Friday, November 12, 2021


 Robin, if you get a library card then you can listen to all the audiobooks you want for free on an app called Libby.  It is amazing.  Today was good.  I walked and went to exercise class.  I helped in Ruth's class which was fun.  They are cute kids.  I went and got drinks for the practice tomorrow and ordered pizza.  Ruth had a friend come over and play after school.  The weather was so nice so we were able to play outside.  Tony was kind of down after we picked him up but he is acting better and more like him self.  He had a hard time with surgery and then we left.  I went to SLC and met up with my old roommates.  It was really good to met up and talk with everyone.  It was nice because we all in the same place in life and have mostly the same aged kids.  It was just nice to talk.  We will see you guys tomorrow for dinner.  Thanks for meeting up.




 I made it to work two days in a row. I got pizza for a meeting and I got some it was good. I did and it made me sad to see so many little kids getting the vaccine. Karens car checked out. She is spending the night tonight and playing tomorrow. We are hooking up in Ogden with the Anderson's tomorrow for dinner. Robin do you want to join us? I was also wondering who is cooking what for Thanksgiving. I want to buy stuff next Saturday. Everyone have a nice weekend. Love mom


 I got up this morning and took my car in. It turns out it isn't leaking oil per say. It looks like last time I took it for an oil change they missed the fill in port and instead poured it on to my engine. So that it what was dripping out. The cleaned up as much as the could and so far I haven't seen any drips. Then I came to mom and dad's and am going to spend the night. I hope everyone had a great Friday.  Bye


Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. Jeramys friend wife invited me to a girl's night to get ice cream. They all have kids too and so we didn't go out till 8 and didn't get home till 11. I was so tired, I am old. But it was fun to get out. Work is going well. Its so nice to not have to deal with all the wild stuff. I've been starting listening to pod casts because I'm just creating pos most of the day. I think I might upgrade to books to listen too since I get free ones through Amazon. Luna is regularlly flipping on her belly so she isn't far from learning she can roll everywhere. She was in a really good mood when I picked her up today. It was fun.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Back to work

 I made it back to work today and worked full time. I am behind but I will catch up someday. Dad did good while I was gone. He went for a walk. Our puzzle is coming around nicely. We did go get drugs after dinner and got gas in the jeep. Karen good luck on your jeep tomorrow. Rachel I think you are fine being tired. Just rest. Robin I am glad you got daycare fixed up. Love mom


I am obsessed with Josh Groban's Christmas music and listened to it on my walk this morning.  Me and Ruth helped do vision screenings at the elementary school.  Ruth was so good and just liked people watching the whole time.  Isaac and Oliver passed which is good.  Oliver played with a friend after school and Ruth had dance class.  Casey worked late so we met him for dinner at Costa vida and then he went back to work.  I was tired today and wasn't super productive but will do better tomorrow.


 Things are good here in Kamas. Work is just the usual. I am staying busy so that is nice. Tomorrow I am taking my jeep in to get the oil leak fixed, so wish me luck on that one. I am sorry that there is daycare drama Robin. I am glad that you have one at you work. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


 I think that is a good idea to have Luna at your work daycare.  It would be nice to check on her at lunch or something.  I hope am glad your got your teeth Mom.  You waited a long time for them.  I am excited for you.  Casey and Isaac have colds so they didn't sleep well and I was up also.  I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  We did 100s today and it is so hard.  I had quilt group this afternoon and no one has been coming.  It was just me and two others.  It was still fun to talk.  Isaac had orchestra.  Casey came home early and that was nice to eat and have homework done earlier.  It seemed like we had more time in the evening.  Oliver is almost done with his makeup work.  Ruth ordered a new night light and it came today.  She was so excited and talked about it all day. She kept saying it is coming in the pm.  Tomorrow I am helping do vision screenings at the school.  Good times.




I dropped Luna off at daycare today and the lady that runs the whole daycare was in the infant section for drop off. Its her son and daughter in law that watch the babies. I guess they had a huge family blow up because she wanted to charge them rent and it didn't go well. So I guess they are not going to do the day care either. So she is looking to move things around but wasn't sure how many kids they can have due to being short 2 people. So I figured it's a good time to move her over to the work daycare. I emailed them and said they had a spot open. So I'm just setting up the specifics and then I will move her over. She is still fine going to the daycare she's in now. I just figured it would be better to have her closer to me. But other then that the day was good. 



 I worked this morning and dad slept. It is so nice to see him sleep. He wanted a hamburger so we went to the shake shake. He isn't ready for that yet. We got my new dentures and I like them. They feel weird but I am sure I will get use to them I have years and years. Dave came over and bought dad some protein shakes. That was nice of him. I am going to work tomorrow. I think it will be ok. Just two days and then I am home for the weekend. I missed dropping by and seeing Luna. Dad was done by the time I got my dentures and we just came back. I took a nap. Everyone enjoy Thursday. Love mom


