What a cute picture Rachel. I noticed there is no high chair. I am assuming he has outgrown that. He is growing up so fast. I worked this morning and got a lot done. I was going to buy binders for work and got to Staples and didn't have my work credit card so me and dad went back later. It is right by Trapper Johns. It was so crowded. All it is is a small grocery store. I am not sure what the big deal is but it was packed. We went to the mall afterwards and got dad a new batman carrier for his phone. His was coming unsewn. We just had a quiet evening. I am sorry you still aren't feeling good Robin. Did you find a doctor to go to yet? You need to make an appointment and followup with someone. Karen gets her internet on Thursday and I think she gets her washer and dryer on Wednesday. That will be nice for her. Dad went and took Grandma Bodily out to lunch while I was at work. She said she was doing OK. Have a nice Sunday. Man is it cold outside.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Thanks for the burger king gift card Karen. Me and Isaac went there for dinner and it was fun to get out. We had a good day, nothing too exciting. Casey made it to SLC alright and is doing good. I don't have much else going on. I will leave you a picture of Isaac listening to Raffi and looking outside. He loves Raffi. He pointed to the speakers last night and said Raffi, it was cute. Everyone have a good night.
sorry I didn't blog again, I feel asleep again watching a movie. THen I slept all day today. I really have been lazy. I was thinking about going to the gym to stretch my back a little and get out but I took a nap instead. The pills really haven't helped to much but I;m not as worried since I know its not my appendix rupturing. It definatly gets worse when I eat the wrong foods. but I think its just going to take some time. anyway I might go to the store tonight just to get out but I may just take a nap. I blogged early incase the later happens :) have a great saturday
Friday, January 4, 2013
loop de loop
Rachel, I really like the loops on the quilt. It looks really nice. I am glad you had a good day. Isaac is talking really well. He has figured it out. He will be talking better than grandma before you know it. I will take good care of Casey for you. If it gets to much for him he can change his mind. It hasn't been that long since he broke his shoulder. I worked late and dad took me to dinner. That was nice. I am going to work a few hours tomorrow. It was really cold today. I had a hard time getting warm. That is cute he likes to by the fireplace. It has been one of our favorites spots also. I think next weekend I am going to go to Logan and just visit if that is OK. Then the next weekend I get to babysit. I am way excited about that one. We will have to work out a plan. Have a nice weekend. I love you guys MOM
I don't know
Casey is working in SLC this weekend and me and Isaac are going to stay up here. I want him to go to nursery on Sunday. We had a good day. It is cold so we stay inside mostly. I went to the quilt store to pick up the valentines mystery table runner. I am excited to do it. When we were walking to the store from the car Isaac said fabric so he knew where we were going. He is talking so much, it is crazy how fast he is picking it up. Tonight me and Casey were talking and I said I don't know and he started saying it all night. It was really cute. I need to hand sew the binding on the kite quilt and then I am done. I also pinned the cross hatch quilt and started quilting it. I decided to do loops. I like it so far, I hope that it looks good when it is done. It is pretty easy to do. I have attached pictures. Also Isaac moved his trampoline by the fire place and it is his favorite spot. I put a picture of that also. Everyone have a good Friday night.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Almost Friday
I love the boots Robin. You really needed a new pair. Yours were getting holes in the bottoms of them. You will amazing in them. I hope you are starting to feel better. Are the pills helping? Rachel I am going to go see Isaac pictures as soon as I am done blogging. I am sure they are darling. I had a busy day. I worked late but that is OK because it means I am not using all my vacation. I will have some saved up. Seer had a big meeting today and I guess they worked everything out. So we are a go again. I am glad that Isaac is feeling better. It will start getting lighter longer and that will help everyone. Have a nice Friday. LOVE MOM
Happy Isaac came back :)
Sorry I forgot to blog also. We were watching a movie also I lost track of time. I really like those boots Robin, that was a good buy. That is exciting. Today was really good. Isaac was in a really good mood. It was fun to just play with him all day. It was really nice and it was good to see him so happy. We took his pictures tonight. He wasn't very good but we got a couple good ones. I think that his 18 months were better. I got enough to give you guys some also. I am in a couple of the ones online because he was having a hard time, I look awful. I should of posed better I thought she would just zoom in on him. Anyway I emailed everyone the link and here it is also, just copy it into your internet browser https://viewimages.jcpportraits.com/sharealbum/sharealbumlist?rndId=AAkJBQRPUQ==&uId=AAkBAQZFWQ==
I had to do it
sorry I didn't blog last night I fell asleep watching paint your wagon, so I am blogging early tonight just incase it happens again. I think vegas will be fun I am excited. well there were these shoes on amazon and they were naughty monkey brand which I love and They were on sale. I had them on my mind all day today and I bought them. I shouldn't have, I know,but I did. but away that is my big news. Sorry about dads work. If you guys need anything let me know. have a great friday
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Made it
