Friday, January 26, 2024


 I had a good day. We went to key bank and talked to a financial advisor. It was interesting. Lots to research. We went to the mall to walk but ended up at the olive garden and had a bowl of soup instead. Karen's company bought hockey tickets.for their work and could bring a guest. She took me. It was a lot of fun. We won because our goalie was awesome. Everyone drive safe. Love mom


 Today was good.  Work went pretty well and I love that Fridays are short.  Isaac left some music at his chamber music practice so we met his teacher on campus to pick it up.  We stopped and got a treat because everyone did so well this week.  We went to Joann's and got a craft to do and then came home and did it.  Ruth got upset near the end because she wanted to do the clay that Oliver got.  She was upset the rest of the afternoon.  We walked Tony to the park and she thought she had frostbite on her toes.  It was a beautiful day and it felt good to go on a walk.  Casey and Isaac made sushi for dinner and then we watched a movie.  We will see everyone tomorrow.

Love Rachel

Thursday, January 25, 2024


 I had a big busy day. I did laundry and then me and dad organized the storage room.  There is a lot of room in there now. It felt nice. We ran to target to get meds and then I worked in the sewing room. I have gotten rid of a lot of boxes. It is looking better. I did keep all the boxes so Oliver could play with them. He is such a good builder. We were looking a.videp clips Luna on Karen's phone. She us growing up too fast. Rachel I hope your school is ok. That is scary. Robin wants to play on Saturday, Rachel do you want to hook up or do you need a weekend to catch up. Let me know. Love you all mom


Today was busy. We had a vendor take us out for lunch and it tasted good. But it took up most of the afternoon. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. They daycare said that this weekend they wanted us to have Luna wear big girl underwear this weekend then on Monday we will start with wearing underwear all day at school. Hopefully it works out ok. 


 I had a early meeting this morning.  Their is a lot going on at the school that isn't great but it is nice to know so we know what to do.  The kids all had a lot of energy today and it went well but was a lot of work.  I was wondering how to program something and a cute kid found a video for me on his to do it.  I thought that was really nice of him.  It was busy after school.  We cleaned Ruth's room.  Isaac had chamber music practice and the little kids had piano lessons.  Casey picked up Isaac which was awesome.  Isaac had a team activity at the library.  They had a nerf gun war and he had a really fun time and was really happy afterwards.  I went to exercise class and it was upbeat barr which I really like.  Oliver and Casey worked in making a something that Oliver thought up.  Oliver was cute building it. 

Love Rachel

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


 I am glad your printer is working Karen.  That sounds like a fun day.  Work went good today and was pretty fast.  Some of the kids are so nice and really cute about programming.  Ruth wanted to buy more gummy bears so we went to the store and then picked up Oliver.  We had a early dinner and Casey came home early which was fun.  Ruth had activity days and tumbling.  Isaac had young men's and they played basketball.  Oliver finished watching the movie Dad got.  Casey took Tony running and I went to exercise class.  It was high and I love it.  It is so fun and makes everything better.  It is pretty foggy tonight and I hope it doesn't linger forever.

Love Rachel 


 We had a fun day putting Karen's printer together. It is fancy. She took us to lunch and it was such a pretty day. I made a celebration dinner of steak and baked potatoes. It tasted good. I can't believe that January is almost over.  Not much else going on with me. Love mom


I was so tired today. But I made it out alive. After work we went to Costco and the bank. The check engine light went off on the car mom and dad gave us. So Im not sure if it just fixed itself or if it will pop back in later. I'm glad your 3d printer is cool Karen



 Well my printer is all together. It is working really good so far. It took me until about 2 to get it all together and calibrated. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


 I just took it easy today and then met my old work gang for pizza at slackwater. The pizza tasted really good. I just watch3d them assemble the printer. Karen took tomorrow off so we can finish it. Rachel I always liked to eat school lunch. It is easy. Love mom


 Today was good.  Work went pretty well and it went fast.  I forgot a lunch so I had the school lunch which was good.  Thanks for getting Oliver Tom and Jerry to watch.  We watched some of it and liked it.  We went to the fry street quartet concert tonight.  It was really good and they were amazing musicians.  It was incredible how well they could play.  I love you printer Karen, it is huge.

