Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday Monday

I went to work early for payroll and was going to leave early for a doctor's appointment with dad but the doctor was sick so they rescheduled to Friday.  I still haven't moved.  I am hoping that IT gets their act together and moves me tomorrow.  I finally wrote him and cc'd his boss.  I have all my stuff in the other place except my computer.  They made me a banner and gave me flowers to welcome me to the new office.  It was so nice.  We went to McDonalds for dinner.  I was craving a big mac.  I know they are bad for us but man it tasted good  I am worried about Oliver.  He is such a sweet kid.  I hope he does OK.  You are so good to work with him.  I am sure he will work through it.  I love that quilt.  It is amazing. WOW is all I can say.  Robin way to go on your talk.  That was really a good way to handle it.  When will you know when you close on the house?  I was going to take some time off to help you move.  I thought I the big move day me and the kids could babysit Jenkins in the park.  Just an idea.  Karen I am glad it didn't snow a ton.  It snowed most of the morning here.  I am getting super excited to go to the Blue Man concert.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...