I made it back to work. I worked overtime also but it won't go into overtime because I won't have 40 hours. I am going to work a little over the rest of the week to get caught back up. I might even work a little bit on Saturday. I put a whole chicken in the crock pot today and man was that good. It had so much juice and I made gravy and stove top stuffing. It was so nice to come home and have dinner ready. I made stock afterwards and now I am going to make chicken and dumplings tomorrow. I am not getting any of the 2013 posts showing on the blog. I have to go into them individually. Is there something I need to do to get them to save? Seer didn't pay any one today. I know what is new. They are having a big meeting tomorrow. I will keep you posted on that one. I am excited for you girls to go to Vegas. That will be fun. I am also really excited to be with Isaac the whole time. WE are going to have a great time. LOVE MOM
well it was realy nice having a short commute. i had to go to work early. then i had to stay late to help with inventory. i hope that your pills help robin. have a good one bye
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Back to work
Robin I am so sorry about the pizza. I didn't mean for us to eat it. I thought it would be good for Matt's family. I feel bad about us eating it. I hope the pills help a lot and quickly also. We had a quiet day also. They did come in and fix our hot water but it really isn't fix. I hope we have hot water soon. Time seemed to go so fast. I sure had a fun time hanging out with everyone. I will watch Isaac when you go to Vegas. You three can have a girls party time. That will be fun. Well wish me luck going back to work. It is going to be busy. It seems like sunday to me. At least the week will be a short one. LOVE MOM
I went to instacare today, I could still feel the pressure in my back and didn't want something to rupture or have something terrible go on. So they did some blood work and he said I probably caught a virus and it is making my stomach not work properly or making acid reflux stuff worse. so he gave me some pills to try out and said to cut out greasy foods and dairy till it fills better. So its nice its not my gallbladder, I have to call to see if the other tests for kidneys came out ok but he said he wasn't worried. But we helped matt and melissa move and I had pizza after and the greasy pizza was not a good idea. I felted so gross and my back hurts so bad. so tonight I took and nap and rested. My back hurts worse but I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel. hopefully the pills will work quickly. well have a great night
Today was a good start to the new year. We just took it easy this morning although Isaac refuses to sleep in. He stayed up kind of late last night but he woke up at 7, I was hopping he would sleep in. When Isaac was napping I pinned my kite quilt and Casey put new foam around the doors to keep the cold out. Casey's Mom, Grandma and Allen came over around 3. Their computer wasn't working so Casey fixed it for them. Casey made lasagna for dinner and it was really really good. Isaac was a pill at dinner and wouldn't eat and was whinny. After they left we watched the Cars movie and had snacks. It was nice to just relax. I hope that everyone has a good day back at work tomorrow. I am going to miss all this time off. Oh, we have been talking and I think that I am just going to go to Vegas. Casey will stay in here and maybe Mom could watch Isaac or he could come with, I am leaning towards him staying here with Mom but we can think about that too. Everyone have a good day tomorrow.
well i can kindof blog from my phone. it wil be short. tomorrow i am going into work early to help with inventory. should be fun. well i was just lazy today. it was nice. i might be getting caught up on sleep. well i hope that everyone has a great week. bye
Monday, December 31, 2012
Ironing in the new year
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! We had a quiet day. Karen came down and she bought her a new washer and dryer at Lowe's. It is not a front loader but is really a fancy one. It is a Whirlpool. They are going to deliver it on the 8th of January. She doesn't get internet until the 9th so she will be blogless until then. Robin I hope you don't have a party too late into the night. It is really quiet here. After Karen went back home dad went to work because they needed to recollect two chemicals to be done with 4 units so I ironed and watched Monk. I still have some to do but I am getting caught up. Dad has shirts again. :) We have no hot water at our place. Dad looked at it but couldn't figure it out. I will have to call maintenance tomorrow. I am not sure they will fix it on a holiday. I guess a cold shower is in my future. Rachel I think that is funny that Isaac jumps without holding on. He is such a dare devil. I miss him already. We just laughed and laughed about all the cute things he did this weekend. I don't have any more news. Have a happy new year. LOVE MOM
Happy New Year
I am sorry that your neighbors are having a party Robin, that sucks. Maybe they will move locations. I hope that you were able to take a awesome bath Karen. I am glad that you got a washer and dryer. We had a good day. It is so nice to have Casey home. He is feeling better I think. He is still having a hard time sleeping. Isaac woke up at 6:30 this morning, he is out of control. He was kind of grumpy but not too bad. He was really happy to be home. He can jump on the trampoline without holding on now, he got a kick out of that. We don't have any great plans for tonight it is nice to be home. I hope that everyone has a good New Years Eve and I hope that we have an amazing 2013.
2012 farewell
Thanks for the fun weekend ;) i love your house karen so cute. I got signed into my pattern making class :) I was way excited. it starts the 14th. I hope everyone has a good new years. I think the guy upstairs is starting to have a party. the music is loud and lots of walking around. it will be a crazy night. I might make some bread or something to kill time and listen to my good music. I guess I will be up anyway. I put a picture of grumpy cat below he's my new favorite thing. its so funny. HAPPY 2013!! let it be lucky for us all!!
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...