Saturday, April 13, 2019


We had a fun Saturday.  We walked to the park and did the city Easter egg hunt.  The kids had fun and they are excited for next week now because they will have money and better candy.  Ruthie carried around her eggs all day saying it was the best day.  We went and bought two new trees.  A Oak and a tulip tree.  The apricot seems to only have a couple more years in it so we planted the oak behind it so eventually it will take over for the apricot tree.  We planted the Tulip tree by the raspberries just to block the neighbors more.  They looks nice and it will be good to have them.  It took all afternoon to buy them and plant them.  It was fun to work in the yard again.  Randy came over and watched the kids and we went to the Olive Garden and Momma Mia.  It was a really fun night and the play was good.  I liked it.  The kids had fun.  The went to McDonald's and spent the whole night playing their on the playground.  They are sleeping at our house.  They were ready for bed when we came home.  I am glad that everyone is doing good and had a fun day.  Love you guys.


Quiet day

We had a quiet day.  I did a lot of cleaning.  I scrubbed my bathroom.  It was in desperate need of a good cleaning.  We ran errands and that felt nice.  We even went to Sam's club and bought water and carried it up the stairs without Karen.  I thought you would be proud of us.  We took back Sharknato for Jeff that we bought him.  It didn't work.  Best Buy cleaned it off and it worked so that was nice.  We are going to his house tomorrow and see if it will work for him.  We bought him a new DVD player because his is so old we figured that was probably the problem.  Then dad started having kidney stone pain so we just vegged the rest of the day.  Karen I am glad you got new socks.  Robin, You did have a big busy day.  That is good to get all those errands done.  I didn't know Jeramy wore contacts.  Is he blind like us?  Rachel I hope that Mama Mia was really good.  Are the kids sleeping over at Randy's house?  Have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy. I found a groupon on friday for another massage and they could take us this morning. So at.10 me and jeramy met up for a massage. Then his friend in lehi wanted to hang out. So we decided to.put Jenkins in care. The we didn't have to worry he was neglected. Jeramy needed contacts so we stopped by the eye store.and ordered contacts. Then we ran to Walmart to change my air filter. Then we dropped my car off for an oil change and emissions test. They didn't have any stickers so I have to run to the dmv to grab a sticker for my licences plate. Then we meet up with his friend and we had panda at their house. They have a new baby so we brought food over. I'm ready for.sunday to.relax. love you guys



It was pretty outside today. I got up and did my laundry. I was running out of socks. Then I went grocery shopping. So yeah I have clean clothes and food now. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, April 12, 2019


I am glad that it is the weekend. It snowed here this morning and was cold all day. Some of the snow did melt this afternoon so that was nice. Work was good. It went by pretty quick. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


It was weird weather again today.  It was raining and then sunny but cold all day.  I went walking this morning and then worked out.  We went and ate lunch with Isaac and then played with him at recess.  He was really happy to have us and we had a good time.  Oliver did get hit in the face with a ball and then someone took his ball so he was sad.  We had soccer practice this evening.  It was kind of cold but the kids had fun and Oliver was cute.  We are the white team and we were thinking of a cheer at the end.  We ended up with GO White Studio Dragon Cheetah Tiger.  Everyone had a opinion and it was funny.  Yesterday Isaac brought home a note saying that he had a project in an art festival this evening.  So we went to it and it was neat.  Their were only a couple of things from Greenville and I was proud of him.  It was fun to look at all the art and we listened to a choir sing.  They had a craft table to paint and Isaac made the earth.  We went out to ice cream afterwards to celebrate.  Tomorrow we are going to an Easter egg hunt at the park and then Momma Mia, it should be fun.  Love you guys.


