Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Nice evening

It was a nice evening, I was able to talk with everyone tonight.  I think that Rachel and family will stay in SLC on Friday and then if there isn't a funeral we can go to Thanksgiving point on Saturday and Karen and Dad will take the kids.  We will then head up to Kamas and spend Saturday night and go to the balloon fest on Sunday.  Robin you do what you need to do to help Jeramy.  That is so sad.  We aren't far if you need anything.  If that plan sounds good then we will go with that one until we know the plans better.  We are so flexible.  Work was crazy busy.  I am working 1/2 day on Friday and then taking Wednesday off to go play with Isaac at Bear Lake.  I think that will be fun.  I sure loved the rain today.  I haven't seen it rain like that in a long time.  Have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM

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