Saturday, February 1, 2020


Mom and Dad made it safe to Logan and we have had a good day with them.  We are at the Indian Oven and it tasted really good.  It is right next to the fabric store so we got to walk through that.  We got Valentine's stuff and Oliver's birthday party stuff bought.  So we are set.  We are dinner at the pizza pie cafe.  It was busy and the kids loved it.  A guy was making balloon animals so the kids got those.  Thanks Mom and Dad.



Today was good. Jeramy woke up and couldn't move his neck. So we tried a hot pad and the neck massager it didn't work so we called his chiropractor in Lehi and he could take us we has to go down anyway.i had to open an account to have aloan. As we got in Jeramy's car it smelt so bad. I noticed Jenkins car cover in the back. When we went up to Logan he got sick. I thought I cleaned it up but I just assumed it was still smelly. We did all our errands and the chiropractor helped Jeramy s neck. We want tacos tomorrow for.super bowl. When we were putting away groceries jeramy noticed a bag in his trunk. Last time I went to Walmart I got hamburgers and I forgot them. It was pretty gross they had been on there for at least a week or 2. That was what needed up being the smell. We also bought icecream. Later we wanted rootberr floots and noticed we forgot it in the car :/ at least we caught on faster this time lol. It's hard to adult well



My day has been good. I had to take 2 pictures today of an organic shape or form and a geometric shape or form. She said most people take pictures of plants for organic so we should try to be more creative than that. So I struggled with an idea until I decided to get Cafe Rio. The tables there with the random paint splashes we perfect. So I got that assignment all done yeah for me. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, January 31, 2020


Today was good.  We went to exercise class and it was yoga today which always feels nice.  I helped in Oliver's class and then we had lunch with Isaac.  It was really cold so we drove to pick up the boys.  It wasn't a very exciting day just normal which is good.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom and Dad.  Drive safe.


We made it

I went with dad to the doctor and he checked out good so that was nice.  He talked about getting him a heart monitor on Amazon.  He said they have gotten a lot better.  I think we will get one.  Work was busy but I got to leave early so that was nice.  I am ready for the weekend.  We are going to Logan and play.  Next weekend we get to go to the Blue Man group.  That will be fun.  Robin, I hope those were the papers your needed.  Karen have fun studying.  LOVE MOM


Yeah, it's Friday. It was cold here today. It was 11 outside when I left for work. Rachel the quilt looks awesome. Thanks for doing that. Work was a little quiet but I made it thru. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, January 30, 2020


It was nice to know that the weekend is getting closer.  Work was kind of weird today.  Everything kept going wrong but it all worked out and my caring is low so I am good with it.  I love Isaac looking old.  Karen that quilt is amazing.  Rachel thanks for doing that.  We will have to get some backs for them.  We met someone I use to work with for dinner.  He is a cute kid and it was nice to visit.  We came home and chilled.  Robin that is a pain to get all that paper work.  It will all work out.  Every one enjoy your Friday.  I am going to work late.  Dad has a doctor's appointment and I am going with him.  I am over my hours so that is good.  Dad has a bunch of crocodiles ready for Oliver's birthday.  He made 24 at a time.  It is interesting to see so many on one plate.  He found some cute darth vaders and I think he is going to make them next.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


Today was the 100th day of school for Isaac and they dressed up as 100 year old's.  He looked better in real life.  I put powder in is hair and it looked really white.  I dropped him off and then I had a notification that he was absent.  I thought they made a mistake but then they called and said he was unverified absent.  So I called back and said he was there.  I had them call his class and make sure he was there.  Oliver and Casey were working on making a cheetah yesterday so I finished that up with him.  He loved it.  We also made cupcakes.  Ruth and Oliver had school and I helped in Isaac's class.  Then I was able to put the border on Karen's quilt.  You did a really good job Karen, I really like it.  We walked to pick up the boys which was nice.  Then we went to the jump zone.  Mom got us a gift card and Isaac's legs are feeling better.  It was nice to get out of the house.  We were watching a show after dinner and Ruth fell asleep.  She woke up at 6:30 this morning so she was worn out.  Love you guys.



