Thursday, September 12, 2019

So close

Today was good.  Nothing too exciting and I like that.  I think we will have Rachel come to our house on Friday and go to the quilt show and then make our way up to Kamas to spend the night on Sunday and then go to the balloon show on Sunday morning.  Does that work for you Robin?  We are taking Karen archery shooting at 5 tomorrow for an hour.  We do have an extra ticket if someone wants to use it  Happy Birthday Karen.  I like your table.  Everyone enjoy your Friday.  I am only working 1/2 day and going to lunch with Karen and Costco.  LOVE MOM

Happy Birthday Karen!!!

That is no fun to take tests on your birthday.  You are amazing to do that.  Good job.  Today was good and it was slower today which was nice.  After we took Isaac to school the little kids were just lazy and watched power rangers.  Oliver and Ruth both had school this afternoon and I was able to sew which was fun.  We walked to pick up the boys and it was a pretty day.  I carried the boys scooters so they could ride them home and Oliver was mad that I brought them.  If I don't bring them he is also mad.  Ruthie rode her bike and I had to pull her home which is a lot of work.  This evening homework seemed to go fast and we just played and it felt nice.  We will head down tomorrow evening.  It will be late around 7 or 8.  Have fun tomorrow.



My day has been good. It was super cold this morning though. It was 35 when I left for work. Work dragged a bit but I made it thru. Then I had an exam in my psychology class and a quiz in my programing class. So that took up a good chunk of my night. I hope everyone had a great day.

Here is a picture of the printer stand Rachel and Robin got me for my birthday. I think it looks really nice.


Happy birthday Karen. I hope you had a good day. Today felt like a Wednesday all day. So it will be nice tomorrow is Friday. The funeral isn't till Monday so we don't have to alter plans. We can do what is easiest. I clean our place today and it was nice to vacuum. Although Jenkins hated it.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Nice evening

It was a nice evening, I was able to talk with everyone tonight.  I think that Rachel and family will stay in SLC on Friday and then if there isn't a funeral we can go to Thanksgiving point on Saturday and Karen and Dad will take the kids.  We will then head up to Kamas and spend Saturday night and go to the balloon fest on Sunday.  Robin you do what you need to do to help Jeramy.  That is so sad.  We aren't far if you need anything.  If that plan sounds good then we will go with that one until we know the plans better.  We are so flexible.  Work was crazy busy.  I am working 1/2 day on Friday and then taking Wednesday off to go play with Isaac at Bear Lake.  I think that will be fun.  I sure loved the rain today.  I haven't seen it rain like that in a long time.  Have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. It rained here most of the day. After work I had to do a computer lab. The program was pretty easy, but my comply it. So I called dad and he got it fixed for me. Tomorrow I have 2 quizzes to take so yeah for me. I am sorry about Jeremy's father in law. If you guys need anything just let me know. Have a great day tomorrow everyone. Bye


I am sorry about Jeremy's ex father in law.  That is hard.  It is cold and it feel s like fall.  I bought a reflective vest for walking in the morning since it is so dark now.  Stephanie made it to exercise class today and it was fun to talk with her.  She hasn't come since school started.  At the class Ruth needed to use the bathroom and I told Oliver if he took her I would get him a treat.  So after a took a shower we went to chick fil for lunch.  The kids had fun.  Then we took Oliver to school.  Me and Ruth went to quilt group and that was fun.  I think we are going to make Lori Holt's farm quilt over the next two years.  Just do a block a month.  It was good to talk with everyone.  It was threatening rain so we drove to pick up the boys.  I had to run to the store for some odds and end stuff.  Oliver wanted a toy vacuum that can suck things up so he bought one with his money and it came today.  He was so excited and cleaned the whole house.  He kept saying how shinny everything looked.   Isaac had scouts this evening and he has fun.  He likes to go.  Mom is going to go on a field trip with Isaac next week which should be fun, he is excited.  Have a great birthday tomorrow Karen, you are amazing.



Today was ok  Jeramy found out that his ex father in law committed suicide yesterday so we might have to go to a funeral this weekend. I don't have details yet. It was cold on my walk with Jenkins tonight. We are definitely out of summer. Have a good night


Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Today was alright. Work we had a long meeting so it made the day drag. I came home and worked an a project for the customer care v.p it was just cutting vinyl but nothing was working and it was stressing me out. Me and Jeramy will drive up on Friday but we will probably spend one night if that is ok