Love Rachel 

Monday, January 22, 2024


 I worked on insurance this morning. I am going to get a few quotes and go from there. I did take dad to therapy and he only needs to wear his brace when he is active. He can not wear it when he is reading or using the computer. In two weeks he will see the doctor and then we doesn't have to wear the brace anymore. He does have to sleep with it on right now.  I made stir fry for dinner and it tasted so good. Rachel that bread looks so good. You make amazing bread. Bet that didn't last very long. We are hanging out for the printer tomorrow. I am super excited. Karen has worked really hard to get ready for it. I am meeting the people I worked with tomorrow for dinner. I hope it goes well. Love mom


Today was good. I am doing another research study at work. I went in today to get blood samples. Tomorrow I have to ride an exercise bike to read my oxygen levels. Luna is wild she keeps wanting us to flip her one more time. But she doesn't know what that means so we end up doing it a million more times. 



 I am excited for your printer Karen, that is exciting.  What kind of watch did you get?  Today was good.  I didn't work which is nice.  I made sourdough bread this morning.  I folded clothes also.  I finished quilting the quilt from the mystery class, I just have to put the binding on and then I will take a picture.  The kids had wellness checks today so I checked them out a little early.  I stopped at Joann's and got a back for the hexagon quilt when I got Isaac.  The kids are doing good.  I had them check Isaac's cholesterol and it was good.  Oliver got a shot and it was very traumatic.  We stopped and got cookies for a good job treat.  Isaac has violin lessons after the cookies.  Casey dropped and broke his phone so we went to best buy to get a new one.  Ruth bought a new game and Isaac was looking at headphones and watches but didn't buy anything.  Tomorrow night we are going to see a quartet play and that should be fun.

Love Rachel


 Well I made it through Monday. Work went good. Nothing wild and crazy today so that was nice. I forgot to say that I bought myself a new watch at Costco yesterday. It is fun. I am excited for tomorrow because my printer should be delivered. I took Wednesday off so I can play with it. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, January 21, 2024


We woke up and drove to Provo to take Jeramys mom out for lunch. Then after we drive to salt lake and went to Costco. Jeramy stayed up late playing Xbox so he was tired all day. On the drive home Luna fell asleep. It took her a minute to wake up once we got home. So we just had an easy dinner and watched small foot. 



 I slept in and then went to lowes to get a power cable. We stopped at smiths to get grapes for luna and they were awful. We didn't get any. We came home and robins crowd came over. I forgot Lunas fire. We went to Costco and had so much fun. Their grapes were so much better and they even had strawberries. I made chicken tortilla soup for dinner and it tasted so good. It is one of my favorites. Rachel I am so glad you had fun and it wasn't so crowded. I am glad ruth got on the ski lift.  She will be racing before you know it. It rained here most of the day. Have a nice Monday. Dad has therapy tomorrow. I keep hoping he won't have to wear his brace all the time. Love mom


 We went skiing today and had a lot of fun.  The kids, especially Ruth, were a lot more confident.  We got up early and it took a while to leave.  Then Oliver realized he forgot his coat when we were at first dam do we turned around and got it.  We were worried we would be late but luckily it wasn't very very crowded today and we got through the tickets really fast.  Me and Casey had fun skiing together and the kids liked their classes.  It was really cloudy and it snowed most of the time we were their.  In the afternoon no one was their and we could just get in the lift.  Ruth went on the ski lift and she so much fun and did really well.  The kids all are great skiers.  When we got home Casey made enchiladas for dinner and they tasted great.  I ate so much food this weekend.  Thanks again Mom and Dad, we had a really fun time.  I didn't take any pictures though 

Love Rachel 


 Things are going good here. We went to Lowe's and smiths thus morning. Then after lunch Robin and crew came to visit. We to Costco and ice cream. After they left we were just lazy the rest of the night. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...