Saturday, March 26, 2022

Fun day

 When I drove to meet Rachel there were lines of cars clear to the freeway to get into lagoon. We went to Barnes and nobles and lunch and there weren't any lines to get in. That felt so nice. We had a good time. Isaac rode on most of the rides he wanted. Ruth didn't ride much. She said she just wasnt  into lagoon today. It made me laugh. I am so glad you got an offer. I agree it is nice to have that. I am excited to see your new place. Karen dad said you got a lot done on your paper. That has to feel good. Everyone have a nice restful Sunday. Love mom 


Thanks again for having us at kamas. We left when Luna fell asleep because we didn't want to drive while she was awake. We did get one offer. I thought we would get alot more. But one is good enough for me. We are closing April 27th and having a 4 day extension after closing to close on our other house. Tomorrow we are taking Jeramys mom to Denny's. 


Friday, March 25, 2022


 Sorry, I am late blogging. Today was good.  I went to exercise class.  Abigail is having a birthday party tomorrow and we can't go so we brought her presents today.  She loved them and they played all class.  Ruth was jealous of the presents so she was happy she could play with them.  We drove to school and then I walked Tony.  I took him to the park and threw the ball. Oliver had a patriotic program at school.  He was cute and did a good job.  I attached a couple of bad videos.  Oliver and Ruth had friends over and they played so well.  It made the afternoon go fast.  We went to Lowe's to get some parts for the tree house.  I have been wanting a bush in the front so we bought one.  I love it.  We are going to leave around 9 tomorrow.  We are excited.

Love Rachel

Today was good we had an offer but it was 15k below asking. It's what I thought we would get. But we are waiting and hoping someone wants to wow us tomorrow lol I had an inspection on the new house and it went well. It was all nit picky things. Luna had pajama day at daycare. She didn't nap well so I hope that means she sleeps well tonight. 



 Work was good and I got caught up a lot so that felt nice.  I am excited for the weekend.  I did get all the passes printed off tonight so that is good.  Dad is going to Kamas and I am going to Lagoon.  It should be a fun day.  Robin I hope you get lots and lots of offers.  That would be so much fun.  Everyone drive really really safe tomorrow.  It is suppose to be a beautiful day.  I can't believe how fast March has gone.  It is usually a really slow month.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM 


 Yeah, I am glad that the weekend is here. My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I am excited to see dad, and Robin and crew tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Thursday, March 24, 2022


 Work was good and I got a lot done. That felt nice yesterday I felt overwhelmed. We went up to Karen's house and had dinner. It was such a nice drive and visit. It was nice to have an excuse to go visit. Robin Karen said there were 425 hits about your house on Zillow and 12 saves. I am glad you didn't cancel the open house. They were trying to low-ball you. Rachel that made me laugh about Oliver. He is too smart. I am glad you saw Randy. Kay called me and said Sarah's mom died. I felt bad. Have a wonderful Friday. Love mom


 I am sorry Karen.  That happens to everyone once in a while.  I am glad Mom and Dad could help.  Good luck on selling your house Robin.  Today was good.  The kids had a good day at school.  Me and Ruth ran errands this morning.  We walked to school.  We were running late and their weren't any kids for Ruth to walk in with and she was sad.  I felt bad. We were technically on time just the late side of it.  I took Tony on a long walk home.  It is getting warm in the afternoon.  Ruth had dance and the boys did their homework.  We went and visited Randy after dinner and it was a nice evening.  It was good to go and visit.  The kids friend Abigail is having a party Saturday but we can't go.  We got her a present anyway.  We were looking for a present for her.  Oliver found something he wanted.  He said I could buy it for him for Father's day.  I said it didn't work like that because he wasn't a father.  He said that all boys should get a present on father's day.  It was so funny.

Love Rachel


Today was good. I took Jenkins to doggie day care then went to work. We had 5 more showings today. We had someone who wanted to put an offer if we didn't do the open house. But I thought it was weird. So I said if they offer enough to make it worth it we would consider it. But I didn't hear anything back. So I'm going to have the open house. We had one person show up late so we went on a walk. It was so nice outside



 Well when I was going back to work after lunch. I left my keys on the counter so I locked myself out. Oops! Mom and dad were super nice and came up and rescued me. I felt like an idiot but what can you do. Other than that my day was good. I only have my conclusion and abstract left to write on my capstone so I am feeling good about that. This semester is just flying by. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


They posted our house online. We had one showing today and 2 tomorrow. I believe we are taking offers till Sunday so hopefully it's just a few days of showings. Luna hit her head again at daycare. But I couldn't see the mark. But they have to fill out a sheet. So we have quite the file brewing. Thanks for having us up Karen on Sat.



 Today was busy and good.  I went to exercise class and it is fine.  Me and Ruth went and got the free sandwich at apple and spice.  Thanks for the card Robin.  I walked Tony and it was pretty day.  I had to staple rubber bands to the flyers and I did laundry.  Isaac had orchestra.  We did homework and then went to activity days.  We got everything delivered and that feels good.  The boys had fun and ran the whole time.  Isaac had young men's after.  Good luck and love you guys.