Today was good. It was nice to have a chill day. Jeramy can't find his 2017 tax return so we will see how that plays out. The seller came back and is willing to fix everything that we asked. So that was good. We are working on getting an appraisal done. Jeramy wants to start packing this weekend lol :/ I think he's just excited. I think a good deep clean would be nice



Things are good here in Kamas. It was snowy this morning but I decided not to get up and shovel. It was a good decision because it had all melted by the time I got home. Work is still going good. I hope the house stuff is going good Robin. Just thought I would point out I told you, you would need to resubmit all that paperwork crap again. I was so sick of giving them the same information again and again. Don't worry it will all be over soon. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


My first full day in my new office.  I even got some old meetings set up which felt nice.  I broke one of my teeth today.  It was in the back of a front tooth so you cant see it.  I am thinking it might be time to pull all the ones on the top.  There aren't that many left and they are all where you can see them.  I am going to have to think about that one.  I am sorry Robin that you are doing the paperwork crap.  I can't figure out why it is so hard.  You walk in and open a credit card without so much as a signature.  It is weird.  Karen I am glad you got a day off.  It is nice to go slow.  Rachel, I am glad Casey came home and rested.  He is working so many hours.  Not much else to report on my end.  We are going to Logan on Saturday and spending the night.  I am going to help in church on Sunday.  Everyone enjoy the last few days of January.  LOVE MOM  Robin you find the funniest sayings.


Casey texted when I was at exercise class and said that he wasn't feeling good and came home.  He is ok and it was good for him to rest.  It was nice to have him home.  He watched Ruth and I went grocery shopping and helped in Oliver's class.  One lady gives the kids a treat when they do the problems so I tried that today.  The kids liked it but I don't think they paid attention more.  Isaac's friend came over and played after school and they had a fun time.  Casey was able to do our taxes today and we get a refund which will be nice.  It is the 100th day of school tomorrow and Isaac needs to dress as a old man so Casey and him went to the DI and got some things for him to wear.  Love you guys and have a good night.



Today was good alot got done so that is nice. I had more paperwork to scan tonight. We are trying to find jeramys past paperwork. It's been real fun. Lol I'm tired and ready for a long day nap. 


I am glad that the week is half over. It still snowy here today. Work was good. Then after work I didn't have any homework so I was just lazy. It was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


We had a good day today.  It was a better day.  The kids had a good day at school and were happy.  Isaac is caught back up and Oliver did really well on his math test.  I walked this morning and that felt nice.  I took the kids to story time and it was so nice so get back to our routine.  We haven't been forever.  Casey was building decks at work so after dinner we went and helped him build two more desks.  Then we took the kids out to ice cream which was fun.  You guys are having a lot of changes.  Good luck, you guys are amazing.



So I finally moved into my new desk.  It is really quiet in there.  I am going to get some work done, I think.  We went grocery shopping after work also.  Robin, never give up never surrender.  Karen had to resubmit all the paper work more than once.  It is such a joke.  It is suppose to snow tonight so everyone drive safe tomorrow.  Not much else to report on my end.  I am so glad it is hump day tomorrow.  I am glad it is the last week in January.  February is always a good month. LOVE MOM


Today was busy but I made it out alive. I had to run home at lunch because the banks are needy and want all our info. So I think I'm finally sent everything :/ then I came home and picked up groceries. I had to rescan documents they didn't like at lunch. Lol Jenkins better like his yard. Love you guys


Mom I am excited also for our trip. My day was good. It was meeting day at work so that took most of the day. After work I did homework so nothing too exciting. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday Monday

