Saturday, July 14, 2012


That is fun that Isaac went swimming.  I will bring my swim suit.  Maybe I can go also.  That would be fun.  We could go on the 27th also.  I am glad you went.  He is getting so grown up.  I had a good day today.  I slept in late went grocery shopping and then met Julie for awhile.  Me and dad went to Sams tonight and it was nice to walk around.  I am tired.  I am going to try and go to church tomorrow.  It has been a long time since I have went.  Have a great Sunday.


I feel like I went swimming

So I went to Walmart to get some corn syrup. It wasn't raining when I left, but When I got out of Walmart it was pouring. I was soggy by the time I got to my car. I also got all the papers sent to the bank to get my pre-approval all done. Yeah for me. Thanks for finding that paper for me mom. Other than that it has been a quiet day. It has been nice having one of those. I lost power last night at 9:30 and it didn't come back on until midnight. Oh well I just tried to go to bed on time. Didn't sleep well cause it was hot but still I tried. Well I hope that everyone has a great Saturday. BYE

Friday, July 13, 2012

i wish i went swimming

well I just worked instead of swimming. I wish I did go swimming thought that sounds fun :) not to much else with me I work tomorrow and sunday is the shoot for the haunted house video. It will probably be a disaster but at least it will be over. well not to much else going on have a good night robin

A little too much fun

Today was really fun.  We walked to the park and Isaac played really well today.  We stayed for a long time.  It was fun.  It is a work out taking him down the slide over and over.  Then when we got home it was time to meet Casey for lunch.  After Isaac's nap we went to the swimming pool and it was so much fun.  We went for a hour and Isaac really liked it.  I love the kids pool they have there, it is amazing.  Maybe bring your swimming suit up Tuesday Karen and we can swim while Mom is at the doctors.  With a the playing I didn't the all the laundry folded until later.  I mowed the lawn and picked a couple of raspberries before it started to rain.  I think that me and Casey are going to watch a movie.  Isaac didn't want to read any books for bed time he just wanted to go to sleep, I wore him out.  Casey is going to SLC tomorrow I think that we might try swimming again.  We will see how it goes.


Alittle rain

Well it is a little rainy here tonight. Work was good we had death by chocolate day. And it was someones last day so we went out to lunch. It was fun. I am glad that it is Saturday tomorrow. I am excited to sleep in tomorrow. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Red HOt

It was a hot one today.  I keep hoping it will cool down but I think we have several weeks before that happens.  I LOVE the quilt Rachel. That is beautiful. Congratulations.  You are amazing.  I got the baby shower invitations today and took them to Kay's house.  She got a brand new pilot and it is a sweet ride.  It has heated seats.  She is ready to go.  We went to target afterwards and it was so nice just to walk around.  I didn't buy anything but just nice to get out of the house for awhile.  Karen save me some of the death by chocolate.  I am jealous.  I think we are going to order a pizza and watch scary movies tomorrow night.  It is Friday the 13th.  Have a great weekend.  I am excited for next week and the week afterwards.  It is going to be a busy couple of weeks.  I love busy weeks.  Jed leaves for Kuwait tomorrow.  Pray for them that they make a sell.  I think we might go looking around at areas where we might be able to move.  Just getting started on where to move. 

A Thursday

Thanks Robin for the present, I am excited to see what it is.  I am glad that you guys had a good day and were productive.  We had a good day, it was kind of low key.  I did finish my quilt and am excited about that.  It took a long time to do and I like how it all came together.  I started on Karen's pillows so you should have them in two weeks max.  I had a relief society meeting tonight and it was good to talk with people.  Casey had to work late so when he came home I left.  I don't have much else going on.  I can't believe it is Friday tomorrow.


a day

today was alright. i had to go into work early today and yesterday I worked at lagoon. I am tired. not to much else going on. I got rachels present in the mail yesterday, its not what you asked for but I think it looks fun :) anyway have a good night robin

The eve before Friday the 13th

Well tomorrow is Friday the 13th and death by chocolate day at work. It should be awesome. I just strained some spearmint that I had soaking for a month. I will have to try and make candy this weekend and see how it works. It sure smells good. Work is still moving right along. Nothing too exciting to report. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Quiet nigh

We had a quiet night.  We just vegged.  I was going to go get my haircut but we just never made it that far.  I am getting lazy.  I am glad that tomorrow is Thursday.  So close to the weekend.  I am excited for your birthday Rachel.  I made an appointment for a mamagram that day.  I hope you don't mind it is at 3:40.  I have gotten about 3 letters the last month that I need one.  I caved in, it shouldn't take too long to get done.  What do you want to do for your birthday?  Do you want to go somewhere for dinner or do you want me to bring something up.  It is up to you.  You get to decide what you want for you birthday dinner.  Have a great day.  LOVE MOM

Sweet summer rain

Today was good.  The quilt I am working on I bought some white fabric for and it is really thin so I had to double it up so I used more fabric than I was thinking.  So I went and got more fabric today and picked up the Italian Place for lunch and brought it to Casey.  It wasn't great and Isaac didn't like it.  He only took a hour nap and I think it was because he was hungry.  I feed him a tamale and he ate the whole thing, he loved it.  I took him to the fun park and he had a good time.  He didn't like the soft gym but he loved walking around the games and playing with the balls in the games.  I won enough tickets to get two balls and he loved them for a couple of minutes.  I got a coupon for the noodles and company for my birthday so we went there for dinner, it was a lot of fun.  Then we went to Khols and Casey got me a new necklace for my birthday, it is pretty and I am super excited for it.  Also my day lilies are blooming and are really pretty.  There was a thunder storm when got home and Isaac loved it.  He was running around in the rain.  It was so fun.  We just played around in the backyard until it was bed time.  It was really nice evening.