Love Rachel


 Work is getting busy and I am behind. Everyone wants meetings. I came home and just vegged. Robin I am super nervous and excited for you. I hope you get an offer tomorrow. Rachel I am glad you got your invites out. Karen good luck with your paper. I am glad it is going well. I love this weather. March is usually a slow month and it has flown by. I love April with Easter. Love mom 


 I am glad that the week is half over. Things are going good here. It was such a pretty day outside. Work was just the usual. I am making progress on my to do list so that is good. Then I came home and worked on the capstone project. Robin since you are coming up Saturday if can leave Jenkins up here so you don't have to pay for doggie day care. That way you don't have to worry about him while they are showing the house. The offer is there is you need it. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Today was good. Lots of paperwork and getting all the ducks in a row. Thanks again to dad for coming down and making sure Jenkins was ok with the photographer. The are putting the listing up tomorrow afternoon. Luna was so grumpy tonight. Hopefully she sleeps ok. Tomorrow I am going to take Jenkins to doggie day care just in case anyone wants to look at the house. Hopefully by Saturday we have a few offers and it will be over. 



 Today was good.  It was fancy hair day at school so we did a fancy hair style for Ruth.  I couldn't think of anything for the boys.  My and Ruth just did crafts and hung around the house this morning.  I have been walking Ruth to school and then taking Tony on a walk.  It has been working well.  It is the cache valley food drive this week and the primary is in charge of handing out the flyer.  I had the girls do the condos and the boys do the villas but there are quite a few more to deliver.  So me and the kids did it this afternoon.  They love to deliver flyers and had a lot of fun.  We got it all done so fast and I am so grateful to the kids for doing it for me.  They were sweet to do it.  Ruth had tumbling this evening and she loves it.  They taught her how to do aerial cartwheels and she was in heaven.  They thought her cartwheels we're amazing.  She talked and talked about it.  We can help too Robin if you need anything.

Love Rachel


 I went to work and got a lot done. Dad went to lehi and that was good for him. I left early and we went to see Dr Bowen. His back is actually pretty good and his knee is fine. If it doesn't get better they are going to do an m r i and check the menusca. It might be torn. All in all very nice to not hear really bad news. They are going to give him a shot in his back and see if he feels better. Robin I can say that your life changed pretty fast. I hope the house sells fast. Karen I am sorry you had a shot and are struggling. Rachel I hope all is well. I am excited for Saturday. Robin if you want to join us for lunch Jenkins can stay in the car. We aren't far if you need us. You can crash at our place also.  Love mom


 Good luck selling your house Robin. I'm sure it will be quick. I went and got my allergy shot this morning. So my allergies sucked today and my arm is sore. Work was good. Just the usual for a Tuesday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, March 21, 2022


They accepted our offer :) I'm so excited. Even our realtor was shocked we got it. They are willing to wait till we sell our home. Tomorrow the photographer is coming over to take pictures. Dad is a super hero and coming down to watch Jenkins and help out. Then I made an appointment for Jenkins to go to doggie day care Wednesday thru Fri so we can have people do walk through. So we will see how it goes. 


 Well I can say we never have dull moments.  Way to go Robin, we are so happy for you.  It looks just like the perfect house.  Karen I was hoping they would give you all a big raise.  Oh well next time.  I am glad your kindle came.  Rachel, I am glad you had a good day outside.  It was so pretty.  Work was good and then I came home.  I know I lead an exciting life.  Have a nice day.  Let us know what you need Robin to help.  Dad will come down tomorrow.  LOVE MOM 


 I am so happy for you Robin.  I was being pessimistic and didn't think you would get it.  I am so excited.  We will definitely help you move when it happens.  Today was good.  I went to exercise class and I couldn't do half the stuff but it was still good to go.  We walked Ruth and took the long way home.  We saw some of my primary kids and it was fun to talk to them.  One had a stuffed animal that looked like Tony.  Then I went grocery shopping.  Isaac had orchestra and the kids played outside most of the afternoon.  After dinner I took the little kids and Tony to the park.  Casey and Isaac worked on the tree house.  Love Rachel


 Congrats on the house Robin. If you need anything just let me know. My day was good. It was just the usual for a Monday. We did have a company meeting, it was just the usual stuff they go over ever quarter. My kindle showed up today so that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, March 20, 2022


 We had a nice day. We slept in and the went to robins and helped clean. I hope it works out for you guys. We drove to Ogden and played with Rachel and kids and th n came home and I worked for a bit. Sure love you guys mom


 I really like your new house Robin.  I hope everything works out and they accept your offer.  Good luck.  I had a meeting this morning and church was busy.  We met up with Mom and Dad and we had a really nice evening.  Thanks for meeting us and for the fun time.  Love you guys.




Today was busy. We started cleaning once we woke up. Then mom and dad came by and helped clean. Then Jeramys sisters and nephew and niece came by. Thanks again for the help. The house looks alot better. We submitted our offer so now we just wait and see.


 My day was good. I slept in a little bit. I also worked on my paper for a little bit. It snowed for a little bit here but not much stuck. Also my kindle got shipped early so it will be here Tuesday instead of April so yeah that is nice. I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...