I am good withanything. I guess a lot will depend on the weather. WE could go hiking or something. I will look and see if there is anything good going on. Well have a great friday. I am glad it is the weekend. I am tired. LOVE MOM
Slow Day
Well today wasn't as exciting, we didn't see a Moose today. Today we didn't do much. It was cooler so that was nice. We made hamburgers on the grill for dinner and that tasted good. Isaac likes to sit in the truck so Casey and Isaac did that for a while. I am glad that it is almost the weekend and it is almost Memorial day. Good times.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
sorry I forgot to blog I worked late. tomorrow is the same business. Its been a crazy week I am tired. I am on a short fuse too so I listen to music most the day and drink pepsi. I think its helping ;) anyway not much else have a great night
Pictures were for me
Rachel the pictures were for me. they made my whole day. Thanks. I had a quiet day. It was Primary children's 90th birthday party today. WE got free soda and cake and ice cream. I thought that was nice of them. I hope I get to see the 100 birthday party. 10 more years. That seems like a long time from now. I didn't get much done tonight just a little ironing. That is OK. I find by Wednesday I am really tired. Dad has a doctor's appointment in the morning at 8:00. The stomach dude. Hopefully he will be able to tell us what he thinks is going on. Have a nice day. It is suppose to be a lot cooler tomorrow.
Today was good. I needed banana's so I decided to walk to Lees instead of walking to the park and on the way home there were a ton of police driving by. The were stopping along 600 east and 2200 North. There were some wildlife trucks. In the field there was a Moose running by. Some people watching said that they were going to tranquilize it and take it back to the wild. It was crazy to see a Moose. Casey came home a little early from work and got a truck full of compost and worked on getting that spread out. I made the grilled pizza for dinner and it was really good. It was fun to make and tasted good. Isaac really liked it. For some reason I took a lot of pictures today so here are some.
Isaac loved watering day and walked in the water a lot.
He likes to throw rocks at the truck grill.
My awesome pizza.
The compost.
Isaac following Casey around.
The grapes.
Isaac lounging.
Well I really don't have too much to report. It has been a pretty quiet day. I am ready for a weekend though. I missed my nap last weekend. I also need to do laundry. Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Grandpa would be proud
The flowers are beautiful. Thanks for posting them Rachel. The gladiolas are from Grandpa Gumm. I was having such a hard time to get flowers to grow he brought bulbs up for me one spring and said anyone could grow glads. It has taken 7 years and Casey and Rachel taking care of them but they are growing. It is a good memory of Grandpa. I think that is good that Isaac sleeping on his own. Hard to not rock him however. He is so dang cute. It is hard to focus when there is so much to do. I just found do what you want and enjoy it. That will be fun to have potatos and grapes. Karen I am excited to make oils. I have never done that. It will be a new adventure. I was excited to report that I have folded the first fold on all of my bow ties for my quilt and have started with the second fold. I made 10 complete bow ties tonight and had 20 already made. There is a total of 120. I have been enjoying do them. I just knew you guys would say OH. I was excited. I am hoping to finish them up in a week or so. I can't decide what color to use for the quilt. I will think about it. Have a great hump day. LOVE MOM
Today was good. We went on a walk this morning then we just played in the backyard and downstairs where it was cool. I sewed with Jenn Cox and that was fun. I have one rows of trucks all done. We went to Fred Smiths in the afternoon to get Isaac a ball and some things to make pizza on the grill. We didn't end up doing it tonight but we are planning on doing it tomorrow. Casey came home a little early and we went to Lowes to get some compost for his potato patch, he dug up the grass in front of the garden. While we were at Lowes we saw grapes so we bought four and ended up working on that. It was fun and I am excited for grapes. I hope that they work better this time. We are so impulsive, tomorrow we will work on getting the potatoes done and the beds ready for a garden. Off the subject, today when I was putting Isaac to bed for his nap and bedtime. He would point to where I keep the binky's so I would give him one and then he would point to his bed. I tried to read to him but he just would point to his bed. It was funny. Mom's flowers are looking really good so I took some pictures. Also Isaac wanted to take his blanket to the park and he carried it around there, it was funny.
Baby step to Friday
Well things are going good here in Heber. I really don't have too much to report work is moving right along. I am going to have to trim my spearmint soon or it is going to take over. I am going to have to learn have to spearmint oil. Then maybe we could make candy with it. Well have a good one. BYE
Monday, May 14, 2012
work hard for the money
well today was good worked both jobs. so I had no break or have stopped to do anything till now. It going to be a long few weeks. I think this is how its going to be till june. so waiting for some fun paychecks :) well have a good night
Karen congratulations on the garden. Your plants are liking Heber City better than St. GEorge. I think it was the water in St. George. You got a lot done today Rachel. You work so hard. I had a good day also. We had a farewell party for someone who transferred to a new job and we went to Paradise Bakery. It was fun to get out of the office. I haven't been there for a long time. Robin is working both jobs all week. She is in for one long week. She isn't home yet and it is ten. That is going to be hard. WEll not much else to report. I didn't work on my bow ties tonight but I am going to do them tomorrow. I am really excited to do that quilt. I just love yours Rachel. Have a nice Tuesday. LOVE MOM
Strawberry Shortcake
Karen, your garden looks really nice. I am impressed. We will have to have strawberry shortcake when they are ready. I had a good day, I did laundry and the dishes. I mowed the lawn. I had almost talked myself out of doing it but I decided not to be lazy and do it. We had lasagna for dinner and that tasted good. We had olive garden leftovers for lunch and that was good also, Isaac liked it. Well I hope that everyone has a good night and a good Tuesday.

Sunday, May 13, 2012
I did have a nice day. WE slept in also and then went to see Grandma Bodily. That was good. WE just vegged all day. I did work on my bow tie quilt for ahwile. That was fun. I am going to try and get all the bow ties done. That is my goal. Well have a nice week. I was so looking forward to the weekend. It seems weird to have just a normal week planned. Have a good one. I love the pictures Rachel. I posted one on face book. LOVE MOM
Quilting fever
I had a really fun weekend, thank you everyone. Thanks for taking such good care of Isaac. You guys wore him out. He was tired today, he slept in until 9. I was so excited about all of my new quilting things I had a hard time falling asleep last night. I have quilting fever now. On Isaac's nap I finished marking the twister quilt and I pinned and have quilted three rows. It was so fun. I love how it is turning out. I will put pictures when I am done. We had a good day. We went for a walk this morning and it was a nice day. We went to church and then came home and gave Isaac a nap. I hope that you had a good Mother's Day Mom and stayed cool with the fan.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...