Well my day has been pretty much the same old same old. I am glad that the week is half over though. I am ready for a weekend. I did go on amazon and pre-ordered Avenger's. It is coming out in September, but I thought I would get on the list. That about covers my exciting news. Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Good Day

I had a good day also.  I asked for the days off also and got them approved.  We are ready to play.  YEAH.  I made a stew from Karen's crock pot recipe book and it was really good.  It has sweet potatoes, meat, onions, and broth.  It was simple and really good.  It called for tyme and I used Karen's.  It was really good.  Work was busy and I am falling behind again.  I need to focus.  Have a great day.  I love Wednesdays.  Means the week is half over with.  Dad isn't going to China this week.  I am not sure when he is going.  I guess sometime next week.  I think it will be awhile before he goes.  Nothing new to report  LOVE MOM

not i

Sorry I don't have those day off. but I hope you guys have fun playing :) not much on my side. went to work, made cookies, gym, blogging. pretty exciting life :) well have a good one robin


Thanks guys for taking my birthday off.  I am excited.  We will have a fun time.  I will start thinking of fun things.  Today was busy and fun.  We went on a walk this morning and we lost his binky.  I ordered two more online so we would have a backup.  We went to story time and Isaac was a wild man.  He likes the singing parts the best and is good then.  We meet Casey for lunch and I sewed with Jenn.  We meet Randy for ice cream this evening.  I made chicken for dinner and it turned out pretty good.  I made a bean bag toss board out of a old coke box and Isaac had a lot of fun with it.  He played with it for a long time.  Then I modified it and made it a car garage with a ramp.  My creative juices were flowing today.  Well I am excited for my birthday, one more week.  Who hoo.



Well my day was good. I got the 17th and the 27th off also. So I am all set to play also. I also got a dentist appointment to fix the filling the fell out. Fun times. Work is going good. I am still staying busy so that is nice. I am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday. Yeah for the week being half over. Well have a great one. BYE

Monday, July 9, 2012


I did laundry tonight.  I knew I was behind and I did confirm that tonight when I had to do four batches.  It is nice to have it all caught back up.  Now I have ironing to do.  I did some tonight  because I had no clothes to wear.  It feels like I went shopping.  I love it when I have my ironing done. I still have a ton to do but I will work on that.  I haven't been able to keep up with it lately.  I just love that Isaac can say Oh Man.  He is so dang cute.  I have just missed him all day.  It was so nice to have everyone here this weekend.  Work was busy so the day went fast.  That is nice.  I think this whole week should be that way.  I have to cover in administration a lot this week.  I have to dress a little nicer when I do that.  I love your quilt Rachel.  It is beautiful.  You are so gifted.  I asked for the 17th off after I finished that meeting at 10:30 and also the 27th.  I got that all approved.  I am now officially able to play!!!!! That made my whole day.  I looked at all the fun things this month and I am afraid we are going to blink it will be over with.  I am looking forward to the demolition derby.  There is just alot going on.  Dad still doesn't have a confirmed date for China.  I guess I will be ready for a minutes notice.  Have a great day.  Stay cool it is so hot.  LOVE MOM

wrong side of the bed

I woke up super tired and I think the rest of the day followed a down ward slope. it was just an off day. nothing crazy just bleh. I did go to the gym but my calf hurt so I just did the elpical for a while. I am going to head for bed early and catch some zzzzz. have a good tuesday robin

Oh Man

Isaac threw all his toys on the floor and I said oh man and Isaac said it also, he said it a couple of times.  It was cute.  We went outside and came back in and I hadn't cleaned it up yet and he said oh man when he saw them all the floor.  It was funny.  He also is saying mud.  He started to play with his lawn mower last night also, it just took some time for his to warm up to it. Today was good.  It was really hot so we spent the afternoon inside.  I made more raspberry jam this morning and that was fun.  My quilt is starting to look good and it is a relief.  I am not done yet but I am attaching a picture so you can see how it is coming along.  Also here is a cute picture of Karen and Isaac this weekend.



Well I made it thru Monday. It was warm out today it was nice. I also didn't have to go to engineering meeting because most everyone is off at the trade show. So that was nice. I really don't have much to report so I guess I will sign off. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Nice weekend

 I just wanted to say thanks for the fun weekend.  I had such a nice time.  I love my family. I love playing games and just hanging out. Thank you for taking the time to spend with us.  I love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...