Friday, June 27, 2014


I am excited for the air show also.  It will be fun.  Robin you are so good you will remember excel.  I am proud of you for looking for jobs.  It is hard.  Not much else going on with me.  Just getting ready for the weekend.  I am excited for everyone to come.  Drive safe everyone.   LOVE MOM


I am glad that the weekend is finally here. My day was good. It actually went by pretty fast for a Friday. I am excited for the air show tomorrow. It will be lots of fun. It only rained here for a little while here today. I am hoping for some more rain tonight. I will see everyone tomorrow. Bye


Today was good. I am glad it was Friday. I applied for a job as a factory coordinator at a wedding dress place and they called for an interview today. I am going in Wednesday. They said I am taking an excel test. I haven't used excel in a long time. I am going to take tests inline just to brush up. Then I went to the bank and talked about my car I am hoping to refinance and get a smaller monthly payment. Then I just came home and rest. Joe had to cancel the shoot on Sunday the model had a conflict do we are trying for next week. I think that is everything. Have a good night see you all tomorrow 


Sounds like a plan

We will meet everyone at the airshow around 11:30.  I heard on the radio that the Thunderbird are going to fly around 2:30 so that should be perfect.  I am excited.  Thanks guys.  We had a good day.  Casey had to work and it rained all day.  I picked a whole bowl of peas and we ate all of them.  I am going to pick some tomorrow morning and bring them down for a snack.  I got bread sticks from little Cesar's for lunch and Isaac ate the whole bag, he loves them.  Then we went to the jump zone.  It was fun and really busy.  Oliver is loving to sit up with help.  He sat on my lap and watched everyone jump for a long time, he is pretty cute.  Well we will see everyone tomorrow.  Good luck with the train.


Thursday, June 26, 2014


Sorry, I was not specific.  I was planning on the air show, I just wasn't sure what time to meet up and how.  We will take traks and meet you up there. Dave was thinking of going with us.  I thought that would be good.  I will plan on that.  I just wasn't sure of the time.  Have a great Friday.  I am so excited.  LOVE MOM

Happy Birthday Mom

Mom, I thought that we were going to the air show on Saturday.  We can meet around lunch time up at hill if that works for everyone.  We can ride the train back to your house if we split up.  I am glad that you had a good birthday Mom, you deserve it.  I am sorry we weren't able to go to dinner with everyone, that sounds fun.  We had a good day.  I felt a lot better.  We walked to the library and read books for a while.  It rained on us on the way home and we got wet.  When we got home though Isaac went out in the rain and ate peas, I attached a picture of him out their eating them.  It made me laugh.  Then we went grocery shopping.  I made chicken pot pie cupcakes, I attached a picture, I thought Isaac would like them.  He didn't eat them but me and Casey liked them, they were really good.  Then we took the van through a car wash and the boys really liked that.  Afterwards we went up to visit Randy but he wasn't there so we talked to Kelly and Collin for a while.  They played their guitars with Isaac, I attached a picture also.  I am excited for this weekend, everyone let me know what you think.


Happy birthday

Happy birthday mom. Hope you had a good day. My day was good I kinda woke up on the wrong side of the bed so I was grumpy at work. But I went out with mom dad and Karen and had fun. Thanks for the boots mom I love them.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday it will be a fun weekend. Be safe in the rain. See you soon 


happy birthday

Happy birthday mom. I had a fun time hanging out with mom also. My doctors appointment went good. My A1C was 7.2. So that was good. I am so glad that it is Friday tomorrow. Although with taking today off it seemed like it was Saturday. Mom I think that the air show would be fun to do to on Saturday. Well have a good one bye


Thanks for all the fun birthday surprises.  I love them all.  The books and pitcher and going shooting, you guys are so sweet.  Thank you so much.  It was nice to have a day off.  It was nice to talk with Rachel and Isaac on the phone this morning.  He is growing up and talking so good.  I had fun hanging out with Karen and Robin.  Have a great Friday.  I am excited to hook up this weekend.  Do we have a plan yet?  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Birthday Eve

Mom, that sounds like a nice night, how fun.  Happy Birthday tomorrow.  I am feeling much better.  I was still not a hundred percent today but doing a lot better.  I ate a good dinner and I felt a lot better after that.  Food can do wonders.  We had a good day.  Isaac and Oliver were both happy.  Oliver is starting to scoot with his feet.  Isaac was getting a blanket he dropped behind his bed and he got stuck, I took a picture before helping him out and I have attached it.  He wanted to play in the water today I got the pool and slip n slide out.  It was fun.  Then we ate peas in the shade.  Isaac loves peas, it makes me happy to see him eat something green.  I will bring some peas down this weekend if we haven't eaten them all.  The raspberries are almost ready also.  Isaac ate the first red one today.  Have a good time tomorrow everyone.