We made it

Work is settling in and I like that.  It feels more normal.  I guess that will only last for a little while with all the changes going on again but I am enjoying it.  It snowed again this morning but melted so that was nice.  We just had a quiet evening.  I feel asleep.  I laid down and woke back up.  Go figure  Everyone have a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Im.glad it was friday. Tomorrow we are going to get my car registered and meet up with some.of jeramy's friends. Hope everyone has a good weekend


Thursday, April 11, 2019


Today turned out to be a busy day but it all turned out good.  I went walking this morning and I ran a bit and it felt good.  The kids didn't sleep well last night so we were tired today.  While Oliver was at school we went grocery shopping and I made a cake for book group.  I had quilt group and that was fun.  It is always fun to talk about quilts.  The quilt retreat is set for next week and I think that will be fun.  After school Isaac went to his friend Collins house to play.  We picked him up and then went to soccer practice for Ruthie.  She did pretty good and was really reserved.  Casey met us their and afterwards took the kids to dinner and then the jump zone.  I had book group at my house and that turned out fun also.  Everyone liked the book I picked and it was good to talk about it.  It was a late night for the kids so they might be tired tomorrow.  I am glad that everyone is doing good.  I have two books from your list waiting to read Karen.  Good job with Othello.


Gumm Gang

Work was good.  I set up a ton of meetings.  They do love their meetings.  We met up with the Gumm Gang tonight.  Robin, I forgot to invite you.  I am sorry. We met up at Sizzler and it was nice to visit.  I don't have much else going on.  I am ready for Friday.  It snowed here all day but it never stuck.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Today was long. I'm glad tomorrow is friday. We picked up my ring. We also went and got cold stone. We are thinking of having them cater so we thought we should taste test them.i got your email mom and I wrote the lady. Everyone have a good Friday



I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for a weekend. It snowed off and on all day. But don't worry the allergies are still here as well. Work went good. I started reading othello. I read for 3 hours and still haven't got thru the pre chapters yet. Good thing I started reading it early. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Good day

So I slept in this morning and that felt really nice.  I went to the doctor for a check up and it went well.  I have a mole on my neck I need taken off and I am going to do that in May.  Robin said she was going to go look at a place that she liked and we met her there.  It is really nice and is perfect.  July 19th is the date for sure.  I hope Jeramy loves it also.  We went back to work and then just vegged the rest of the night.  Not much else going on with us.  I love those sheets.  They are perfect.  That looks so cute.  I love your quilt Rachel.  That is amazing.  You do such a good job.  I hope those shoes help, I have been worried.  Karen, I hope you stop getting snow.  That is crazy.  Everyone have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM


It snowed here today also but melted by the afternoon.  I went walking in the snow and my feet were soaked.  Isaac couldn't find his library books this morning so it was crazy getting going.  I worked out and the kids had fun playing.  Ruthie's sheet and laundry basket came.  They are perfect and she loves them, thanks Mom and Dad. We met Casey for lunch which was fun.  Then we got the kids shin guards for soccer.  While we were there I tried on some running shoes and they felt so amazing I bought them.  I had talked to Randy this weekend and he thought running shoes would help my foot.  So I am going to give it a try.  Isaac had scouts this evening and had a fun time.  It was cold so we didn't do much outside.  I hope that we have good weather for Friday for soccer practice.  I finished my quilt.  I have quilt group tomorrow and I wanted to finish it for that so I barely made it.  Love you guys.  I like your venue Robin, you are doing a great job.  It is beautiful.



It snowed here all day. Work was good. I stayed busy so it didn't drag to bad. Congrats on finding a location,  Robin. Looks like a nice place. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I met up with mom and dad to look at places and we are going with the sandy place. I really liked it.i think it will be pretty. The only date they had was 7/19 at night. So we went with that date. Thanks again mom and dad. I just relaxed the rest of the day I was tired.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


I love Ruth's bed. The decals are so cute. They actual work perfectly. But I can still come up and paint if she wants. :) today was good. I took my ring in to get sized correctly. I will get I back on Thursday. Me and jeramy found a cute place that is available for the day we want. They have a place in sandy too. Jeramy said sandy might be easier for his family. So I am going to check it out tomorrow during my lunch. If it was as cute as salt lakes and available I think we are going to do it. I will call you mom though before we do anything permanent for sure. I am tired. Everyone stay safe in this weather.


