Saturday, February 8, 2014

No snow

We got no snow and hardly any rain.  It did look nice to have snow in the mountains however.  I did laundry also today and we went to Walmarts and got us a new frying pan.  Ours was getting really bad and everything was sticking to it.  I am glad you had a nice day.  I found my pedometer and I am tracking my steps for a program at work.  It is a contest that runs until March and you get gift cards or money in your HSA account.  I thought that would be fun so I am going to try it.  I am not sure I will win anything but I am going to try it.  Me and dad are going to teach the 4 year olds tomorrow for Primary.  Someone called me and asked me to sub.  She was very organized and all I really have to do is so up.  She has all the activities and everything all ready to go.  LOVE MOM


We didn't get too much snow today.  It was really wet and warm, it was weird weather.  I am glad that someone shoveled your driveway Karen, that is awful nice.  This morning I went to the stake womens conference and I had a good time.  I went with Jenn and we had fun.  I always don't want to go but have a good time.  While I was gone Isaac and Casey got cupcakes and went to the fun park so they had a good morning.  The tree Casey was going to cut down didn't work out so he went to the dump and was able to get a truck load of wood.  So he took that up this evening to Clifton.  Isaac took a nap for me and I did a little sewing and then we just hung out his evening.  It was a good day.  Everyone have a good night and a relaxing Sunday.


more snow

Well we got a lot of snow here. There was about four inch in my driveway this morning. A nice neighbor plowed my driveway with their truck. I thought that was super nice. It saved me a ton of time. It still me about an hour to shovel my walks and the bit they couldn't get on the driveway. It has snowed here all day. But it didn't really stick so to the shoveled walks so that was nice. I also did my laundry. I hope that everyone had a great day.

Friday, February 7, 2014

snowed here

Well it snowed here all day. My luncheon was fun. I didn't win anything, but I still had a fun time. It was a soup pot luck. There was a ton of soup. It was really yummy. I am going to sleep in tomorrow and do laundry and probably shovel snow. I hope that everyone has a great Saturday tomorrow.

We live on the wild side also

Work was really busy for me but I did get some stuff done.  I covered administration all afternoon and it is hard not to be at your desk.  I know that is weird but I just have a system.  We ordered a big box at Pizza Hut on our way home and watched TV and ate pizza.  We are exciting.  I am going to run errands and try to get all my taxes done.  I am glad you are getting some money back Rachel.  That is always nice.  It hasn't snowed here at all.  Just gets cloudy.  It was really windy when I walked over to get dad today but it is nice to be outside.  Everyone have a great weekend.  I hope Rachel and Casey don't get too sick.  Robin I hope that Walter is feeling better.  LOVE MOM

No deal

Today was good we were really slow at work so worked dragged on but I was so glad it was Friday.the weather channel app keeps telling me it's going to be horrible weather but it has barely rained. We'll not to much else for me have a great weekend


Exciting Life

I think me and Casey have the cold a little bit so we were all not feeling 100% this morning.  It snowed for most of the day but it didn't stick the last half of the day.  Isaac and Casey shoveled the walks.  The parts came in for the ford so we went and picked that up and Casey was able to fix the car so it is running now.  It is nice to have it back.  Casey's Mom is out of wood so we found a tree on ksl for free.  We went and looked at it and Casey may cut it down tomorrow.  Their is someone else interested so we aren't sure if he gets it yet.  We went to the fun park for a while this afternoon.  It is pretty fun.  They have a new game there and Casey almost won an ipad mini, he was close.  He almost won 75 tickets on deal or no deal but Isaac hit deal so he only got 35 tickets.  We had a pretty exciting day.  Well everyone have a good weekend and stay safe.


