Saturday, August 15, 2015

nice time

Robin that will work we actually have more time on that day. Kingdom ball was a success. They rented a huge tent and it was so much easier this year. I even got a nap. It was a hot day today. Robin I like your sign love ya mom


So scheels might need me to work the 7th :( but I asked if I could have sat the 5th off if I work the 7th. So I will see what I can do. But would that be ok for sewing day??? Sorry I have a dumb schedule.... anyway. Today was so nice. I slept in and did some pilates at home. I woke up with some energy and thought I should do a work out.  it's the other qc's girls birthday this week and she loves coffee. So we are having a cafe day. We are having coffee, Italian sodas and pastries. So I made a cafe sign for our office for fun. I think we are doing it wednesday. Then I worked at scheels tonight. So nothing exciting there. Have a good sunday


Friday, August 14, 2015

safe and sound

We made it safe and sound to kamas. Robin thanks so much I love it,  it is perfect. Rachel I am glad you had a nice day. I am excited form the ball tomorrow.  it is always fun . Love mom

Glitter vinyl

I'm glad the boys like their packages :) work was good I  so glad that it is friday. I only work at night tomorrow so I am.staying up late. I came home from work and started a project for mom. I had to go print off pictures but I got it done. I put a picture of it. The letters are in glitter vinyl. It was a fun project. Well not much else have a good night



Thanks for the package today Robin, the trains were really cute and they boys loved them.  I love the sign and the pattern, thank you.  I am excited to make that duffel bag.  We are spoiled.  Today was pretty good.  Oliver was kind of grouchy, he is fine if he is outside but it has been so hot it is hard to be out their.  This evening was really nice and cool so we spent all evening out their and that was fun.  We just went grocery shopping and stopped and got more chocolate milk.  We have been out and Oliver is super happy to have it back.  His diaper was soaking from all he drank.  Isaac didn't want to go to the zoo story time so we just stayed home and did crafts and played games on the kindle.  It turned out to be fun.  I hope that everyone has a good weekend.  Good luck with the ball.


He was so sweaty from jumping on the trampoline

Thursday, August 13, 2015


It felt like a normal day.  Work was good.  We had a employee bbq and I helped in a booth so that took most of the day.  It sure was a hot one today.  We went to store on the way home to get me more D batteries for my fan at work.  Then we came home and had dinner and I did laundry.  I was down to my last pair of garments.  It felt nice to get them done.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  Robin, I think you might be wearing glasses from now on.  I am wondering if you are allergic to the contact solution.  Karen that is nice you are walking to work.  I am glad they are putting up tents.  That will sure save us a lot of work on Saturday.  Dad is coming with me this weekend.  He is just going to work when we are at the ball.  We will leave after work.  Have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Rachel funny story. I sent a package to you guys as a surprise and I put the duffle bag pattern in it. Ha ha ha it made me laugh they had it at hobby lobby. So just fyi. :) today was good I knocked my glasses off the drawer last night and I couldn't find them. So I put in contacts. By the end of the day they were red and puffy. So I am back to glasses (which I found after work) for a bit. I am soooooo glad tomorrow is friday it has been the longest week.



We did a lot of crafts today.  We painted this morning which was fun.  Then to get out of the house we walked around the hobby lobby.  They had their simplicity patterns for a dollar also so I looked to see if they had the one I wanted and they did so I bought it.  It was the cute shirt one and I also bought the ruffle bag one.  They weren't as picked over.  Then they had Christmas out in full swing.  I keep telling Isaac how far away Christmas is but it didn't seem that way at the store.  After lunch Casey and Isaac made a bear out of paper so I sewed for a bit which was nice.  Then Grandma and Grandpa send the boys a ton of sticker.  Isaac was pretty excited about it and we did stickers for a while.  Thank you.  That is neat that you can make stencils with you machine Robin, that is awesome.