 Things are going good here. It was just the usual here. Just work and then school. I hope you teeth thing went good today mom. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone. Bye 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 It was cold and rainy today.  It wasn't raining this morning on our walk which was nice.  It was nice to go in a walk again.  It was Ruth's 50th day of school and they had a party.  They were supposed to dress like the 50s so after we dropped the boys off we went and got a dress.  I thought she was so cute.  Then we did a frozen puzzle and listened the soundtrack.  That made us want to watch the movie so we did.  When she was at school I worked on Tiffany's quilt.  I have quilt group tomorrow so I wanted to finish it but I still have one row left.  I finished the laundry.  We also cleaned Ruth and Oliver's room.  They look better.  The boys had activity days tonight.  They had people come and they had fun.  Then Casey helped Andy next door move some furniture.  They are getting new floor out in.  Oliver still has a bunch of make up work so we are plowing through that.  The other kids I think are caught up.  Love you guys 




 Man it is only Tuesday. I think it should be Friday. This time change is making me so tired. All I want to do is sleep. Dad is doing amazing. He is eating. It is nice. He even swallows his pills whole. We went to the mall to walk. I warmed up spaghetti for lunch and the microwave kept coming on and off. We thought it had finally died. While we went for a walk we bought a new one. Guess what it was a breaker and our fridge was off also. They can't figure out what is wrong. Fridge is now plugged in the living room. So it wasn't the microwave. Oh well we have a new one now. Robin Luna is so dang cute. Karen that is nice you got a night off. I am glad you are taking your jeep in again to see about the oil leak. Rachel I hope your day went well. Bet laundry if still on your list. I get my final pair of dentures tomorrow. It has been a year since I got my teeth pulled. Love mom


Today was good. Work is starting to get busy so that is nice to know enough to stay busy. It's so dark after work by the time we finish our walk it's almost too dark to be out with the little ones. But hopefully we will get a good routine down and keep making it home in time to fit it all in. 



 My day was good. It was meeting day so I was in meetings most of the morning and then I spent the afternoon working on the do to list from the meetings. It did rain here a bit. After work I ran to food town because I was out of granola bars. Now I have breakfast for tomorrow. I am all caught up on school stuff for the moment so I had a night off. It was nice not having homework to do. I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday and I hope that dad is doing good. Bye

Monday, November 8, 2021


 I decided to work today so I worked through emails. There were a lot of them. We did take a long break and go to the zoo to walk. Dad made it clear to the seals. We also walked the mall tonight just a little ways. I am going to work from home tomorrow and Wednesday. I have to go to the dentist in Wednesday and get my final dentures. Yeah! It is a 130. I am not sure if we can stay to hook up for dinner robin. Dad is doing better he ate potato soup for lunch and dumplings for dinner. I am having a hard time with the day light savings also. It is hard. Poor Luna. Rachel I hope the kids got back to school ok. Love mom


 Today was good.  I didn't have anything for lunches so instead of a walk I went grocery shopping.  We went to exercise class and it was so fun to be back.  Ruth wore everything from the vacation.  I ran errands while Ruth was at school.  We worked on make up school work.  We have have a way to go.  Isaac hung all his photos on his wall and it looks good.  Love you guys.




Today was good but weird all my computer apps were not working so it took some time to get things up and running. Then I came home and hurried and went on a walk it's so dark now so early. Then Luna ate some sweet potatos. The time change is hard for her so we are baby stepping to get on a new schedule. 


 Well I was tired today because my pump kept waking me up every hour from 12 til 3 saying my blood sugar was high. It was super annoying. Oh well I made it through the day. Work went good, i am just working on my to do list so it isn't too exciting. Then I noticed my car is till leaking oil so I called the jeep place again and I have an appointment at 10 on Friday. Then I took my economics test. I got a 93 on it so I did pretty good. So it was a busy day but nothing too exciting. I hope that everyone made it through their Monday's. Bye

Sunday, November 7, 2021


 Dad wanted to go out and walk so we went to the zoo and bought a season pass and went and saw the elephants. It has been a long time since we were up there. It was fun. We just made it as far as the elephants but it was fun. We went to Target afterwards to get a Brita filter. Dad thought it might help swallow the water. We just vegged after that. I got a nap. If dad could swallow you would never know he had surgery. Weird. I am glad you are back home Rachel. It will be hard to get into the real world. You had such a fun time. Karen I can't believe you are making it through 3 classes this semester and being sick along with it. Robin I hope you got some rest. I am off tomorrow also but I think I might work a little bit. We had bugs in our kitchen last night. Freaked me out. I cleaned under the cupboard. Dad will check on his night walking tonight. Love mim

We are back

 I am glad that everyone got to met up yesterday.  That is fun.  I hope Dad had a better day.  We made it home but it is a long drive.  We drove all day yesterday and got home around 2 am.  I picked up Tony this morning and it was good to have him back.  We went to church and we did the primary program walk through and it went really well.  The time was right and the kids sang so beautiful.  We have no food in the house so we went to panda for dinner.  Then we slept through two movies.  It will be hard to get back to school and work tomorrow.  I have no pictures today.  Car rides aren't exciting.  Love you guys.




 Well I got this morning and did my laundry. It was really starting to pile up. Then I had lunch. After lunch I watch my economics lecture. It was a little boring. It was just a review for the test tomorrow. Then I took a nap. I had roast beef and potatoes for dinner and that tasted really good. then I wrote a paper for my global supply chain class. This is the last paper I need to write besides the final. That means that the semester is coming to the end. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...