Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Major purchase

The riding lawn mower is fun and a big purchase.  After mowing the lawn with one Casey said we really needed one just to save on time.  So we did it, it is really nice and the boys had a fun time riding around on it without the blades engaged.  Oliver always comes and sleeps with me and Casey in the middle of the night.  Last night he was crying and said that he bumped his head.  I was tired so I just put him in bed with us but this morning he had a huge bump on his head.  He showed me what happened and he walked into the door frame, poor kid is beat up.  I volunteered at school this morning.  Ruthie had a tantrum because I brought two bags of cookies, one for each of them and she wanted both of them.  It was raining when school let out and Isaac had rode his bike so I just threw it in the back of the van.  The girls next door came over for a little bit but it was dinner time and then we made our major purchase.  I think it will be a good thing.


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