I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Things are going good here. I walked to work today because they had people setting up the big tent for the kingdom ball in the parking lot. I might walk tomorrow also. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Some ideas

Some stencil ideas ;)


Today was good work went by faster. Karen if you need a stencil I can cut whatever you want. Let me know what you like and I will cut it for you on my sihlouette. Me and mom look at the apartment I think I will put a down payment on it. It was a cute place. 2 bedroom 2 bathroom. Me and mom went shopping and mom bought me some glitter vinyl I'm excited on the new glitter projects in my future. Have a good night


Nice evening

Work was good, I just couldn't get with it today.  I mostly just tried to get motivated.  It didn't work very well.  I picked Robin up for dinner and we went to Café Rio.  We looked at an apartment she found on line and it is right by the spaghetti factory and Joann's on redwood road.  It is a nice place.  It is a really big apartment complex.  They want 4 weeks notice so I think she is going to wait until September to turn in the papers.  We went to Joanns afterwards and then to Shopko.  I got dad some Jelly Belly's because he was totally out of them.  Tomorrow is the work BBQ so that will be fun.  They are having the Wizard of Oz theme.  It should be fun.  Free food.  Grandma made it home safe and sound and Jed got her all settled in.  I guess the tried different chairs that she could get in and out of easily and move things around.  They also put up a bed cane and some handles around the toilet that we got on Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Karen try  they have quilting stencils but a lot of them and they are cute.  They are the same as regular stencils.  Robin I love the sign you made and I forgot to say thanks for the rain road tracks for the boys.  They turned out really cute, thank you.  I hope that apartment searching went well and you found some good ones.  Today was pretty good.  I had a hard time falling asleep so I felt tired today.  Oliver got Isaac's cold but he seems fine.  He just has a runny nose and a bit of a cough.  Isaac seems to be getting better.  Casey went up to Clifton this morning to fix his Mom's truck.  His car had some problems but he made it their and back alright.  He got the truck fixed and running good.  We just played at home all day.  Isaac didn't want to go anywhere.  We did go on a walk this evening and Isaac rode his bike.  It was hot but nice.  Thanks Mom for the sticker books, they are really cute.  I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.



 I think I need to buy a stencil for my table top. I looked at Michael's today but I didn't see any I liked. I will have to keep my eyes opened. Work was good today. Nothing too wild and crazy to report. It did rain here a bit this evening. I also got my grocery shopping done. I hope that grandma got moved back to her house without too much trouble. I also hope the apartment hunting was good. Have a great one. Bye

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Last time

We took dinner in for Grandma and visited for the last time.  I got her all packed up and she is ready to go.  She said she has to be out by 10:30 because someone else is coming in at 11:00.  They don't wait long.  She is nervous to go home.  Robin, I am planning on going looking for apartments tomorrow.  I will swing buy and pick you up.  Not much else going on with me.  Robin, I am sorry you are feeling well.  Cramps are the worse.  Everyone have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM

Step by step

Today was ok. I was having the worst cramps and it made working so long. But I made it out alive. It was smore  day at work and we went to taco bell for lunch for fun. After work I went to pibbs exchange and picked up some makeup. We are having a makeup change for sunday joe wants gore. So I picked up some fake teeth. I also went to micheal to pick up some wood for a sign. I bought some denim vinyl but I think I had the wrong blade because it was fraying the edges. So I did a black instead. It's for rachel. I can redo it so all the words all black. I tried to be fancy. Karen yes I took off Friday sat and sund. We don't have to do all weekend I just thought I would have a free weekend. I will tell scheels that I would like labor day off. I will see what I can do. :) tomorrow me and mom are looking at apartments so that will be fun


Happy Birthday Dad

I hope that you had a good day Dad and had a fun birthday.  Good luck tomorrow moving Grandma, I hope that it goes smoothly.  Today was pretty good.  We went to story time this morning, it wasn't as good as it has been but Isaac's friends were their so he had fun.  Jenn was canning today so she couldn't sew.   Isaac got two new Thomas movies and wanted to still watch them so we did that.  Casey had scouts tonight, they were doing a camp fire and a huge storm came about the same time scouts started so he got to come home a little early which was nice.  It was another hot one today.  Everyone have a good night.



