Saturday, March 3, 2012


today was fun we drove up to logan, to save overlap of stories we had a good time. We are going to paint next weekend I think it will be fun. well tomorrow is sunday and I am going to sleep it will be nice. have a good rest day


Nice DAy

I had a nice day also. It was fun just to hang out. I got a lot done and it was just fun. Karen your refund check came from Baja. You are rich. We went to Sam's and you now have enough pudding to last a life time. We are planning next Saturday to put the wall back up in your room Karen and paint the kitchen. Are you game for coming? It will be a fun time. I can't believe Isaac had a hard time going to sleep. He was so tired. I thought he would be asleep before you got home. He doesn't feel good. He is so dang cute however. I went to the store when I got home and got me some hamburger and am made a meatloaf and froze it for sometime next week. It sounded so good to me. Well have a nice Sunday. LOVE MOM


Thank you for the nice day, I had a nice time. Isaac had a hard time going to sleep but he eventually got there. I hope that you guys made it home safe. I am glad that you had a good day Karen, that sounds nice to get things done.



Well my day has been good. I slept in which was nice. Then I got my car washed cause with all the snow it was looking kind of gross. Then I got my grocery shopping done. I hope that everyone had a good trip to Logan. Well have a great rest of the weekend.

Friday, March 2, 2012


We made it to the weekend. YEAH. THanks Karen for coming down this evening. It was nice to hang out with you. I am excited to go to Logan tomorrow. It will be nice to see everyone. I don't have any great news just thought I would say HI and glad it is the weekend.


Thursday, March 1, 2012


so its dr.seuss's birthday tomorrow, so that is fun. my interview went well. I felt kinda stupid though the girl that interviewed me was like 19 I felt so old. But anyway the photographer I worked with over the weekend posted an article about the photoshoot I did over the weekend I posted the link if you wanted to see it. well not to much else happening have a good night



Isaac has his first runny nose. I feel bad for him, I hope that it doesn't develop into something worse. He doesn't like me to wipe his nose so it has been a battle to do that. We basically just had a low key day. He was cuddly so that was nice. I shoveled the walks when Isaac took his nap. It felt nice to be outside. It was really coming down this morning but then it cleared up and was nice but cold. Well I pick up the next part of the mystery quilt tomorrow so that should be fun. :)


I decided to go with dad to the doctor today and for sure it wasn't his heart. They think it is his esopagus that went into spasm. I thought the same thing. They told us things to do if it did it again. THat was good. I am glad the storm fizzled. I was worried about that. I am doing laundry because I have no clean clothes. I had 4 batches to do. I am half way done. Have a great Friday. LOVE MOM

Almost Friday

Well the storm wan't as bad as I thought it was going to be so the drive wasn't too bad. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. Things are going good here. Work is still moving right along. I can't believe that it is March already. This year is going by quick. Well I hope that everyone had a great day today and that Friday will be awesome for everyone also. BYE

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Ya I have had the worst luck with jobs! I am going to do lagoon this year and it will be my last year. hopefully my luck changes over the summer or the world come to an end. But not to much else going on it snowed up here. Tomorrow I have an interview with express, for a part time job to help pay bills during lagoon. Have a good night



Robin, that really bums me out. I am sorry. What do you need to get a sewing job, you have a bachelors degree for heaven sake. It is a crazy world out there and you will find an awesome job, just keep applying. Today was good. I felt like I got a lot done. I made salmon chowder for dinner and it was so good, it is a keeper. I used some of the carrots from the garden so it made it fun to use some of that up. I need to be better about that. Karen we will miss you this weekend, if you change you mind it would be fun to see you. Me and Isaac walked the mall yesterday and Paradise Bakery is coming to the mall this summer. I was excited about that, I wanted to tell you Karen. Their was something else I wanted to say but I can't think of it. Everyone have a good night.


