Friday, March 6, 2015


Robin that is a darling blanket.  I love it.  Good job.  Karen, I am glad your dessert turned out today for the party.  I did make it to Walmart tonight.  I really needed to go grocery shopping.  My cupboards were bare.  I bought a corned beef.  Karen you made me crave it.  I am excited for our big day tomorrow.  I will see everyone in Logan.  Drive safe.  LOVE MOM


Today was fun. It was national employee appreciation day. So my work gave us yellow tulips, 2 hours coupon to leave early one day, and a card from our bosses. Then they took us out for pizza and cupcakes. Then all of maggie had a hunger games appreciation event. We all were chosen for one event to represent our department. I was on pinball and was out the first round. But it was fun and they gave us icecream. Then I was pinning and found a cute applique I wanted to do. So I made Walters sister a gender neutral receiving blanket with the applique. I put a picture below. It was my first kinda successful applique. I called mom and I will try to be up in logan for lunch. Have a good night


I am glad that it is the weekend. I had a good day. We had corned beef and cabbage at the luncheon it was so good. I was so stuffed. I also helped set up for it so the day went by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Rachel that is cool about Casey's work.  Samsung.  They are huge.  Casey could transfer with them if he wanted to move around.  I hope they have better benefits.  That would be so nice.  I am so glad it is Friday.  I met Kay, Julie, Jennifer, Rylee and Alyssa for dinner.  It was nice to visit.  Children's place has some good sales and Jen had a 30 percent off everything.  It was sweet.  I like the plan except Karen.  I thought she was going to meet us in Logan but if she wants to drive with Robin, I am OK with that one also.  Have a wonder Friday.  I am glad you got the dishwasher all straightened out.  Dad got his kindle fire today.  It is really cool.  He love sit.  It is bright yellow with a red case.  It is wild.  Robin, Julie gave me the towels she wants you to embroider.  Karen, I am glad your dessert turned out.  Where is the picture so we can compare.  See you soon  LOVE MOM

Throwing out a plan

I talked with Mom today and she said to tell everyone my plan and see what you guys think for Saturday.  I was thinking Mom and Dad would come to Logan for lunch, I would put Oliver down for a nap and then we would leave for Pocatello.  Karen and Robin would just drive straight their and meet up with us so it isn't as long of a drive.  Then we can gamble, eat and go to the concert in any order we want.  Then Robin can drive home and me, Karen and Mom will drive to Logan and spend the night.  It is stake conference on Sunday so I don't have to go to church.  We can play for a bit and then everyone can go home.  Today was good.  We went up to Clifton with Casey and it was nice.  We took Helen out to Burger King, it is her favorite, and it was nice to visit with her.  Here is an article on Casey's work, I thought you guys would like to read it.


Push through

Today was another long day. I don't know why but it just was slow. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I guess tomorrow is a holiday we are celebrating. I'm not sure what but they said don't bring a lunch. So I guess it can't be to bad. I am working scheels tonight. So nothing to exciting in life. Tomorrow is pay day so that's fun. Have a good night



Well I called Lowe's today and got the delivery scheduled. I an glad that tomorrow is Friday. I have my dessert in my fridge cooling right now. I think it looks good. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Baby step

Today was slow at work. It was a definite Wednesday. I might try and drive home in Saturday night I have to work on Sunday. I have been lazy I still haven't finished the wings I have been working on. but I did start painting so that is a step, I am starting to hate them so I don't want to work on them. Anyway tomorrow I work at scheels have a good night


I have the plan

I bought tickets tonight for William Joseph in Pocatello on Saturday at 7:30.  I think we will need to spend the night in Logan afterwards.  I bought 4 tickets so Karen is coming also.  We should have a fun time.  We had cub scouts tonight and that was fun.  I have been working on taxes and am making progress.  I hate taxes.  Not much else going on with us.  Dad's kindle fire was delayed because of the big storm.  He was very disappointed.  It should be coming tomorrow.  I am meeting Kay and Julie tomorrow for dinner at the Fashion Place Mall.  That should be fun.  Have a great Thursday.  see you all soon.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. I had a line of people at my desk so that kept me busy all morning. Then in the afternoon I helped assembled fiber optic stroke and leak detects. It made the day go by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

New Contacts

We had a pretty good day today.  Casey was gone in Idaho all day and he had a nice time.  We went and got more contacts for me.  The don't carry the ones I usually get.  The new ones cost more and they only sell them in the 12 pack, lame, but I guess it will last all year.  Isaac had school and Oliver only got a short nap because I had to wake him up to get Isaac.  He was cute when falling asleep he was playing with a blanket or something sitting up and his head starts bobbing and then he falls sideways and falls asleep.  It was cute.  We went on a walk and then the boys played really well.  We met Casey in smithfield for dinner and that was fun.  Everyone have a good Thursday and be safe.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Snowy day

Karen, I am so glad you rearranged you appointment.  It really snowed most of the day.  It was so pretty.  We haven't had snow like that for a long time.  When the sun came out this afternoon, I got snow blindness working on the computer it was so bright.  It was weird.  I am glad that Casey was Ok making it to Clifton.  Isaac's eyes are so blue.  We went to cub scouts to buy a badge for the kids and then we went to the Chinese market.  We ate dinner there and it was so good and cheap.  I want to take you guys there.  It was fun to try something new.  Tomorrow is cub scouts.  They want to do service projects this month.  We bought dragon airplanes at Michaels this weekend when we were with Karen.  I am hoping we get to do those also.  That is good that a company bought out Yesco.  I hope they have better insurance.  Have a great hump day.  Good luck getting back to work Karen.  Get some rest Robin.  LOVE MOM


