Saturday, July 5, 2014


Today was good Walter came by around lunch time and I made Swedish pancakes then we went to smith and Edwards for fun. It's a cool place. Really busy. Then we drove up to Willard and got some fruit, peaches and corn on the cob were not in season yet so we just got some cherries and apples. Then Walter took me to Maddox for dinner. I hadn't been there in a long time it tasted good. Then we came home and Walter had to go back for PTSD stuff at the va. So I took a nap and now I can't sleep so it will be a late night. Tomorrow I have a shoot with joe but it's not the skull. They are doing a test shoot before they buy an outfit so we are doing bloody stuff and a test shoot, should go well. Have a good Sunday. 

I agree

WE did have a nice weekend so far also.  Wall lake is a really good hike and one that Isaac and Oliver can do.  Isaac can hike it and it isn't too hard so we can carry Oliver.  I hope the grass grows also.  It is nice to have the club house down.  We just took a nap when we got home and then dad made candied ginger for his next fruit cake.  I did laundry.  I am sorry the air conditioner isn't working.  It just never does this time of year. Not much else going on  with us.  I love the pictures.  Have a wonderful Sunday.  LOVE MOM


I have had a nice weekend so far also. Wall lake was a fun hike on Friday. Then that night I got free tickets to the Oakley rodeo. It was fun and they had fireworks after. By the time we got back to my place it started pouring rain. So I was really glad it ended when it did. Then today me, mom, and dad filled in the holes that were left from removing the play set. Then we put grass seed down so keep your fingers crossed that it grows. Then we went to lunch and mom and dad went home and I took a nap. Have a great one bye

The 4th and fun

I am glad that everyone had a good fourth of July.  We had a good time.  Yesterday Isaac woke up throwing up at 7 am.  He had apples on Thursday so that may have been it but maybe not.  So we just took it easy in the morning.  The AC isn't working great so we just stayed in the basement.  I am going to have someone come on Monday and fill up the Freon again.  It was working so good but with this heat it just couldn't keep up.  I got a free meal at Noodles and Company for my birthday so we went to lunch there.  Then we went and got Isaac some new shoes, they look really cute on him.  He also wanted me to cut his hair so we were downstairs so I grabbed the electric clippers and cut it.  He let me do it and it looks really cute. Casey worked on a bunch of house projects.  The neon light in the kitchen went out so he replaced that.  He also reorganized all of the wires behind the tv.  He moved the book case from our room downstairs and put everything on it.  It looks good.  Then that evening we went to the car show.  Isaac makes it really fun and he loves the cars.  It was so hot though.  We walked around a little, got a snow cone and then left.  Casey mowed the lawn with Isaac's help and I weeded when it was cool outside.  It was a nice evening.  Today we went swimming and it was a lot of fun.  Casey even said that was the funnest time he has had swimming.  Oliver loved the water and was so good.  He was sitting in the water and just fell asleep.  We laid him under a chair and when he woke up we left.  It was fun.  Isaac took a nap when we got home.  Everyone who goes to the car show gets entered in a drawing and you have to be present to win.  So Casey rode his bike down to the fair grounds but we didn't win.  I just put Oliver to bed and Casey and Isaac went to go see the parade.  Tomorrow Casey is going on a bike ride with his friend and Colin and we are going to church.  It has been a nice holiday.


Friday, July 4, 2014


Today was nice, Walter came over and took me to lunch at Applebee's then we came back to my place and relaxed it was nice to just lay low. We watched nut job it's a animated show. They had the gangam style song for the credits it made me think of dad. Walter had to go to the va tonight because they needed the PTSD people to come in to make sure they were ok. And he hate fire work sounds and I think they are planning to do fireworks at the park later. So I went grocery shopping and watched some netflix. Tomorrow we wanted to get a way so we are going to drive up to smith and Edwards. It's Walters favorite place to go. Then I thought it would be fun to go to Willard and get some fresh fruit. Nothing to crazy. Well hope you had a good 4th... 


Wall lake pictures

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Let the fun begin

I had a bad headache all day.  I think it was the storms.  It got really windy and rained a few drops on my way to meet Julie for dinner.  We had a good time walking around and just talking.  I love your quilt Rachel.  That is beautiful.  I guess me and Karen and Robin will have to fight over it if you don't want it.  I know Julie would love to be included in that.  She did mention that several times tonight.  I am excited to go hiking tomorrow.  Everyone have a great 4th of July.  LOVE MOM

No mo

It's going to be nice to not work tomorrow I am way excited. I left work early today to. Everyone left and it was just me. So I figured I would go. Walter took me to Golden Corral for dinner then we red boxed Hercules. It was awful. The movie it's self was ok if it was labeled something diffrent. They didn't   Follow mythogy at all.... Terrible. Well have a good 4 th

Love you


The internet is fixed.  I picked up the new modem today and activated it and it works great.  They were very nice and it was an easy process.  I also went grocery shopping today.  This evening we went up to Randy's and had a 4th of July party, Isaac was pretty excited.  I bought orange chips and some fireworks.  They made hamburgers and we got Isaac to eat it by having the dog eat a some and then Isaac.  Anything to get him to eat.  Isaac was kind of restless so we ran over to the park for a while also which was fun.  Isaac has been a really sweet boy the last couple days so I think he must be feeling a better, I hope.  Well it was a really hot day today.   The summer heat has started.  I hope that you guys have a fun hike tomorrow.  Be safe and wear sunscreen. :)


Isaac and Oliver have their own corners blankets now.