Thursday, February 6, 2014

No snow

We haven't gotten any snow either.  Logan must be getting it all and I am OK with that.  I picked Robin up and met up with Austin and Julie at Robintinos for dinner and went to Kohl's afterwards.  I got me some clearance shirts and it was fun to walk around.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  That is neat that Casey gets 3 days off.  That will be nice to have him around.  We are just going to have a quiet weekend also and have dinner for Grandma Bodily on Sunday.  Rachel that was so cute that Isaac called me and wants to go to my fun park.  I do get President's day off, so next week is a 3 day weekend for me as well.  Dad might have to go to Pittsburg to show the detector but I don't have anything firm yet.  Have a great Friday.  Be careful in the snow.  LOVE MOM


We got a couple of inches of snow up here today.  It makes everything look nice and clean again.  Casey can't work Friday's for a while so it is the start of our weekend.  I am excited.  I think that we are just going to lay low and rest.  I am going to a women conference Saturday morning and I have to teach Sunday.  We had a pretty good day.  Jenn came over to sew this morning and that was fun.  Isaac tore everything up though, I am going to have to keep a better eye on him.  I thought he was watching a movie.  We went to sonics for lunch and got a cherry limeade which tastes good.  Casey did our taxes tonight and we get a couple hundred back so that will be nice.  Well everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.


almost Friday

I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am also really glad that it hasn't snowed yet also. I have my beef stew already to go for tomorrow. I just have to remember to plug it in before I go to bed. I hope that everyone is feeling better and that you all have a great Friday. Bye

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's close one

Today was good nothing to much going on. Walter was sick again and my stomach was on the fritz I missed my acid reducer one day and I paid. So I just lounged around it was nice to relax. Tomorrow I can meet up for dinner mom weather permitting. I. Am so ready for the weekend no big plans just not working. Well have a great one


I did it

I made it through half the week.  I am glad you got all your supplies Karen for the big storm.  I hope it turns out to be a little storm.  Dave came over tonight for dinner and I helped him apply for jobs.  Work was good.  It was quiet and I got a lot done today.  That always feels good.  I think we are going to just stay home this weekend.  Just have a do nothing weekend.  We are taking Grandma Bodily out on Sunday for her birthday so that will be nice.  I am glad that Isaac is feeling better.  I was worried about him.  LOVE MOM


Well the heater at work was broken this morning so it was cold at work. But it got better as the day went on. I am not excited about the new snow. I hope that it isn't a lot. I went to WalMart after work because I figured that it was the only day I wouldn't have to drive in the snow. I hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye

Same Old

Today was pretty much the same.  Isaac is still getting better but kind of grouchy.  Jenn is going to come over tomorrow and sew which should be fun.  Isaac took another nap today so I was able to get some sewing done then also.  There is a womens conference for the stake this Saturday and I am going to go with Jenn.  I hope that it is fun.  I went to walmart this evening and spent Mom's gift card and got things for Oliver.  I think that his bag is good to go now.  I can't of anything else that we will need.  I hope that everyone has a good night and survives all the new snow.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014


We were lazy today also.  Isaac was doing better today but he was still sick.  He was acting a lot better though so I think he is on the mend.  Casey called in sick and was able to get some rest also.  I am sorry that Walter is sick Robin, I hope he feels better.  I love your quilling, that is so fun and beautiful.  I am glad that you got a lot done at work Mom.  Karen I am sorry you had slow day, that makes it hard.  I rescheduled sewing with Jenn today.  Isaac just wanted me to hold him all day yesterday and I was expecting the same thing today but he did better.  We are going to sew on Thursday.  I made spinach and artichoke lasagna tonight and it turned out really good, we liked it.  I hope that tomorrow goes well for everyone.



Robin your quilling is just beautiful.  I love it.  I am glad you are liking it.  Karen I am glad you didn't get much snow.  I drove trax to work this morning because dad had a call in the office so he got to sleep in.  Work was quiet and I got a lot done.  I still have piles but it was nice to get some of it done.  Rachel you made it to 34 weeks.  Congratulations.  6 more and we will be playing with the baby.  I am glad that Isaac is feeling better.  It was a quiet day for me as well and I have learned to appreciate everyone one of those I get.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM

Oh my

Today was good I woke up to 2 inches of snow. Surprise. It suppost to be bad weather the rest of the week. Walter has an ear infection so we didn't go to the gym. I just quilled more things it was fun. I felt like I was lazy but it's ok not complaining. They had a bunch of fabric to make awnings that was a light tan color I thought if Rachel or Karen wanted to construct a shade area for the summer we could just an idea. Not much else have a great night be safe


