Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Today was good.  I walked this morning and that was nice.  I took the little kids to the cheese factory because we were out of chocolate milk.  We haven't been in a while and it was fun to go.  Oliver and Ruth had school this afternoon.  I volunteered in Isaac's class for a half and hour and then came home and sewed.  The neighbor girl was passing love notes to Isaac and I told her to stop.  Isaac said she kept doing it all day so it didn't help me talking to her.  Randy came over and worked on the tile which was really nice.  A huge storm came through and it was hailing and raining so hard.  It rained the rest of the day off and on.  The kids loved the hail and played on the trampoline with it and got all wet.  They had fun.  Love you guys.  Enjoy the rain and the cooler temperatures.  It is always cold at the hot air balloons if I remember correctly.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...