Friday, May 4, 2018

Ready to play

I am ready to play. I thought if we planned to be at my house at 9 that would work. Rachel drove us to the great salt lake tonight. We walked out to the lake and the kids had a really fun time. We all did. Drive safe Karen and Robin and I will see you soon. May the 4th be with you

Thursday, May 3, 2018


It was so pretty outside I didn't want to work. I decided over memorial day to take time off just for fun. I'm excited to take a few days off. I worked on my elephant again i feel further away from being done but im going to finish one day and that will be a good day ha ha . Everyone drive safe



Today was a busy day.  I babysat this morning and the kids were really good.  The little girl next door came over for a little bit also.  Oliver had school and Ruthie took a nap.  The boys had swimming lessons after school.  It was the last lesson but I signed them up for the next classes so they just keep going next week.  We hurried and ate dinner and then Casey picked up Leona and with the kids they went to Clifton to drop off the lawn mower.  I had book group at my house and I had forgotten until yesterday.  I made rice crispy treats for the snack and it tasted good.  It was fun to talk about the book also, we read The Bright Hour and it was pretty sad.  We headed down tomorrow and should be their around dinner.  I am excited for the quilt show.


I forgot to take pictures today :(

We didi it

We made it to Friday.  I have worked a little bit over all week so I get to leave an hour early tomorrow.  I thought that would be fun.  Work was busy and it went by fast so that is good.  I did meet up with Julie and Kay tonight for dinner.  Jeff had to go to Pocatello to babysit.  He was pretty excited.  I did go over to all a dollar and get some paint and some things to paint.  I thought that would be a good downtime activity.  I am excited to play this weekend also Karen.  Drive safe on Saturday.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am read y to play. Things are going good here in Kamas. Work is still going good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Major purchase

The riding lawn mower is fun and a big purchase.  After mowing the lawn with one Casey said we really needed one just to save on time.  So we did it, it is really nice and the boys had a fun time riding around on it without the blades engaged.  Oliver always comes and sleeps with me and Casey in the middle of the night.  Last night he was crying and said that he bumped his head.  I was tired so I just put him in bed with us but this morning he had a huge bump on his head.  He showed me what happened and he walked into the door frame, poor kid is beat up.  I volunteered at school this morning.  Ruthie had a tantrum because I brought two bags of cookies, one for each of them and she wanted both of them.  It was raining when school let out and Isaac had rode his bike so I just threw it in the back of the van.  The girls next door came over for a little bit but it was dinner time and then we made our major purchase.  I think it will be a good thing.



Man you guys are all on fire.  Robin sewing away and people doing their work, Karen with a new building on the way and Rachel with a fancy rider mower.  My day was actually pretty quiet.  Work was good and then we came home and just vegged.  I am glad everything is going good.  I am sure excited for this weekend.  Should we plan to meet at my house at 9:00 on Saturday and then we can go to the quilt show.  I thought we could have lunch at the Mexican restaurant right across the street.  After that we can do what ever we want to do.  I am good with anything.  Have a nice Thursday.  I am meeting the Gumm Gang at the Italian Village on 9th East. Robin if you want to come you are more than welcome.  We are meeting at 6.  I love you guys  MOM


I am jealous of your new lawn mower. That will be nice. My day was good. Work is still going good. They did start construction on the building today. There were 2 excavators thay wrre digger up dirt right next to the building. It is fun to have that finally started. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Congrats on your new riding law mower Rachel that is awesome. Work is going well the new girls are taking some work off of me and it's so lovely. I'm starting to come up for air a bit. I decided to change my craft room i basically moved my t.v from behind me on the dresser to right by my sewing machine. I love it. I've been working on my elephant all night and it's so nice to have some noise and entertainment.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018


My day was good as well.i had to run engineering meeting today because the guy that usually runs it was on vacation. It went pretty good. I was hoping to make it a short one but it wasn't to be. I cooked peperchini shredded beef sandwiches. They tasted good. Then i did my dishes. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday. Bye


