Saturday, May 22, 2010

Nice Day

I had a nice day. Travis came over and looked at the house. There isn't a lot to do to get ready to sell so that is nice. The girls came up and we went goofing around and bought bingo prizes and then sewed. I am sorry Karen that Ironman 2 was just OK. I thought it would be really good. I was really cold here today. I am hoping it starts warming up soon. Not much else going on here. LOVE MOM


Me rachel and casey drove up to logan today. we had a good time, it was nice to hang out. I can't believe how cold it was today though. You would think it would be warm by the end of may........ So a few days ago I tried to find a makeup artist to help out with the movie so I didn't get so stressed about day shoots. And the guy I found called me today and wants to help out. Yes. It takes out alot of stress. Anyway tomorrow I am going to sleep and enjoy a relaxing sunday. enjoy


If I had a million dollars

Well I had a good day today. I saw in the paper that they have a farmer's market thing at Tuachan from April to December so I went to check it out. It wasn't as good as the one in Logan, but maybe it will get better when the peaches and stuff start getting ripe. Well I am finally getting to my laundry. So at least I will have clean clothes. I went and saw Ironman 2 it was okay. It was a sequel, what can you do. Well I hope that everyone had a good day up in Logan. If you need me to come up and help paint one weekend mom let me know. Have a great one. BYE

Friday, May 21, 2010


I am glad that you are coming up this weekend with Rachel, Robin. That will be fun. I had a nice day. It was busy but I got a lot done and it felt nice. Charlie came back to work today and it was nice to have an extra hand. Dad made it home safe and sound today. It is nice to have him home. I am excited for Karen to come home on Thursday. What a fun week.


parking lot

Well today going to work today I was stuck in traffic. We were at a complete standstill for about a half hour. I was late to work none the less. o well at least I made it out alive. Then me and rachel went out for dinner it was tasty. Afterword I watched glee and enjoyed it highly :) Tomorrow I think I am going to drive up with rachel and casey to logan for the day. I don't have to shoot this weekend so It will be nice to have a few days off. well have a great weekend



Mom you can take it back to Walmart I am sure that they will take it back. Well I am glad that things are going good for everyone. My day has been good. I was signed up to watch a webinar today but they had to reschedule it because they couldn't get the meeting web thing to work. Oh well what can you do. Other than that it was good. I love pay days. Have a great Saturday everyone. BYE

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Coffeepot recall

Well the coffeepot I bought grandma has been recalled. Do you take it back to Walmarts for a return? Not quite sure what to do. I was on channel 13 news tonight. I had a busy day. I am so glad it is friday. We don't have any plans for this weekend. I was thinking of going and buying some bingo prizes but other than that it will be a quiet weekend I hope. I am excited for Karen to come up on Thursday. I can't believe it is memorial weekend already. Robin I hope you had fun at the play tonight. I started my Edward puzzle tonight. I was hoping Karen would help me next weekend HINT HINT. Well have a great friday.



Well today was a whirl wind. I went to work and then a girl I work with also works at a movie theater so we went to a movie after work we saw just wright. It was a cute love story. Then a guy at work is in a play so we went to the play after the movie. All day entertainment. Tomorrow I am working. I have no idea what I am doing this weekend. I think we were going to shoot, but our director had a family emergency so I don't know what is going on. Hopefully I will know by tomorrow??? but I am always up to do something :). anyway Better run have a great night.


Almost Finished

Well I am getting close to finishing my embroidery. I only have 4 words left. I am glad that you had a good day Rachel, but I was wondering if it was possible to have a bad day if at the end there is hot dog on a stick. My day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday though. I hope that you enjoyed just working 5 hours at Lagoon today Robin. I finished off my beef stew left over so now I am going to have to cook something else I guess. Well have a great Friday everyone. BYE


Mom I am sorry that I didn't email you today, I don't know what happened. I had a good day. We went to olive garden for lunch and that was really nice. Casey is working tonight but he came home and went to dinner with me, we went to hot dog on a stick. It is always good. Well I don't have much else going on. I have been wokring on my embrodery, moms turned out really cute. I am excited to finish it. Well I am not sure what we are doing this weekend. Does anyone have any fun plans?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Free Pie night at Village Inn

Me and Grandma went to Village Inn tonight for their free pie night. It was a nice night and then we went to Kohls to get some birthday cards and some graduations cards because I had a 10 dollar come back certificate. It was nice to walk around. It has been so rainy the last couple of days we only went to dinner and then home. Work was really crazy. I am going to have to go early to help register a patient at 8:00 lucky me. Well I am glad everyone is doing good. Love you guys MOM

be our guest

I'm glad your finding someone to sell your house that will be alot less stressful. If you need any help let me know. Anyway today was good I worked at lagoon and we did some more costume alterations. The blind hem foot you let me borrow rachel didn't work your machine is to new. :) thanks for letting me try it though. We ended up not shooting today to much catastrophes happened. We will see what happens this weekend. :) Well tomorrow is a short day at lagoon only 5 hours so it will be nice to have some of the day free. anyway have a great night.