No Snow

Work was good also.  Not getting done as much as I would like but I am making it through.  I don't really care too much right now so that is good.  I love the bed Rachel.  That turned out so cute.  The sheets will come tomorrow.  Karen, I can't believe you got snow.  What a mess.  Robin, I hope you are holding up OK.  I looked for wedding venues and there at 1,600 venues.  I think we should be able to find something.  No worries.  I have a check up with the new doctor in the morning.  I am taking 1/2 a day off but I have already worked a couple hours over so it isn't a big deal. I am sleeping in.  Karen my dentist appointment is for sure on Tuesday.  We are going axe throwing afterwards.  Everyone be safe in this weather.  LOVE MOM


Well it started snowing here around 4. It did rain a bit before that. Last I looked there was about half an inch on the ground. So much for seeing my grass. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy to report there. Ruth's bed looks like a real princess bed now. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Ruthie's mattress came today and it is so cool how to package them to ship.  It is amazing how they can squeeze it into that box.  She was really happy.  Mom ordered some princess decals and she loved them.  We put them on the bed.  We can move them or do whatever you want to Robin, they can be moved easy she was just excited to put them up.  It was raining today so I moved soccer practice to Friday.  I walked this morning, it was raining but not too bad and it was nice.  We went to story time and that was fun and good to get out.  After dinner we cleaned up the garage so we can park the van in there again and I am excited about that.  We didn't walk to get Isaac today and I still got 11,400 steps today.  It is nice to know that just walking around doing laundry, cleaning up and helping the kids is a lot of steps.  I did get 4,000 steps on my walk this morning.  Anyway love you guys and I hope that you have a great night.


Monday, April 8, 2019


That bed looks really cute. My day was good. It is always hard getting up Monday mornings but I did it. Work is moving along. I am still making progress so that is good at least. The weather said we could get a bunch of snow from noon tomorrow thru Thursday. Hopefully I won't get too buried. Good luck with the wedding stuff Robin. If you need help just let me know. Bye

Made it

Well I made my long day so that was good.  Hopefully payroll went better than usual.  I have a physical on Wednesday so I am going to use the extra hours for that.  Rachel that bed looks so cute in her bedroom.  She was so cute on Marco Polo.  She may not sleep tonight.  Did you put the chest of drawers in the closet?  Robin you will find the right place.  I just know it.  There are a million places we can hold a wedding.  Hotels have event rooms also.  So many decisions.  Good luck.  If you need us to come with you to look, we can do that.  Karen, I hope you don't get snow.  It says you can get up to 5 inches on Thursday.  Man this has been a long winter season.  I am off to bed.  LOVE MOM


You are going to be busy the next couple months Robin, good job finding a spot.  Today was good.  I went on a walk this morning and then worked out.  Oliver lost a stick when Isaac was getting out of the car for school so he was sad for half of the work out time.  We went grocery shopping this afternoon and walked to picked up Isaac.  I got a smart watch today, it is a Samsung galaxy active watch.  It is pretty fun so far.  I got it after dinner and I took 3,000 steps putting that bed in Ruthie's room and helping the kids outside, crazy.  We were able to get the bed in Ruth's room and we put an air mattress in it for her to sleep on tonight.  We got the kids to bed late.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good night.



Today was busy. Everyone at work was excited for the ring. I emailed a million places and alot of places were taken. We went to cactus and tropicals and it was small. I'm not sure. I re read my email from garder village and I guess they do have a spot. They just had a typo on the email and I was confused. My ring is really small so I might go see if I can get it resized tomorrow hope everyone had  a good monday.


Sunday, April 7, 2019


Robin, I am so happy for you.  I was wondering it was the Shanks diamond or the star dust one.  I am glad it was a good day.  It is always nice to have a good memory.  Rachel, I love the bed.  That is so much fun.  Casey is really good at making children's beds.  I am with Karen we just begged all day. We did go get my hair cut and get ingredients for pea soup.  It tasted good.  WOW I feel like I should be doing things but not sure what to do.  LOVE MOM


Congratulations Robin, that is very exciting.  We would love to help so just let us know what you need.  Good job.  Thanks for the fun weekend also, we had a really fun time.  Casey and Randy worked on Ruthie's bed while we were gone and finished it.  It looks really good.  We painted it today and Mom and Dad ordered a mattress so she is ready to use it.  We can decorate it when Robin come up.  Thank you guys, you are amazing.


Here are a ton of pictures


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...