Saturday, April 17, 2010
tattoo for you?
Well today was pretty crazy but we made it through a day of shooting. I also did a ton of tattoos everyone thought they were cool last night so today they all came in and got there tattoo's done. I am very tired though we aren't shooting tomorrow so I am going to sleep in and relax. well better run. love you
Nice Day
I had a really nice day. The sewing classes were amazing. I really had a good time. There were about 60 people there sewing and it was a lot of fun. Both the projects are pillows so it won't be too much to finish them. They are both really beautiful. Rachel will have to post pictures of them. After we got done with the sewing classes Rachel and Casey helped us in the yard. Casey got most of the trees pruned and put some medicine on the apricot tree. Rachel helped me cut the raspberries and blackberries. It looks nice. Casey is so good in the yard. Dad cleaned out the herb garden and it looks so nice. WOW. Well that is all my news. Rachel is going to come and get the bed tomorrow after they drop off the goats. It is coming along.
Well I hope that mom and Rachel had fun at the sewing class. I have had a good day. I went grocery shopping and then I cleaned up living room. It looks nice now I just have to do the rest of my place now so that it is all clean, but it got hot so I am done for today. But I will get it done eventually. I bought me a Gerber daisy at walmart. It was pretty and I am hoping that I can keep it alive. Well I hope that everyone had a good day.
P.S. I also started the red tulip co-op. Just FYI
P.S. I also started the red tulip co-op. Just FYI
feed the flock
Well there were good reviews on the dinner so I think the majority of people like it. They ate almost all of it. They also liked my scorpion tattoo so that was fun. well i am sleepy I just got off the shoot and we are starting tomorrow at 12 so I better head for bed
Friday, April 16, 2010
It is nice to have it the weekend. I am really tired tonight. I don't have any news. Dad is home and that is nice. We just went to dinner and walked Kohls. I like to do that. TOmorrow is sewing and that will be fun. It is nice to do something different. Casey is going to work on my apricot tree tomorrow and that will be nice. Have a great weekend. Robin I hope you dinner was amazing.
All speed ahead
Well I hope that mom and Rachel have a good time sewing tomorrow. I hope that your dinner thing went well Robin. You are a good cook so I don't think that you will have a problem at all. Well my day was good. I am glad that it is the weekend. I didn't feel like cooking so I got panda express for dinner. It was good. Well I am coming up north on the 7th of May for some Solidworks training so that will be fun. Well have a good one. BYE
shake it up
Ya there was an earth quake here. we were at wingers and we felt the booth move I thought it was grandma moving around. but it kept going. The lights were swaying a bit it was kinda funky. Well today I cooked a meal to feed an army for tomorrow. I am in charge of cooking dinner for the cast and crew so I am making the peppercini roast beef sandwiches. I am going to drive down tomorrow and then probably stay for the weekend. Today I did a demo at USU for the makeup course. I did special effects stuff. well I am off to bed, cooking makes you sleepy. :)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Especially Harry Potter
Karen, I am not going to give away your Harry Potter books. They are still safe on m book shelf waiting to go back home to you. I had to go to a girls camp meeting tonight and everyone was wearing a dress and I wasn't. I was the only one, I didn't know I supposed to wear a dress. Oh well. I told everyone that I was moving and that I would brief them on what was going to happen and then they can take over. I think that it will be good. Mom I am just going to stay at Clifton tomorrow, I need to do laundry. Sorry. I am excited for Saturday, me and Mom and taking a sewing class and it will be really fun. Casey looked up earth quakes in Utah and their was one in the Bear Lake region that was a 4.9. That is crazy.
Harry Potter
Rachel just don't give away my Harry Potter books I would like to get those back eventually. I hope that everyone had a good Thursday. Mine went by pretty fast. I am glad that the tax thing is over. It is always nice to have that behind you. Good luck with the house hunting Rachel. Well i don't have too much to report and I have work to do for dad so I better go. BYE
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
So I think its funny the last week of posts have been about co-ops. I love it. We are the best farmers :) just wanted to give a shout out. Well I made it to logan safe and sound. I can't believe it is wensday. sheesh. If you need any help rachel let me know I should be around to help in slc or drive back and forth. I'm shooting again on friday and signed up to cook dinner. I am thinking maybe peppercinni sandwiches. :) any way better run I'm making stencils for tattoos. If anyone wants one let me know I will hook you up. :)
I forgot
Karen I will join your co op but I just planted last night and it takes two days. I might be too late to help. I'll see how it goes. I like helping in co ops I feel like I know what to plant instead of just guessing.
I'm thinking garage sale
Rachel keep all your junk you don't want and I think we should have a garage sale. Robin will have a bunch of junk and I know I already do so we could have one. I think it would be fun. THink about it. We can store things in my garage or downstairs until we have it. What we don't sale we can just take to the DI. Dad said he would have all our taxes at 8:30 in the morning but we have extentions until July for everyone so it won't hurt us if we send them on Friday. All is going good here. Robin made it home safe and sound. I have a tatoo on my leg. Tomorrow I will get another one. I like them. LOVE MOM
Karen, I planed lavender yesterday and it is done in two days, so I can join your co-op tomorrow. I hope that helps. It is another fast crop so you will have to check it in the morning. I went through all my books and movie tonight and I am getting rid of most of them. I just wanted to make sure that no one wanted anything. I could hold on to them until you can look through it and see what you want. Well next week at this time it will be the first day of my new job. Everything is going so fast, it is crazy. I hope that everyone has a good night and stays safe.