Work was good,  I just don't care anymore so I just do what I want to do.  It is very non stressful.  After work me and dad went and walked the zoo.  We walked the whole zoo in 1 hour.  It was so much fun.  We watched the elephants and they were reaching for hay way up high and the mom was showing the baby how to get on the wood so he could reach.  Then we watch the gorillas and the big male was picking grass and eating it.  It was really nice to just walk around and stop and look at the animals.  We just chilled the rest of the night.  Rachel, I am glad you figured out the deck.  I know that has been stressful.  I am excited for this weekend also.  LOVE MOM


Casey wasn't feeling good this morning so he stayed home and slept in.  Ruthie didn't sleep well so I was tired today.  I didn't babysit so we just played this morning which was nice.  Oliver had school and they learned about doctors.  He had a doctors bag with band-aids and cotton balls in it which he loved.   Casey mowed the lawn with the ridding lawn mower and it was so fast.  We are going to save and get one, it is so nice.  We went to Lowe's after we picked up Oliver and made a plan for the deck which was nice for me to get everything straight.  The boys had swimming lessons and Casey came with and watched, it was nice.  I had young women's tonight and they did missionary prep stuff.  I didn't have to do anything so it is not stressful.  Love you guys.  I am so excited for the quilt show.



Today was chill nothing exciting work was good but busy. I didn't so much tonight just relaxed. I bought a new swimsuit and it arrived tonight so I'm ready for summer.


Monday, April 30, 2018


It snowed here most of the day as well.  It was quite the impressive snow storm for so late in the year. Work was good. It was actually a fairly quiet day. I was able to catch up on a few things so that was nice. After work I went to Walmart and picked up my prescription and got some groceries. It is nice having food in my house again. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye


Well we had a major snow storm today.  It was fun to watch because I knew it wouldn't last long and would melt.  By the afternoon it was all gone.  Rachel and Robin, I love your quilt and purse.  Way to go.  Work was good today.  It went by fast.  I am looking forward to this weekend as well.  We did go to Winco after work.  Dad had nothing for his lunches.  We just watched a movie this evening.  I feel bad for Oliver.  That is traumatic to have a box of milk fall on him.  I am glad that Ruth is a little better today.  I did cut dad's hair.  It was getting really long.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  1st day of May.  When I was little we always made May baskets.  We even had May polls and danced around them.  It was fun.  I didn't realize until I got older that was a communist thing.  I guess when you grandparents came from there, those cultures would continue.  LOVE MOM


That bag turned out really cute Robin, good job.  I have finished my block of the month block so I quilted the pumpkin quilt, thanks Robin for the back and Mom for the front.  It turned out really cute.  I started quilting my postage stamp quilt today while Oliver was at school and that was fun.   The little girl I babysit was still not hundred percent so they cancelled and I cancelled for tomorrow just to get Ruthie better.  Ruthie had a good day.  She would get really upset when her medicine ran out but she did ok today.  We went grocery shopping this morning and then Oliver had school.  After we picked him up we went to the cheese factory.  A box of milk fell on Oliver and scratched his face, I felt bad.  We played this evening, Isaac and Oliver were doing car races, it was a lot of fun.  Have a good night and love you guys.



Today was busy but I made it out alive. Last night I made the purse that  bought a pattern for. It was fun, after work I went to joanns and bought a few flowers to spice it up. I got my state taxes as well on Saturday. I'm still waiting on my federal but it's all going into the quilt show fund ha ha just kidding. Have a good one


Sunday, April 29, 2018


I had a quiet day as well.  I did get my state taxes yesterday. So that is fun. I also got my laundry done. I hope that Ruth gets feeling better soon. Have a great week everyone. Bye


Thank you guys for all your help.  It looks really nice outside.  This morning we were lazy and just watched shows and played games.  I took the kids to church and they had a fun time.  Ruthie didn't sleep well last night and she fell asleep on my lap which was cute.  I laid her down when we got home and she had a fever so we gave her some medicine and she fell back to sleep, poor thing.  Casey had a scout meeting after church and then he had to take Oliver to the gas station to get another sour squirter thing.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good Monday.



Thanks for the nice weekend.  It was so nice to be outside in the sun.  We went and saw grandma today.  We brought in Pizza and that tasted good.  We did stop at Scheels and bought fudge on our way home.  It was very yummy.  I ate way too much of it tonight.  I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of April.  Time is going so fast.  I am excited for the quilt show on Saturday.  I hope everyone had a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...