I went to work early for payroll and was going to leave early for a doctor's appointment with dad but the doctor was sick so they rescheduled to Friday.  I still haven't moved.  I am hoping that IT gets their act together and moves me tomorrow.  I finally wrote him and cc'd his boss.  I have all my stuff in the other place except my computer.  They made me a banner and gave me flowers to welcome me to the new office.  It was so nice.  We went to McDonalds for dinner.  I was craving a big mac.  I know they are bad for us but man it tasted good  I am worried about Oliver.  He is such a sweet kid.  I hope he does OK.  You are so good to work with him.  I am sure he will work through it.  I love that quilt.  It is amazing. WOW is all I can say.  Robin way to go on your talk.  That was really a good way to handle it.  When will you know when you close on the house?  I was going to take some time off to help you move.  I thought I the big move day me and the kids could babysit Jenkins in the park.  Just an idea.  Karen I am glad it didn't snow a ton.  It snowed most of the morning here.  I am getting super excited to go to the Blue Man concert.  LOVE MOM


Good job Robin.  Don't let them bully you.  I hope that you get a big raise with it.  That would be fun.  Today was good.  Ruth woke up super early and still has a cold but she is doing better and we are keeping her on medicine.  Isaac was saying he was sick and didn't want to go to school.  I said that he had been fine all weekend and wondered if something was wrong at school.  He said that he lost a rough draft of a paper that he was writing and it was late.  So we went in early and cleaned up his desk and found the paper.  He still had to stay in from recess to work on it but I had him take it home and we finished it up tonight.  Oliver's teacher said he is having a hard time focusing so we decided to move him up to the front.  It think it will be better for him just so he can see better.  She said he also gets frustrated easy and then wont do anything.  So we are going to practice some things so he is more confident about it at school and see if that helps.  While everyone was at school this afternoon I had a mammogram.  It isn't too bad and it was pretty fast.  I also finished quilting my quilt.  It turned good and I love my new machine.  It is so fun.  Love you guys and thanks for everything.



Things are going good here. It snowed last night so there was an inch on my walks. It did stop snowing pretty quick but it started to snow again tonight. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye


Today was good. I went with Casey's method on my promotion conversation. I just didn't bring it up its not their business and bringing it up would just cause drama. It went well and they didn't bring it up so that was good. They said they are working with setting it up for the transition so who knows if it will really happen lol. I  out of food so.we.had Mac and cheese and stove top stuffing. It was definitely a put together meal. Lol Im picking up groceries Tomorrow.


Sunday, January 26, 2020

Quiet day

We woke up in time to go to church and made it for a little while and then dad started feeling really sick so we went home.  We just vegged the rest of the day.  I am sorry that Ruth doesn't feel well.  I bet it feels so good to have the talk over with.  I am sure it was amazing.  Karen, I am glad your classes are going well.  We did go out and see Robin's house.  It is a really nice house.  It is all brick and it in really good shape.  It is right by a park which will be so nice.  It was really foggy going down there.  I was thinking of all the things we are going to do in February and that month is going to fly by.  I am pretty excited about that one.  I loved the quilt class yesterday.  It was just so nice to sit and visit and make such an amazing quilt.  I just think they are beautiful.  Everyone have a wonderful last week in January.  I have payroll in the morning.  I have it pretty well done so hopefully it will go fast.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for taking the sewing class yesterday.  I had a really nice day.  You guys are awesome.  I am excited to see your house Robin.  I had a long meeting this morning and Casey watched the kids.  Ruthie wasn't feeling well so I went and got some medicine and I had to deliver some birthday books to some primary kids.  I gave a talk at church.  No one was able to come with me with Ruth feeling sick and the boys didn't want to go.  I think my talk went well and I took the whole ten minutes which is good.  I get so nervous that my voice was shaking the whole time but I think I talked slow and everyone said it was a good talk.  Casey went to work when I got home and we cleaned all the kids rooms which was nice.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.  I have to get a mammogram tomorrow.  It is my first one.



My day was good. I slept in  which was really nice. After lunch I went grocery shopping in Heber. Then I made salmon and asparagus for dinner. It tasted really good. Then I did homework. I got 2 out 3 of my classes done. So that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...