Well I started a new co-op. It is growing morning glories. I hope that I have more growing those than I did the pumpkins. Well things are good here. I have another round of changes to do for dad's work so I better get started on those. I hope that everyone has a great Wednesday.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
interesting day
Grandma's furniture came and it is really nice. I really like it. I started cutting my blocks for the quilt and I might be doing 40 pillows instead. They aren't turning out too well. I am going to cool off and try again when I am not so tired. I had a nice evening with Rachel and grandma. It is nice to have Rachel come and visit. Tomorrow I am going to just try to get things organized. I took books out of Rachel's old closet and determined I want to keep them. Now I just have to find a place for them. I will have to think about it for awhile. It is so hard to give up books. WEll have a great hump day. I can't believe tax time is upon us. Dad made it home safe and sound and will work on getting them all taken care of tomorrow for us.
Robin you might not want to come home until you sign them.
Robin you might not want to come home until you sign them.
i am on top of it
I noticed that pumkins were done in 8 hours so I got up early and harvestest. I don't think we should do pumkins again, it is a lot of work. Today was rainy and cold. I ate lunch at the italian place and it was good. Me and mom are sewing tonight. It is a good night.
Well all but 2 of my pumpkins have withered. I will try again. Well work was good. I started a new proposal. I have to get some stuff for dad's work done tonight. I am glad that grandma got her stuff today. I am sorry that she has an ear infection though. Good thing you went and got her checked out though. Well I better get going. Have a great one BYE
you guys rock
Thanks for joining the co-op my plants withered though. Hopefully tonight I can get on top of it. Shooting went really late last night. We were shooting till 4 am at dans market place on foothill. they have parking terrace that we did the last scene where the main girl gets shot. We are shooting tonight also hopefully it doesn't go to long. I think that wens. and thursday we are not shooting so I will drive to logan if that is the case. Well I am glad that everyone is doing well. have a great one
Monday, April 12, 2010
Monday, Monday
I had a nice day today. I took grandma into the ear doctor and she has a bad wax/infection in her bad ear. They have to do drops for awhile and then we go back. They wouldn't do a hearing test until we can get that cleared up. Not much else going on here. I also joined the pumpkin squad. We are a team for sure. Tomorrow morning grandma's bed comes. that will be nice for her to have her own stuff. She worries she doesn't have anything. Well dad comes home tomorrow I think. He said everything went well.
We got the serve set up and it is amazing. We have 4 Terabytes of memory and we can access it from anywhere. It is pretty exciting. Today was good, it went really fast. Me and Robin found a nice location on Wyoming street and Casey is going to check it out this week. I also joined the pumkin co op. It will be fun. Well I dont have much else going on have a good week.
I am glad that dad made it safe. Good luck with the house hunting Rachel. If there is anything I can do to help let me know. I joined Robin's pumpkin thing on farmville. Just thought I would let you know that I am helping. Work was good today. It rained a lot this afternoon. It is suppose to be nasty tomorrow also. But then it is suppose to be beautiful the rest of the week. This is Rachel's last full week at Icon. Good luck with it. Well I hope that everyone has a great night. BYE
Sunday, April 11, 2010
dad safe and sound
just thought i would send a quick note that dad made it safe and sound to Virgina. We had a quiet night, we watched the third Harry Potter. Good luck Rachel with your house hunting. I am sure you will find an awesome house. Have a great week guys.
Well I made it back to clifton and casey made it also. I had a good weekend. I am glad that you got some sleep robin, you needed it. I am glad that dad made it off safetly. Good job on you stable karen I am glad that it is warm down there, I need to visit. Well we haven't found a house yet but we will find an awesome one. Me and robin for a nice nieghborhood so casey will check that house out. Everyone have a good night.
Well I had to turn on my AC yesterday. It was getting a little to warm in my place. Which my seem strange to you northerners because you still have snow, but it is 80 here. Well tomorrow we are starting to use the new MRP program at work. It should make for an interesting day at work. They trained us all on it in November and I think that I am the only one in engineering that remembers how to use it. Church was good today. I forgot it was fast Sunday though. And I did get a nap so that was nice. I am glad that the egg hunt was fun. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE
Well tonight our shooting was canceled. I was toying with the idea of coming home but I fell asleep and when i figured out the shoot was canceled I slept some more. So I think I am going to stay up here for the night. We are shooting tomorrow. I am just going to chill. I had fun this week, sorry I was tired for the most of it. but it was good to see everyone. I am glad that your stable is built karen. Well dad left for Virginia and casey went home to Idaho so I think I am going to warm up some spaghetti factory and watch a movie :)
home safe and sound
Way to go Karen on your stable. I already sent you a wooden board before I looked. Your farm looks really nice. The easter egg hunt was a lot of fun. Everyone stayed and stayed. It was nice. We got a hotel room for grandma and Robin stayed with her over night. Thank you Robin for letting be have some time with dad. I really appreciated that. I got him all packed up and he is on his way to Virginia. Robin is working today so she has been really busy. I am glad you got to go on a hike and then a movie. We wanted to go see a movie also but the hunt lasted longer than we thought. We were able to go to dinner with Casey and that was fun. Have a good sunday.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...