Sunday, January 26, 2020

Quiet day

We woke up in time to go to church and made it for a little while and then dad started feeling really sick so we went home.  We just vegged the rest of the day.  I am sorry that Ruth doesn't feel well.  I bet it feels so good to have the talk over with.  I am sure it was amazing.  Karen, I am glad your classes are going well.  We did go out and see Robin's house.  It is a really nice house.  It is all brick and it in really good shape.  It is right by a park which will be so nice.  It was really foggy going down there.  I was thinking of all the things we are going to do in February and that month is going to fly by.  I am pretty excited about that one.  I loved the quilt class yesterday.  It was just so nice to sit and visit and make such an amazing quilt.  I just think they are beautiful.  Everyone have a wonderful last week in January.  I have payroll in the morning.  I have it pretty well done so hopefully it will go fast.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...