Well my day was good. I am doing laundry. I put it off for as long as possible, but it was time it get it done. I also got my dishes done so I feel very accomplished today. Robin did you just take off my birthday or did you take Friday off also. I was just wondering if I needed to ask for that day off. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Good luck moving grandma back home tomorrow. Also Happy Birthday Dad love ya.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Count down

The count down for grandma going home has begun.  She is really nervous about leaving and going home.  I am glad that Jani will be there with her for a while.  Robin if you have to work on Monday we can sew on Saturday or Sunday.  We are flexible.  Work was good for me as well.  It has slowed down a ton for me and that is so nice.  Not much else to report.  Jed said he would set up all the equipment at the house so we left it at the Rehab Center and he is suppose to pick it up tomorrow.  Have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

Sewing Day on Labor Day

Robin, if the 7th is labor day then we are having a sewing day.  I thought that was the plan.  Today was good.  The boys slept in which was nice.  Then we went grocery shopping, that took all morning.  Isaac just rested all afternoon and Oliver took a long nap.  I had a doctors appointment and had to wait forever.  The green beans are on right now so Casey made salmon with green beans for dinner and it was really good.  Casey burned the apple stump after dinner and we just played in the backyard.  It was a nice evening.  Thanks again for the nice weekend.  I hope that Dad has a fun birthday tomorrow.


I agree

I agree with Robin. It was definitely a Monday. I was tired also. I think that is typical Monday feelings. Work was good. Nothing too exciting to report. I hope everyone had a good day. Bye


Today was definitely a monday. I could not sleep last night so I was so tired. I had to work at scheels tonight so it was a chill night. I summits time off for Karen b-day  so I can paint the night away. Are we doing something the 7th? The might need someone at scheels but I wasn't sure if we had plans or not. Well. It much else with me have a good night


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Bacon and Tomato Sandwiches

Thanks for all the pictures.  I love them all.  You guys take such good pictures.  Karen I love the table.  I can't believe how different it looks.  Way to go.  Robin I love the chef dude.  He is darling.  You are so gifted.  We will go out on Wednesday and hunt for a two bedroom apartment for you.  I am really excited about that one.  It will make a huge difference for you.  Rachel we had bacon and tomato sandwiches with your tomatoes and we had tacos for dinner.  They were amazing.  Thanks for bringing them down.  We sure enjoyed them.  I such a fun weekend.  Thanks you so much everyone.  Dad loves his presents.  He was worried the keyboard was too expensive but I told him you got it on groupon so he was much more excited about that one.  Have a great Monday.  Good luck at the doctor tomorrow Rachel.  LOVE MOM

Project ll

Good job on the table karen. I like it. Thanks for the fun day yesterday everyone. I'm glad you guys had fun at the reunion. Today it's been project day. I finished the kids chalkboard train puzzle. I also finished the cassarole dish carrier I'm not sure if I love the chef guy with the carrier but I figured it was ok so I will go with it. I also finished Shirts for scheels and now I am working on joes stuff. My back is hurting I'm so excited to get two bedrooms and set up a cutting table!!. Have a good monday



Karen, good job on the table.  It will be good to see it in person.  Thanks for the fun weekend.  I had a really fun time.  Today technology failed me.  The hard drive didn't charge so we didn't have movies on the way home, then in my lesson I was connected to the internet but couldn't get the family search web site to work and that sucked.  We have a ton of tomatoes, black berries and green bean, we picked a lot of stuff tonight.  It looks like canning is in our future.  I think I am going to juice the berries and then make jelly or syrup.   The seeds are too big to do much else with them.  Thanks again for the fun time.  It will be hard to go back to real life again.



Well I decided to do a project today. So I sanded my table top and then painted it. I think it turned out good. Other than that I had a quiet day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye



Happy birthday

 I can't believe she is three. Time goes to fast. I am glad she had a good day. I got up and went grocery shopping and then mowed the la...