Crazy People

Well today we had people from PHWA (Psychologically Healthy Workplace Assoication). The people that I am working for are trying for an award from there. So they were interview employees to see if they promoto mental health in the work place. So I got to talk to the crazy people today. It was also snow again today. I swear it has snowed every other day since I moved up here. It was a mild winter til i moved up here and now it is making up for lost time. I am sorry that you didn't get that job Robin, that sucks. I don't think that I am going to go to Logan this weekend with you mom. I may just have a no traveling weekend. If that is okay with everyone. Well I hope that everyone had a great weekend. BYE

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

no dice

so I didn't get the job. they sent me a letter today. I did get an interview with express at the mall, so it looks like another 2 job summer. so that was basically my day I finished downton alley that rachel recommended it was good, well have a good wensday


Quiet Night YEAH

I had a quiet night. I just read my book and finished it. Thanks Karen. I am going to buy the rest of the series. Rachel thanks for posting the pictures. Those are some of the first ones of him walking all by himself. He is so cute. It snowed here also but the roads were just wet. The snow isn't bad this time of year because it is so warm and the roads are so icy. I had a busy day at work but got a lot done. That is good. I was going to do laundry but I decided just to rest instead. Have a great hump day. I am going to Logan on Saturday to get some drugs. I thought we could play. LOVE MOM


The snow was fun, we didn't get very much and most of it had melted. There was some when we usually go outside and I wasn't sure it would be good to go out but Isaac wouldn't take no. So he walked around in the snow for a while. He tried to stay on the rocks with no snow but it was making me dizzy staying on the little bit of rocks. Lucky in the afternoon it was a lot better. Well I finished this weeks part of the mystery quilt. It is cute and fun to do. I have attached a picture and a couple of Isaac I had. I hope that everyone has a good night.



Well it is definatly a snowy day today. The drive wasn't too bad, so that was good. I hope that everyone had a good day. I really don't have too much to report so have a great day. BYE

Monday, February 27, 2012


I am sorry that you guys had a crazy day. I am glad that he is alright. I think that he just has a cold but when he has so many problems it is good to make sure that everything is alright. That person at Intsa Care should be written up, that is so weird. I had a good day. I kind of had a headache I think because of the storm tomorrow. Me and Casey switched cars and today was the first day of the switch. It was hard not driving the focus today. I have had driven it for 10 years. It will take some getting use too. It just makes more sense to have the baby seat in the honda since it is bigger. I went to Joanns today and bought some white and pink thread. Isaac really enjoyed walking around so it was fun. Well I hope that Mom and Dad get some sleep tonight you guys need it.


We are back

Well we are back from the ER adventure. Insta care had me so upset that everything was really bad and we get to the ER and the first thing they say is the EKG looks fine. I was really mad. Oh everything checked out and I made him an appointment to see the cardiologist on Thursday. He already has appointments for Dr. STrong and Dr. Vonk in March. I think I will just keep those until after Thursday. I am tired. It is really suppose to snow tonight so be really careful driving tomorrow. I am going to play farmville and veg for awhile.


Well I hope that dad is feeling better. My day was pretty good. The apartment complex called me today and said that they did get my proof of renters insurance, but it still had my old adress on it. So they changed the adress on the bill but not the insurance paper. How annoying. Oh well. Well have a good night everyone.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Whoo hoo

Thank you so much for the nice weekend everyone. It was so nice. I am sorry that Dad is still not feeling well, I hope that he gets better soon. Thank you again Karen for lunch and thank you Robin and Mom for watching Isaac. We made it home safe and without incident thanks to the movies, they save the day. I hope that everyone has a good week. It is a leap year this year so we should do something special on Feb 29 to mark the day. I might take a trip to the fabric store. :)


Nice weekend.

I had a really nice weekend. Thanks. It seems to quiet here right now. I did take a really long nap, I didn't realize I had fallen asleep for so long. Dad still isn't feeling really good. I am worried about that. I hope it isn't anything to serious. Doctors will be called tomorrow. I will keep you all posted. It is going to be an out of control week for me. I can tell already. LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...