My day has been going good. There was only a little snow this morning, so it was easy to shovel. Then I went to work. I had engineering meeting in the morning so it dragged a bit. Then in the afternoon for some reason I couldn't stop sneezing. Weird I know, but it seems to have stopped now. Maybe I am developing an allergy to work. Well I hope that everyone had a good Tuesday. Bye

Monday, February 3, 2014


Rachel, I hope Isaac gets feeling better.  I am sorry he is so sick.  I was wondering about airborne.  They make it for kids.  That might help boost him up.  Just a thought.  Robin that is so sad about your class mate.  Which one was it.  Would I remember who she was?  Karen I hope you don't get 6 inches of snow tonight.  We went grocery shopping and I bought a turkey breast.  It sounded so good.  I thought it would be easy to cook and I would have a lot of left overs.  Work was good and I walked and picked dad up from work.  That is nice to get out and get a little exercise.  It was so pretty today.  Give Isaac a hug for me.  I hope he gets feeling better soon.  I will take him to the fun park.  LOVE MOM


Sorry Isaac is sick. It hard being a kid around other germ infested kids. I hope you guys don't catch it. Take lots of vitamins. I went to Walters house last night for the Super Bowl his mom was a broncos fan so she was not happy with the game. Walter had a sea hawks jersey though, it was the only one he could fit in. Today was good for a Monday ,work was steady then I came home a quilled another flower. It was fun. I did find out that one of the girls I went to makeup school passed away. It was unexpected it makes you appreciate your life a little more. I don't know how she died though they are not posted details so I think it was drugs or something that is sensitive. Anyway on to happier thoughts I'm glad everyone had a good weekend. I hope that everyone stays safe and healthy love you



Isaac was worse today.  We just sat on the couch all day and I held him.  I pushed water all day and he ate a little bit.  I hope that tomorrow he starts to feel better.  This morning he told Casey he was thinking about fun parks with the carousel and jeeps and swings and he wanted to go today so we need to come down again and hit the fun park again when he is feeling better.  Casey entered a superbowl game at work, he put in 5 dollars and won 125, actually he did 4 and his friend did 1 so he got 100 dollars.  It was pretty exciting.  Also the bedding for the baby came today and I love it.  It is really pretty.  I took pictures but it doesn't do it justice.  I hope that no one else gets the sickness and has a good day tomorrow.



Well it was chilly here today, but sunny. I am hoping that the weatherman is lying about getting snow tonight though. Work was good, a little slow but good. I made beef an broccoli stir fry tonight for dinner. It tasted really good. I hope that Isaac is feeling better. Have a good one.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Go Team

This morning Isaac seemed like he had a fever and wasn't feeling good so we skipped church.  I didn't have to teach today so I just texted my partner that I wasn't going to be there.  Casey and Nate went cross countr skiing and had a really nice time.  They said that the snow was really good.  Randy had a super bowl party this evening so when Casey got back we went over there and had dinner.  It was fun, we didn't really watch the game but the had it on.  Isaac really liked watching it though, he would go back and watch it for a long time.  While we were there his cough got worse, I hope that he starts feeling better tomorrow.  I was pinning a quilt and Isaac was sitting under it so I have a picture of that.  His new tractor shirt fits really well and he likes it.  Thanks Mom.  I hope that everyone has a good week, it is supposed to be cold.  Thanks again for everything.



I had a nice day also. I had a fun time this weekend. Thanks for the fun time everyone. I looked and the groundhog saw his shadow. So I don't think it will be spring for a little while yet. Well have a great week everyone.

Quiet day

It was a quiet day and I got a lot done.  I went through my receipts for taxes and it was so much fun to look at all the fun things were did this year.  It was fun to remember all the good times we have had.  I didn't think that would be a fun job but it ended up being a nice time.  I was so glad that that missed that big wreck yesterday going up to Logan.  I hope Isaac is feeling OK.  I had a nice weekend.  I enjoyed the movie and going to Logan.  It looks like we might be getting bad weather this week.  Everyone be safe.  Have a nice first week of February.  I always like February.  It just seems like a turn into spring.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...