Well it was a nice day here. I love this time of year. If it wasn't for the allergies it would be perfect. I am glad that you are taking steps to move to SLC I think that will be great. My day has been good. I am glad that the week is half over though. I have been putting off doing laundry, so I am going to have to do it soon. Well have a good one everyone. BYE


Sorry I forogt to blog last night, I fell asleep. Last night me, Casey and Robin went out to dinner and then me and Robin mended my sweater, it was fun. i had a good day at work today. Casey is working tonight so I brought him and dave Arbys for dinner. I was pretty good. I also found a petsmart in West Vally by the Walmart so I went there and got some bird food. Now I am going to wach some TV online. I need to get caught up on Lost. :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I did it

Well I talked with Travis tonight and he is coming over on Saturday and seeing what it will take to sell our house. Me and dad have talked and no matter what happens this house and yard is just getting to much for us. I will keep you posted on the what he says. I hope that is OK with everyone. I know it is a hard think to give up the house. Not much else going on with me. I am glad you guys are doing well. It poured rain here today. I am so glad I fertilized this weekend. It is suppose to rain this weekend also. Well have a great hump day.


joe smo

I'm pretty tired today. I didn't get to sleep till late, I got a surge of energy around midnight. lame. anyway my day went well I worked at lagoon and then me and rachel and casey went out for dinner. It was tasty. Tomorrow I am waking up and doing makeup then going to lagoon. They are shooting in the day so I am getting people ready before I leave for lagoon. crazy. It will be intense that is for sure. well better run.


Here I am again

Well i hope that everyone had a good Tuesdays. Congrats on your pat on the back at work Rachel. It is always nice when people appreciate the work that you are doing. I am glad that you are having fun at lagoon Robin. I hope that they give a lot of fun projects to do there. My day was good here. I stayed busy at work so time went by pretty fast. One week from today they are having an employee appreciation day and they are going to have a free lunch for us. i thought that was nice. I always like free food. Well have a great one. BYE

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday Monday

It was a busy day at work today. I think it will be that way until they hire a replacement for Charlie. Crazy days. Dad is going to SLC tomorrow. He thinks his program is done so that is good. Not much going on here. I am glad everyone is doing good. Robin you and tires lately. Casey said he woud look at the sound in your car if you wanted him to. Rachel that is great you got an ata boy already. You are good at what you do. LOVE MOM

snow drifts

Well today was good. Last night I noticed my tire was looking low I just figured they didn't fill it up enough when they put it on. So I went and filled it up with air and I heard the air coming out of my tire by the valve. But I fixed it enough so the air didn't come out. So this morning I woke up and took it in to the auto repair they fixed the valve on it. And they did it for free which was nice. Then I worked at lagoon. we started costume alterations so it was fun. I like sewing. The cotton trees at lagoon are in full swing. It looks like snow drifts everywhere. Its horrible, i just hope my allergies don't give out. OH rachel my shoot was canceled on tuesday and moved to friday do you want to go out for dinner tomorrow instead? I will text you tomorrow. anyway have a great night



I had a good day, The sent an email out at work saying a couple people are doing a good job and my name was on the list. It was nice to see. Me and Casey went to a Waffle place just a little down the street for dnner. It was good and really sweet. They put homemade cream on it, it was good. It was a cute little store. It was fun to walk around a bit. Well everyone have a good night.



Well I made it thru Monday. Yeah! It is windy and cloudy here right now. it is suppose to start raining tonight sometime. It sounds like you are super busy Robin. I hope that you don't get to stressed. My day was good. Nothing too exciting. Well have a great week everyone.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

le run

Well today we shot some scenes. It was fun. Tomorrow I am working at lagoon. The rest of the week is going to be packed. They are going to try to shoot a lot this week. Its going to be interesting schedule wise. I hoping they find another makeup artist to help with the movie so it won't be so intense. I would love to get together this week rachel and do something. I think monday I work until 7:30 we can go out for dessert. Or friday we can go out for dinner. I know its later in the week. But if some of my shoots gets canceled then I will text you:) anyway have a great monday.


Nice weekend

I had a good weekend. It was nice to have Rachel and Casey here. I cooked breakfast and dinner. I know WOW. It felt nice to cook. It wasn't anything special but just felt nice to be cooking. We watched Miss Congenitality tonight and me and dad and grandma played Mexican Train. We played 7 games. It was a lot of fun. Grandma loved it. She wants to play again. Have a great Monday. It is payroll monday and I have 6 new patients coming. It will be a busy day.



Well we had a busy weekend. I had to work on Saturday so i came up to Logan on Friday so me and Mom could sew but we didn't get to that until Saturday. Mom and Grandma came up to Clifton and helped us finish cleaning. It is nice to have it almost done. Today we spent the morning with Mom and Dad, then we ended up visiting Caseys Dad. Collin wanted to use the trail 90 so Casey and him drove back to clifton to get it and I just went to SLC and took a nap. We just finished unloading both our cars, it feels nice to be done with that. I am glad that everyone had a good weekend. Robin this week do you want to go to dinner sometime. I would like to bondo one of my sweaters and I would like your help. Let me know if you time.

Beef stew

Well I made crock pot beef stew from scratch and it turned out good. Church was good. It was hot here today it was 90 today. I hope that Rachel and Casey had a good trip back to SLC. I hope that your movie went well also Robin. Well have a great week everyone.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...