Made it

I had the hardest time falling asleep last night but my day went well so that was good.  The thunder shook our windows this afternoon.  It was pretty cool.  Rachel,  that is neat your got hail.  I love the way the boys do homework together.  That is cute.  Not much else going on with me.  I swear I have a bug.  At night I get feeling crummy.  Nothing bad just off.  Maybe it is the weather.  It is suppose to be a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. It rained off and on most of the day. It started at 630 am with thunder, lightning, and pouring rain. Then it was meeting day at work, so I didn't feel very productive. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good.  I walked this morning and that was nice.  I took the little kids to the cheese factory because we were out of chocolate milk.  We haven't been in a while and it was fun to go.  Oliver and Ruth had school this afternoon.  I volunteered in Isaac's class for a half and hour and then came home and sewed.  The neighbor girl was passing love notes to Isaac and I told her to stop.  Isaac said she kept doing it all day so it didn't help me talking to her.  Randy came over and worked on the tile which was really nice.  A huge storm came through and it was hailing and raining so hard.  It rained the rest of the day off and on.  The kids loved the hail and played on the trampoline with it and got all wet.  They had fun.  Love you guys.  Enjoy the rain and the cooler temperatures.  It is always cold at the hot air balloons if I remember correctly.


Monday, September 9, 2019

I'm game

I think we could do both.  I will check on the quilt show and the balloon show.  I think the hot air balloons go Saturday and sunday.  Not much going on with me.  It was payroll Monday but I worked yesterday so I didn't go in early.  That was nice.  After work we went to Walmart to get allergy pills and they had all their sweat shirts out for the kids and they weren't picked over.  I  might have gone a little over board.  I also got a couple of bows.  I think that is cute she like to wear them.  Robin, are you spending the night in Kamas?  I was sure what your plans were.  Every one have a great Tuesday.  It is suppose to storm on Wednesday.  Karen you might need a winter coat for that one.  LOVE MOM


We are doing Autumn Aloft this weekend.  It thought we could come to Karen's on Friday and stay until Sunday.  I saw that they had the quilt show at Thanksgiving point but I didn't know how it would work doing both.  I would love to go.  It was a busy day.  It is cold and dark in the morning which is depressing.  We went to excessive class and she is doing a new program call High which is a lot of jumping.  Oliver has a bunch of cute boys he plays with there so he has fun.  We went visiting afterwards and then the little kids had school.  I had to run to the store and then I was able to sew.  It wasn't as hot walking home today but it was still hot.  Tonight Casey mowed the lawn and Randy came over and laid a couple more floor tiles.  Love you guys and I am excited for the hot air balloons.



Well it was chilly here today. It might be time to break out the jackets. My day was good. Work dragged a bit but I made it thru. I went in a little early because one of my classes has a live session once a week and monday from 430 to 530 was the best one for me. So I left work a little early and got signed on. After a few minutes I started checking emails and it said that the live session starts tomorrow. So I just worked on other homework instead. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Are we doing Autumn loft this weekend? They are also doing quilts in the gardens at Thanksgiving point fyi. Today was good for a monday I worked late and then we just relaxed the rest of the night. It was pretty chill


Sunday, September 8, 2019


I decided I needed food today. So I went to Walmart this morning. So yeah, I have food again. I also washed my dehydrator. Since my peaches are all dried it seemed like a good idea. I also put together the present Rachel and Robin got me. It looks nice having my printer off the floor.  I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Jeep is fixed

We slept in and then I went to work for a little while and dad finished up fixing the jeep.  The Air conditioner isn't work great but we will see what is causing that.  We test drove it today and went to where Hot Dynasty use to be.  The place wasn't that great.  I don't think we will go back.  It was dirty.  Rachel Ruth looks like a ballerina.  I love it.  I am glad the boys had a good time camping.  Robin, I am glad you went to get Jeramy checked out and had a good time watching movies.  We have rested a lot this weekend.  Karen I am glad you took next Friday off.  That will be fun.  We do have an extra ticket for Archery on Friday at 5:00 if anyone is interested.  It kind of rained here but it still felt hot to me.  LOVE MOM


Yesterday we woke and and went and got Jeramy s exrays just to check on his lungs. Then we went and got my eyes checked and ordered more contacts. there was aroller derby help.raide money for a cancer patient so we went and watched the game. Today we just relaxed and watched avenger movies. Jeramys having me watch the ones I missed before we watch end game. and dad had a happy anniversary :)


Happy Anniversary

I am glad that you had a good Anniversary weekend Mom and Dad.  We had a good weekend.  The boys had a fun time backpacking and Isaac did really well.  The kids had primary practice yesterday morning and I had told Casey the wrong time so they didn't make it back but it was OK.  I took Oliver and he was scared.  It took a bit to get him to sit on the stand but he eventually was fine.  We went out to lunch with Nate and then he left.  It was good to see him.  We didn't do much else the rest of the day and that was nice.  The primary program was today and the boys did really good and were cute.  We have a million kids in nursery and it is really crazy.  It was raining this afternoon on and off.  We picked the tomatoes and Casey and Isaac and made salsa.  They made enough to freeze.  We had tacos for dinner and it was good with the salsa.  I only took one picture this weekend.  Ruthie has been liking to wear bows again they are cute on her.  The bigger the better for her.  



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...