Saturday, September 4, 2021


 We went to Logan to help clean up the apricot tree. I didn't do much but we got a lot done and it looks good. We moved the computer out of Casey's work room and got some bins to put the blankets in. It turned out nice. I like it. We are good ng down to lehi tomorrow. I love that jumper you got Luna. She will love that. Karen I am glad you got school work done. Love mom


 My day was good. I got a bunch of school stuff done. I also did laundry and washed my sheets. I know it doesn't sound like much but it did take all day. I going down to  Robin's tomorrow to help lay a new floor. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


We woke up and took it slow. I had Luna in her crib when I was making a bottle. I heard her cry out it was a different cry. So I checked on her and she rolled and her leg was stuck between the crib bars. So we went to buy buy baby to get a crib bumper so she can't put her legs through the slats anymore. We bought a jumper roo. Since she always wants to sit up now. She loves it. We had to put books under her feet so she can jump. Jeramy was gently jumping it a bit and she fell asleep it was funny. 

Friday, September 3, 2021


 Well work was good. It was kind of quiet and it got quieter as the day went on. People either took the day off or left early. I was tough and stay the whole day though. After work I went to Park City and dropped dad's broken flash drive off at the ups store and then I came home and worked on school stuff. I was confused so I called dad and he is helping me out. I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE


 I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  I helped in Ruth's class and that was fun.  I like getting to know the kids.  I am waiting for interfacing for Kay's quilt so I finished up the sea quilt, I like it.  The school nurse called and Isaac threw up at school.  I ran down and got him.  Poor kid didn't feel well.  It happened 20 minutes before school was out so I ran him home and came back and got the other kids.  I went and got Isaac a fanta for his stomach.  I had a baptism this evening.  I had to fill the font and was worried about it.  It filled in time and was great.  The baptism was so nice.  It felt good to be part of it.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad.  I am so glad that Dad is feeling better.  I have been worried about him 




 It was busy at work but I got a lot done so that was nice. Payroll Fridays are always busy. Dad took me out to dinner and we went to this bar that has really good food and then went to WinCo. We are going to Logan tomorrow to help with apricot tree. Dad is feeling so much better. He looks so much better also. That gabpatin is working so well. Yeah. He said the neck brace helps the best. Have a nice holiday weekend. I hope Isaac feels better. Love mom


Today was good. Luna was in a good mood so that was nice. I fed her this afternoon and she fell asleep. I figured I would just hold her while she slept since she was cute. When she woke up I had an imprint of her dress on my arm. It made me laugh. Josh was going to spend the night but ended up not coming so we just relaxed tonight.


Thursday, September 2, 2021


 My day was good. We moved the new office furniture around a bit and I like it better. They had us all facing the wall and now we are facing the center of the room. Other than that it was jus the usual here for me. I went to work and then came home and did school work. I am excited for a long weekend it will be nice having an extra day off. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Today was better Luna wasn't a fireball of emotions. I have a tummy time water mat. Luna hates tummy time lately. But she liked sitting on the mat and kicking the water in the mat. I did laundry and then went to Costco to pick up Jeramys medicine that needed refilled. We went on a walk tonight it was cool outside.  I got an estimate on my car they are going to give me 1900. They said I need to get a salvage title on the car. So I need to research it more before no confirm with the insurance company that's what I want to do



 Today was good.  I walked and it is so dark.  It is depressing.  Tony was kind of gagging but he seemed fine so we kept walking.  After the boys went to school me and Ruth went to the dollar store to get 10 deodorants for a service project.  Then we met my visiting teaching ladies at the park to visit.  We walked to kindergarten which was nice.  The kids had dentist appointments today so I check them out of school a hour early.  No one has cavities which is great.  Oliver's tonsils looks big so I need to make an appointment to get them looked at.  Casey came home early and we went up the canyon and went rock climbing.  Ruth didn't want to climb so we hiked.with Tony.  We went 2 miles which is good for her.  Then we watched the boys climb.  It was a nice evening.  