It was crazy snowing all day and I forgot to bring my lunch so I had to go out. What a day to be forgetful. I also worked at scheels today, I forgot to mention Walter is going to Illinois today till tues for a fighting thing. So he was kinda excited, but hopefully that will let me get caught up on everything. I don't work at scheels tomorrow so I m hoping to wrap up some projects and start on everyone's Easter towels maybe even start May if I'm ambitious. I don't know if it's the weather but I am beat. I am going to go to bed have a good one



Oliver is doing so good sleeping.  He fell asleep last night and tonight without crying and he slept all night last night.  It is really nice.  We got some snow this morning and then it was melting by this afternoon.  We played in it for a while this afternoon and the boys had fun.  I also went grocery shopping which was nice.  Casey had a busy day, he went up to Clifton at 8 to take care of the animals.  He got home for dinner and then had to go to scouts.  They had a meeting at his work and another company is buying his company.  It is a big company so it should be a good change.  I sewed with Jenn today and I worked on my sampler.  I have decided that I am going to cut out the whole thing and then sew it together so I have been working on that.  I have cut out about 45 block, I have about 50 sewn together so I have about another 50 to cut, that may not make any sense sorry.  Anyway thanks for everything and have a good night.


Snow Day

Well it was snowy here today when I was supposed to go to the doctor. So I called and rescheduled. So instead I did my laundry and hand washed my dishes since I don't have my new dish washer yet. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, March 2, 2015


It was a busy day. The factories are back from their vacation so things are starting to flow. It suppose to snow alot tonight. Mom will you text me your address Walters mom wants to send a thank you card. Anyway not much else going on. Have a good night


All grown up

Isaac is feeling all grown up.  He knows what he wants and thinks he is ready to do it.  I am so glad you took them on the city bus.  I am glad they went to the movies.  It was out on DVD and we almost bought it this weekend.  It is worth buying?  It snowed off and on all day.  Not much going on that is exciting.  I am going to meet Julie and Kay for dinner on Thursday.  I will buy tickets tomorrow for William Joseph.  Karen are you still babysitting or going with us?  I am excited for the weekend also.  Karen I hope you don't get snowed in.  The weather man might be right and you might get 18 inches.  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM

Isaac's Day

All weekend Isaac wanted to ride the bus and I told him we could go on Monday.  He woke up at 6:30 this morning super excited to ride the city bus so we took him.  It was cold today but it didn't start snowing till this evening so it was good bus weather.  We took two buses and ended up downtown.  We were going to the booktable but it wasn't open yet so we went to great harvest and got cookies and cinnamon rolls, it was fun.   Then we rode the bus back.  Isaac had a melt down because he wanted to look at a statue but we needed to get on the bus.  Then we had lunch and he went to school.  Casey's co worker told him that big hero 6 was good and he wanted to take Isaac so after school they went and saw the movie, they had a fun time.  We meet up with them after for dinner.  Oliver was really cute today and he has been really happy.  Tomorrow Casey is headed up to Clifton to take care the animals.  He just goes the next three day and then someone else is doing it.  I am excited for this weekend.  Thanks everyone.


Isaac wouldn't take a picture


Well it snow most all of today. I did see the sun for an hour today, but that was it. Work was good. I have my doctors appointment tomorrow. If it is snowing I am going to call and cancel though. I can just call in my blood sugar stuff. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Nice day

We had a good day.  Karen stayed the night and we went and picked up Grandma and went to lunch and a movie.  We went and saw the imagination game with Sherlock.  It was a really good movie.  I enjoyed it.  We took Karen back to Kamas.  Grandma was tired so we took her home first.  It was snowing in Park City so we didn't stay long.  It was weird.  Clear and nice in SLC and snowing in Park City.  We just vegged the rest of the night.  Robin, I am fine with Saturday for taxes.  That will give me time to get mine done.  I need to work on them.  Robin those wings are amazing.  I love them.  WOW!!!!!!!!  That is fun you can go with us to Joseph.  Do you have to work on Sunday.  We can take you back home if you do early on Sunday.  I won't buy tickets for a couple of days just in case Karen changes her mind.  Everyone have a great Monday.  Did you know that we spring ahead on Saturday?  LOVE MOM


We made it to all of church today and it went pretty good.  Oliver was tired but he never fell asleep but he did really well.  When I picked up Isaac from class a little girl in his class said we heard what happened to you.  He had a substitute teacher today and she said that he told them that I was running in the street and a car hit me, he had to run and take care of me or something.  She said he was quite the story teller.  It made me laugh.  I am glad that you are coming to the concert Robin, that will be fun.  Karen you should come also.  Well good luck with work tomorrow and I hope that everyone sleeps well.


Here's the story

I worked at scheels today. It was slow but nothing to complain about. Mom I dont work on Saturday the 7th so I can go to William if everyone is up for it. I work Thursday so I can't do dinner that night. But I can give you my taxes Saturday or if you want them earlier I can drop them off monday. I posted a picture of the Starbucks basket and the wings I have been working on. I still habe to paint them dark. Also a poor quality picture of what I'm going for. Sorry about Isaac knees and your dish washer karen. Let's hope March is a lucky month. Jan. And febuary have been unlucky.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...