I have worked on this quilt since before Oliver was born.  I am starting to put it all together.  It doesn't match up great but I am just going to finish it.

made it

Well we made it to the weekend. They did let us go an hour early today so that was nice. My day was good. I went grocery shopping after work. There was a ton of traffic but I made it thru. I am excited to go hiking tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be good. Rachel I hope that you got your internet fixed. It is rough being unconnected. Have a great 4th everyone. Bye

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

no internet

Rachel called and her internet is broken.  She is going to take the router in tomorrow and get a new one.  She probably won't blog tonight.  I guess she can do it on her phone.  Modern technology.  We stopped on the way home from work and got garbage bags.  I know I have been out for awhile.  We don't go through garbage to fast around here anymore.  That was our excitement for the night.  The puzzle we are working on is really fun.  I am liking it.  Robin I am glad your interview went well and that Walter made it home safe and sound.  Karen I got us treats for the hike on Friday.  Have a wonderful Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Just one more work day until the weekend. I am excited to have mom and dad come up on Friday. It will be fun to go hiking. My work day was good. I stayed pretty busy so that was nice. I kept sneezing all day though. Robin I am sure one little opps isn't that bad. Good luck I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Well I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Look up

The interview went ok. I messed up the excel test with the v look up. I didn't get the right column. But the rest of the interview went well. They said they would call next week with a decision. It will be weird if i get it. I've never really had a desk job other then call centers. It will be out of my comfort zone. ......Then Walter took me out for dinner to olive garden.  Mom I think me and Walter are going to try to hang out tomorrow.  We are trying to plan out some fun things for the 4th. But me and Walter are not making solid plans. We are just going to go with the flow and see how he feels. Thanks for the invite though. Well I think that's it have a good night

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Everything is coming up roses

Good luck Robin, I have no doubt you will amaze them.  I am glad that Walter is coming back.  Today was a good day just a quiet day.  I am glad that it is a short week.  I think on Friday we are going to go hiking to Wall lake.  Just get away for awhile.  Have a great day.  LOVE MOM


Thanks everyone for the luck. I hope it goes well. I will up date you tomorrow, today was good work is very slow. So the time is killing me. I'm glad everyone is doing well. Walter comes home tomorrow so that will be nice. Well I don't have much else on my plate have a good Wednesday :)


Everything is awesome

Good luck Robin, you will do great tomorrow.  I am excited for you.  We had a good day.  We went to story time today which was nice we haven't been forever.  Then I sewed with Jenn and Isaac watched the lego movie, thanks Mom and Dad.  Then when Casey got home me and Isaac went swimming.  I thought Oliver would nap and Casey could sleep but it didn't work out.  Me and Isaac had a fun time.  He was a submarine and jumped into the pool a lot.  Then he went down the slide all by himself twice.  He would of done it again but he was getting cold so we went home.  It was fun.  I am hoping to put Isaac to bed soon and then I am going to sew for a while.  I want to work on what I was sewing this afternoon.  Everyone have a good night.


Tiffany bought Isaac and Oliver some sunglasses


Today has been good. Work was a little slow in the morning, but it got busy in the afternoon. So my day went by pretty fast. Then after work I mowed my lawn. Good luck with your interview/excel test tomorrow Robin. I am sure that you will do awesome though. I am glad that it is a short week this week. Just 2 more work days until the long holiday. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Monday, June 30, 2014


I feel asleep also on the couch.  Robin that is wonderful about your loan.  I am so glad.  I love all the pictures.  Thanks everyone for taking them.  Work was good just same old and that is nice.  Not much else going on with us.  Dad had to go back to work for a little bit and I started to read and that was the last thing I remember.  Have a great Tuesday.  I am looking forward to a short week.  LOVE MOM


I heard today and the bank refinanced my car. It will be nice, I will be saving 60 dollars in payments a month, so that will be very helpful. I was excited. Work was kinda slow. I am just ready for Friday off. I, glad the kids are doing well, I took a nap today I was tired it felt good. Hopefully I can sleep tonight. Thanks for the fun weekend I had fun. Still feeling punched in the face by the sun but it's nice to be out in the sun. 

Check Up

Oliver's 4 month check up went well and she said he looks really good.  He weighted 13# 14 oz (25 %) height 24 1/2" (25%) head 20%.  I bribed Isaac with a prize so he was really good at the doctors.  This morning though he woke up at 5:30 and was grouchy.  He didn't go back to sleep but he took a good nap this afternoon.  Oliver didn't feel great and slept a lot today.  After Isaac's nap we went out and picked peas and weeded.  The weeds had gotten out of hand.  Their is still more to do but it looks a lot better.  Karen, we need to mow the lawn also it is long.  It is Colin's birthday today so we met everyone at Callaways for pizza, it was fun.  Oliver and Isaac both did really well.  Casey loves the desktop from Mom and Dad.  He has had a lot of fun with it, thank you.  Thank you everyone for such a fun weekend.  I took a couple pictures but not as good as Robins.  Also we looked online for Isaac's problems and we think it might be Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome it matches a lot of what he has been doing.  The good thing is their isn't much they can do and it just goes away on it's own.  So we will watch it and wait I guess.  Everyone have a good night.



Well my day was good. They finally got the carbonation for the coke machine so I could get sodas again. It was nice. Work was either super busy or slow. Someone would come in with a project that they would need right this second and then it would be slow until the next project. I was going to mow my lawn after work but it was super windy so I will do it tomorrow. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Thank You

I just wanted to thank you for the fun time this weekend.  I had such a nice time.  Thanks for everything.  I hope you have a great week.  I hope Isaac gets feeling better.  I have been worried about him.  I hope Oliver does good at the doctors.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...