Today was good it was nice to sleep last night it felt good. Work was good it was slow. So time went by slow.  I do have a shoot on Sunday with joe but it's around 3 or 4. But I don't have anything Saturday. I didn't do anything crazy today I just relaxed it was nice. I am planning on meeting with mom  for dinner tomorrow. So I think that is all. Have a good night


Party begins

Dad took me out to Spaghetti Factory for my birthday and give me a bracelet.  I thought that was really nice of him.  Work was good.  I am getting organized and that is nice.  Rachel, I hope you are feeling better.  I am excited to go shooting guns tomorrow Karen.  Robin, I am glad you a free this weekend.  We will play.  Didn't you have  a shoot with Joe on Sunday?  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. They were behind in the clean room so I got to help out in there for awhile. It made the day go by pretty fast so that was nice. I am excited to play tomorrow. Also Happy Birthday Eve, mom. Well have a great one. Bye

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Better than Rachel

Well my day was better than Rachel's.  I am sorry you are sick.  Work was good.  Just a regular day and that felt nice.  I have been up at administration for a couple of days in the morning and it was nice to just be at my desk.  I walked over to dad's work tonight and it was hot.  I am going to have to take more water with me.  I was just sweating.  Have a great Wednesday.  Just think next week if the 4th of July and it is on a Friday.  Three day weekend.  Yeah for us.  LOVE MOM


That sucks that you got sick Rachel. I hate it when things spread was good. We had these big banners come through it took forever to sew. I am exhausted now. I am going to bed early. I will write more tomorrow have a great one



Rachel I am sorry that you and Isaac got sick. I hate getting sick. My day was good. Work was just the same old same old. After work I went to the post office and then I am doing laundry. Well I hope everyone had a good day. Bye


Well early Monday morning Isaac started throwing up and was sick all morning.  I got it in the afternoon.  Isaac is feeling better and I am getting there.  I didn't feel good last night so Casey called in sick and took care of the kids today which was really nice.  This afternoon they went up to Clifton to visit his Mom and I just rested.  I am glad that everyone is doing good.  I am excited for this weekend and Mom's birthday.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Talk it.out

Well our date night went well.  I think we talked about alot. We ate defiantly trying some new communication things. He is going to an sca thing this weekend though so I am free all weekend to excited it will be fun! Well not to much going in with me have a good night


New battery

We went tonight and got a new battery for dad's jeep and it seemed to work just fine.  That is good.  I went grocery shopping also.  I am glad you got your drugs Karen.  That always feels good to have a supply at the house.  Rachel, I am sorry that you and Isaac are sick.  I hope you get feeling better soon.  Robin, I hope your date night was good.  Love you guys MOM


Well my day has been good. Work was a little slow but I made it thru. The coke machine was also out of carbonation so that was a little rough as well. I just up it is fixed tomorrow for engineering meeting. Otherwise it is going to be a long meeting. I went to Walmart after work and got my prescriptions. Exciting times I know. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Nice weekend

WE had a nice weekend. It was a quiet day.  We went to sacrament meeting this morning.  Dad's jeep wouldn't start.  I think it needs a new battery.  We will work on that tomorrow.  It was nice to sleep in and then take a nap.  Robin we are always here for you.  Everyone has ups and downs.  That is why we blog to talk about them.  I am glad you are going to dinner tomorrow.  Karen I am glad you had a quiet day also.  They are nice.  Rachel thanks for the fun time on Saturday.  I love the pictures.  LOVE MOM

Fluffy Balls

Karen, I got an 80%.  I may have gotten harder questions than you did though.  We had a really fun time with Mom and Dad yesterday, thank you.  Today we went to church and Isaac told his teachers that he was having a fantastic day.  After church Casey made up corn dogs and corn bread.  They tasted good.  Then Isaac and Oliver took a nap which was nice.  This evening we went to the park on the Island and Isaac waded in the water and had a good time.  We started the fluffy balls in the jar for peeing in the potty.  We have three balls and I think it will be really good to do.  Thanks Mom.  Well everyone have a good Monday.  Monday's come too fast.


Isaac at the birthday party

Oliver's favorite toy


Well my day has been pretty quiet. I am sorry that you and Walter had a fight. I am glad that you are working it out. I got my dishes done and then I made some cookies. It was fun to do. I might save some and bring them down on your birthday mom. Well I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Sorry I didn't blog for a long time. I'm alive and well. Me and Walter go into a little fight so we didn't do anything crazy for our anniversary. It's mostly communication that we are struggling with and it's frustrating.  But we talked a little today and worked out some stuff and tomorrow we are going out for dinner and talking so that will be nice. Work out some kinks. But I went to my company party and won a bag of M and Ms and a cooler. So that was cool. I also made oreo truffles and everyone hovered them. One guy said they tasted like a dream. So I guess that's good.
I called about the prosthetics job on Friday and they still hadn't made a decision so hopefully I hear this week if I got it or not. I think that's about it with me. I am going to stay in p.js all day and veg and just relax. Have a good sunday!!


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...