Almost friday

 Today was busy but I got a lot done.  I came home and dad had made potatoes soup from the Amish store. It tasted so good. I got stuck in the football traffic. There were a lot of red shirts. After dinner it just poured rain. The lightening was fun to watch also. I love to watch storms. We even ended up with a rainbow. I am excited for the 3 day weekend. I got a 500 dollar bonus today. That is fun. Love mom

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


 Today was good.  I walked and went to exercise class.  We did High which is fun.  Ruth had something smell bad in her room.  We I cleaned it and in the process ruined her life.  She was pretty dramatic about it.  We walked to school and she dropped her water bottle which was also awful.  I had Tony so I couldn't walk her in.  She was pretty upset about that.  She saw her friend who sits next to her and they walked in together.  She was happy after school.  They boys were happy also.  They are all having a good year so far.  Casey is working late and is still there.  I had book group but skipped it.  We had a nice evening.  The kids played so nice together.  The picture of Isaac is he had a sign on his forehead that said free help backward.  He was helping his classmates with math.  He said he would help us with life.  It made me laugh.  Love you guys.




Today was long. Luna was cranky and just wanted to be toted around all day. I tried the body sling and she hated it. But she hated everything today so I will try it again another day. we went to black bear diner for dinner. We were both tired. Jeramy had a hard time sleeping with the mask. But he has to wear it for at least 4 hours at night for the insurance to cover it. I think it will just take time to get use to. 



 It was a quiet day at work and it went fast. I came home and microwaved marsala and rice. It was easy and tasted good. I can't believe it is September already time goes so fast. Karen I am glad your knee is ok. I kept hoping it would rain but I never saw any. Have a nice Thursday. Love you mom


 My day was good. I only worked half day and then went to the doctor. There is no arthritis in my knee so that is good. He did say it looked like a had an impact injury to my knee. Probably back from volleyball in high school and that the cartilage got worn down in that spot. So that is when it aches sometimes. Unless it gets worse there isn't much to do about it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, August 31, 2021


 We had a good day and I felt like I had time to do things.  Casey was awake this morning so he took Tony on a walk which was nice.  Me and Ruth went to story time.  We haven't been in forever and it was so nice to go.  I am glad we get one more year of going.  I get so emotional thinking of the kids when they were little at story time.  While Ruth was at school I got a lot done.  I worked on my statistics and sewed.  I played with Tony but it was too hot for him.  He is low energy in the afternoons.  Mandy called Casey and I think we are going to go to Disneyland in November which will be fun.  Isaac's dreams will all come true.  Casey worked on the tree again tonight.  Me, Casey and Isaac took a load to the green waste and I accidentally shut the door on Isaac's fingers.  I felt bad.  Good luck tomorrow Karen.  I hope it is a easy fix for your knee.




 I was grumpy also today. I guess I was missing my day off. I love those pictures. I live your sayings they make my day. Rachel that is neat you are going to Disneyland and magic mountain. Karen good luck with the doctor. The doctors office called dad today and he is seeing the neurosurgeon on October 4th. I took Trax home today. Not many are riding it. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


 My day was good. The new office furniture was delivered today. They also paid for it to be assembled so we have to wait for them to assembled it before we can use it. It looks like it will be nice though. Tomorrow I go in to get my knee checked. So wish me luck. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Today was good. We woke up and went on a walk. Then we went to Costco. Jeramy got his CPAP machine today so I also went to Walmart since it needs distilled water. Luna was grumpy after but I think she resistant to nap time now. So once I got her to sleep she was out. She woke up happier. After dinner I gave her a bath so hopefully tonight she sleeps well. 


Monday, August 30, 2021


Today was good. Mom and dad came down and we hung out for most of the day. Then Jeramy came home. I bought these chicken wings and they were gross. So it was a dinner fail.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...